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Star Ocean 3

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Everything posted by Star Ocean 3

  1. Star Ocean 3

    This week in the NBA

    I went to bed without looking at any NBA results, and had this dream that the Clippers won a game, scoring 700 points, and it was their biggest win of the season and all that. Now I wake up and see that they beat the Celtics. Is my slumber related to Clippers victories!?
  2. Star Ocean 3

    Debating D'Antoni's Suns

    I wanted that Hallway Series between the Lakes and Clips to happen. Screw the selfish Suns for stopping that.
  3. Star Ocean 3

    Arrested Development: The Movie

    This is one of those shows I felt I had to like, but it never happened. It just wasn't funny.
  4. Star Ocean 3

    Anybody here seen "The Wrestler"?

    I felt weird how everyone was talking about the greatness of Mickey Rourke and that he's back, and I had never heard of him before this movie, ever.
  5. Star Ocean 3

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Idiocracy is coming true!! Uh..that doesnt sound like its 2 hours of someones ass for a movie entitled "ASS" It has to start somewhere.
  6. Star Ocean 3

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Idiocracy is coming true!!
  7. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    Yes, mockery is to be expected when you predict success for the Toronto, but Burke's done good things before. The Ducks made a lot of bad moves when Niedermayer and Selanne were sitting around, and the problems is Toronto are quite different. I've never followed the Leafs before, but their coach and GM have histories with teams I like, and they succeeded.
  8. Star Ocean 3

    Greatest African American Wrestlers

    I guess the "American" part of African American would be the most up for interpretation.
  9. Star Ocean 3


    That and there are so many transplants here from other towns that take their loyalties with them. There's just no local team to drown them out like with baseball or basketball.
  10. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    No, I can't imagine why no one takes your hockey input seriously. The way you edited my post shows that you don't understand what I said. And what, a Leafs Cup victory is that out of the question?
  11. Star Ocean 3

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    I'd just like everybody to take a moment and re-visit what may have been the best promo in this company's history.
  12. Star Ocean 3


    Living in Southern California and still rooting for the Raiders is kinda strange, don't you think? I mean, they left LA. They're gone. You're not bothered by that? OK, but here's the thing. It's like a relationship. Your girlfriend dumped you. Yes, you, a dashing, multiracial, multilingual stud (although your breath kinda smells like smog), and left you for another man. A dangerous man who nobody really likes, at that. Do you think it makes sense to still be in love with this girl after that? Right, so then you should just forget about her, and start looking over at that cute chick from San Diego you met a while ago. Sure, she's kinda butter-faced, and doesn't really know how to close the deal, but at least she'll be faithful. How about that? Well, if that's your attitude, then forget it!
  13. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    The Ducks are old, but everyone talked about their soon-to-be free agents, so that could be a good thing with unloading players. I think Bobby Ryan is the biggest bright spot on the roster and could be the best player on the team. I'm just waiting for the Leafs to develop into a Burkeian powerhouse. Which means win the Cup, then quickly disintegrate.
  14. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    Go Leafs! Burke-daddy will get it done.
  15. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    The Ducks need to tank and forget about the playoffs.
  16. Chun Li: My father saved his village at the cost of his own life. You had him shot as you ran away. A hero at a thousand paces! Bison: I'm sorry... I don't remember any of it. Chun Li: You don't remember? Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me... it was Tuesday. Zangief: General Bison is a bad guy? If you know then why do you work for him? Dee Jay: Because he paid me a freakin fortune, Man! If you know what's good for you you'll save your own ass! Zangief: ...you got paid? Zangief: D.J. come on, the enemies of peace and freedom are at the walls! D.J.: Are you demented man? Bison is the enemy of peace and freedom. These people have come all over the world to stop him. Zangief: Bison's a bad guy? Guile: I'm gonna kick that son of a bitch Bison's ass SO HARD!....that the next Bison wannabe is gonna feel it! Cammy: Cammy here, are you all right? Colonel William F. Guile: Yes. I'm just half dead. Cammy: And Bison? Colonel William F. Guile: All dead.
  17. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    Clearly the Ducks are trying to lock up that no.8 spot by losing on purpose, so that they'll finally get to play the Sharks in the playoffs. Good idea.
  18. Star Ocean 3

    NBA All-Star Weekend

    I will tune in next year to see the latest in band-aid fashion from Dwyane Wade
  19. Star Ocean 3

    Your FIRST Live Show

    The first two shows I went to were both WCW house shows. One had a main event of Sting-Hogan, the other Nash-Goldberg. So they're a couple years apart, but both shows had Ric Flair in a spot where his tights would get pulled down, exposing himself to the audience. So I saw Flair's bare ass on two non-consecutive occasions.
  20. Star Ocean 3

    Suggest Word Filters

    Barack Obama -> Our Lord and Savior Ducks -> Mighty Ducks (better if it's not a hockey discussion)
  21. Star Ocean 3

    TNA Impact - February 19, 2009

    I like that after all of this Frontline stuff the only people who could bring down the MEM are the MEM themselves.
  22. Star Ocean 3

    TNA Impact - February 12, 2009

    Who would've thought that 3 months in, the best moment of the MEM would still be Booker T's "RESPECK."
  23. Star Ocean 3

    DJ Khaled commits suicide

    This was 5 minutes from my house. The stupid news was making it out to be some kind of celebrity, but apparently it was just a nameless businessman. The cops kinda went overboard with their handling of it once he stopped, there were an awful lot of powerful firearms drawn just for one guy stuck in his car. And there were photographers and other gathered around, hoping it was a famous person. It was midnight, and freezing outside, sheesh.