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Star Ocean 3

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Everything posted by Star Ocean 3

  1. Star Ocean 3

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    At first I didn't really care, but Star Ocean 4 does look pretty good. Actual space travel with 5 planets, and field actions like pickpocketing will be back, as well as better Private Actions and multiple endings. Of course, I don't have an XBox.
  2. Star Ocean 3

    Best Live Show that you've attended

    PWG - Based on a True Story. Good show all around as it started with a Loser Leaves Town match, and finished with Guerilla Warfare that had Joey Ryan's year-long title reign ended by Human Tornado. NJPW - Wrestle Kingdom 2 - The whole card wasn't great, but it was loaded with guys I've never seen live before, and Angle-Nagata was awesome. Plus, there was the novelty of being in the Tokyo Dome.
  3. Star Ocean 3

    This week in the NBA

    Now maybe the Lakers can actually beat the Bobcats!
  4. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread

    David Beckham will probably be allowed to leave the Galaxy. Maybe the Kings can use money now.
  5. Star Ocean 3

    Amazing Opportunity to "Change the Game" for Women in Sports

    Did you know your first name's an adverb?
  6. Star Ocean 3


    And the circle is complete. First, Dane Cook is just ok, kinda new, don't really know him. Then we all decide he sucks, and spend time deconstructing why he sucks. But wait, now everyone's hating on him! That means we should defend him now. Well, that's not really a circle. Whatever.
  7. Star Ocean 3

    TNA Impact - January 29, 2009

    The weird thing is that MEM seem to side with some other heels sometimes. With the nWo, they were against everybody that wasn't a part of them, right? But MEM is supporting Morgan just because he's a heel, even though Morgan would be a young "TNA Original." I don't know what the direction is here.
  8. Star Ocean 3

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    Just seemed like lesbo Lisa to me. Every year they pick some random movie to do an entire episode off of, now.
  9. Star Ocean 3

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    I don't even know what going HD entails for this. It looks nicer? There were some seasons that were complete trash, but those days are gone. It's not as good as the early seasons, but it's climbed back to decency.
  10. Star Ocean 3

    The sports coverage and announcing thread

    Apparently TJ Simers can write a whole column with proper grammar and readable sentences. Maybe not coincidentally, the contents of it are good, as well. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-simers...,1111653.column
  11. Star Ocean 3

    Finish Him!

    Really? Seems like the guy taking it only has to flip back on his head. Petey needs to hold him, and jump all the way.
  12. Star Ocean 3

    Finish Him!

    Kanyon Cutter
  13. Star Ocean 3

    List things that don't interest you

    TSM Tournaments The Pit
  14. Star Ocean 3

    In Dandy Veritas

    I could be mistaken, but I'm almost certain you WERE in a tournament and complained your way out of it. That's amazing. Then, somehow I completely lost all memory of that exchange. OK, I still want no part of it. I'll just make my own tournament.
  15. Star Ocean 3

    In Dandy Veritas

    I think I'll call myself TSM's 65th poster, in honor of never being involved in any tournament, despite my longevity here.
  16. Star Ocean 3

    TNA Genesis 2009

    So does Shelley lose to Homicide immediately?
  17. Star Ocean 3

    What's a Good Forum to Sell/Trade Games?

    Telephone poles work. You can leave flyers in your local library, as well.
  18. Star Ocean 3

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    DVDs. No matter what I buy, it's just going to be rereleased a year later as some super extra special edition with more extras, making the one I just bought obsolete. This is especially disheartening with the announcement that the best movie ever, Street Fighter is getting that treatment.
  19. Star Ocean 3

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    So Time Warner's dropping Viacom stations. No more Spike TV, or TNA, for me. Or rather, no more Time Warner for me.
  20. Star Ocean 3

    NHL Thread - December

    The Winter Classic needs to come to LA next season. Kings-Ducks, on the Santa Monica beach, beautiful people in swimsuits, the horizon of the Pacific Ocean...that's hockey. I know Bettman knows of this idea.
  21. Star Ocean 3

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    When people start going on about what a terrible name Suicide is, do they realize that there's already a face named Homicide in the company? And he's supposed to be a great inspiration and representative to Latinos everywhere?
  22. Star Ocean 3

    List Things That Bother You

    Hey, it's still 11:30 pm. Now my Christmas is complete.
  23. Star Ocean 3

    List Things That Bother You

    That's your own problem of self control. Don't glorify gift cards because of it. And how about you force yourself to buy something fun for the other person? To the other guy, you don't need to catalogue your dad's book collection just to figure out what he doesn't have yet. Just think of something he'd want and take a chance. Or buy the damn book and hope he doesn't have it, the same way civilization has been doing it for the past 2000 years. Jesus might have already had some myrrh - do you think the 3 kings were worried? Hell no.
  24. Star Ocean 3

    List Things That Bother You

    OK, OK, so that doesn't bother me so much anymore. But I have another one. Let's see if you can ruin this for me: gift cards, what a terrible gift. It's basically saying, hey, I'm not creative enough to think of a real gift to buy you, and I think cash is too tacky, so I'm going to force you to shop at this store. I don't need anymore plastic cluttering my wallet. And now they're everywhere, freaking supermarkets are selling gift cards to every store imaginable, half of which will probably be useless because everything's going out of business. Screw gift cards and the people who give them.
  25. Star Ocean 3

    List Things That Bother You

    Can I cut a track in the middle so I can hear the song, and the thing at the end? It's probably too much work.