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Star Ocean 3

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Everything posted by Star Ocean 3

  1. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    You're an embarassment to Rancho Cucamonga.
  2. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    I agree with you guys, the California teams are awesome.
  3. Star Ocean 3

    TSM Frappr Map

    wooo hollywood
  4. Star Ocean 3

    The Raconteurs

    So if I hate Stead as she goes I'll like the rest of it?
  5. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

  6. Star Ocean 3

    THIS is the highest ratet show on TV?

    it's so great to use the past tense with that.
  7. Star Ocean 3

    Songs stuck in your head today

    A Look at Beethoven’s 32 Variations in C Minor (Part I) Beth Levin [July 2002.] Thema / Allegretto The eight-measure theme is in 3/4 time, strong in meter, in spine, in sound — chords and melody walk chromatically away from C minor, reach a climactic sforzando on IV (F minor), then quickly run home again. This is our basis from which everything will evolve. Let’s move on… Variation I Scale notes of the statement transform to arpeggios and repeated notes in 16ths — "lightly, lightly," Beethoven tells us — who are we to question? Harmonic form identical, sf on F intact, but resolve has given way to raindrops, sweetness prevails. Variation II Still leggiermente, the bass steals the treble’s pattern verbatim. It is Variation I turned exactly on its head. Variation III Beethoven, not ready to relinquish a good idea, combines I with II — arpeggios abound in both hands at once! The strength of it is its beauty — form intact, meter intact, C minor reigning. [cont]
  8. Star Ocean 3

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    dang east coast bias
  9. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    I assume everyone is watching San Jose now, and not sleeping.
  10. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    Does the better team go down 0-2 after 2 home games?
  11. Star Ocean 3

    Songs stuck in your head today

    Beethoven - 32 Variations in C Minor
  12. Star Ocean 3

    THIS is the highest ratet show on TV?

    Every single show on television is responsible for Arrested Development being cancelled.
  13. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  14. Star Ocean 3

    Family Guy

    It's like America and Arrested Development, it doesn't mean you're bad, just that we're not interested.
  15. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

    The best picture ever gets a double dip here
  16. Star Ocean 3

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

  17. Star Ocean 3

    I have an announcement.

    edited for brevity
  18. Star Ocean 3

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Predictions are just based on who you want to win the majority of the time, anyway, not actual arguments.
  19. Star Ocean 3


    Apparently this is one of the best PS2 games, from what I've heard. I've looked forward to it since I first saw it. It reminds me of Shadow of the Colossus for some reason.
  20. Star Ocean 3

    I have an announcement.

    I want to post topless pics of myself on collegehumor.com so that guys will jack off to them.
  21. Star Ocean 3

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    None of you hosers have the guts to pick a California Western Conference final.
  22. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  23. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  24. Star Ocean 3

    "Revolution" officially named

    The DS is not a cell phone.
  25. get this fluff out of general chat, put it in CE or something.