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Star Ocean 3

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Everything posted by Star Ocean 3

  1. Star Ocean 3

    "Revolution" officially named

    You need to work on your delivery, and know your target audience.
  2. Star Ocean 3

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

  3. Star Ocean 3

    "Revolution" officially named

    What about "Nintendo Revolution" Revolution isn't any harder to pronounce for a Japanese than Playstation is. They've dealt with tougher English words.
  4. Star Ocean 3

    There are two things I just can't have for breakfast.

    You guys are supposed to be discussing my hilarious joke!
  5. Star Ocean 3

    David Lee Roth Radio Show

    Dr. Drew was on this morning for the first time. It was magic. I'd make a thread for Carolla but nobody here lives on the west coast and noone would post in it.
  6. Star Ocean 3

    Hey UseTheSledgehammerUh.

    requesting menstruation porn kthnx
  7. Star Ocean 3

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    took you long enough i didn't even realize this thread is that old.
  8. Star Ocean 3

    Charlie Sheen

    "It's the sequel, I had to come."
  9. Star Ocean 3

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

  10. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  11. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  12. Star Ocean 3

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

  13. Star Ocean 3

    I hate humans. We are such evil bastards.

    You guys sound as ignorant as the idiots that are doing this to the animals. Way to be so classy, fellas! Seeing these people savagely laying waste to thousand of animals in the most inhumane way doesn't really make me all that conserned about their "civil rights", hence the name calling. Is it immature? I guess. But if you're more offened by the word "gook" or "chink" than you are about their treatment of other living, breathing creatures then I guess we really know who the ignorant one here is. you can't call one person a chink without insulting all Chinese. Nobody said those words are more insulting than what they are doing to the animals, either. It doesn't help to put words in peoples' mouths.
  14. Star Ocean 3

    We Need A Leader.

    i meet lots of cool girls that don't want anything to do with me, so i take whatever i can get, and the girls that go for me usually have complicated fucked up families and end up screwing me.
  15. Star Ocean 3

    David Lee Roth Radio Show

    So how 'bout that Carolla?
  16. Star Ocean 3

    Lawyer drops dead..

    just read it as "Lawler drops dead"
  17. Star Ocean 3

    Pictures I Like

  18. Star Ocean 3

    Post 5000

    You want some? Come get some. You don't like me? Bite me.
  19. Star Ocean 3

    Post 5000

    This goes to all my freaks out there. Big Poppa Pump is your hookup. Holla if you hear me.
  20. Star Ocean 3

    Skunks vs Porkupines

    Is a porkupine some kind of hog hybrid?
  21. Star Ocean 3

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    I have an ipod but i dropped it the screen is broken and i have to memorize the menus to navigate through them .
  22. Star Ocean 3


    Then why don't you explain what it was really about (such as was done in The Superstar's post)? The dude was just giving his opinion of what he thought of the movie and was asking for people to voice their own opnions. Since you disagree, how about taking the time to explain WHY you disagree before resorting to insults? Because everybody else has done such an amazing job that it would be an insult to the time and effort they put into their posts to try and do a half-assed version of what's already here. (you were the first to respond)
  23. Star Ocean 3

    Scary Movie 4

    Weird Al is awesome and I will not tolerate cheap shots. edit: and Weird Al CDs aren't free unless you steal them which I bet you do you hoser
  24. Star Ocean 3

    Hornets vs Spruce Bugs

    Holy crap, I just found out you can use Twin Slasher to cut the spider's web. *goes to test it out*
  25. Star Ocean 3

    Coca-Cola Blāk

    Apparently this is out. Has anyone had it?