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Star Ocean 3

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Everything posted by Star Ocean 3

  1. Star Ocean 3

    9/18 Impact Spoilers

    As long as Alex Shelley is jobbing I'll always be in a bad mood. But also, why is Beer Money still feuding with LAX? They're the champs, and have beaten them twice in a row.
  2. Star Ocean 3

    Defend a game nobody likes

    I wanted to do Unlimited SaGA, but I can't remember enough good things about it, besides the music
  3. Star Ocean 3

    The Greatness of Muhammed Hassan

    Disappointed he never once said HASSAN----CHOP!
  4. Star Ocean 3

    Dragon Gate in LA

    It's because this isn't Dragon Gate in New York or wherever TSM lives.
  5. Star Ocean 3

    Google Chrome

    The Pokemon browser?
  6. Star Ocean 3

    Fall TV Schedule

    Is The Simpsons still on? Then that and American Dad.
  7. Star Ocean 3

    Where Can I Upload Files?

  8. Star Ocean 3

    The Magic Is In The Hole!

    I just like that there is a different doughnut shop at nearly every major intersection in the Valley. Most of them have Thai Iced Tea, which I now like so much that I consider a shop without it to be not worth going to. All Japan has is Mister Donut, which apparently used to be in the US. It's not that great, but good for you if you want green tea or curry doughnuts. The Krispy Kreme in Van Nuys closed, by the way. Weird how fast the novelty wears off, because there was a huge line at that place the first week it opened.
  9. Star Ocean 3

    The OAO TSM "Happy Birthday, you!" Thread

    Sorry, wrong thread. I meant to post that here.
  10. Star Ocean 3

    Games you can beat to death

    Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure - just learn the pancake spell
  11. Star Ocean 3

    Hi guys, I'm in Japan

    The only option for me to go to Tokyo was Waseda University, which is way above my level, so I went to Kyoto. I really enjoy Kyoto and the Kansai weather, though, so it's not really a loss. The combination of Osaka and Kobe being close by kinda evens it out. I'm leaving for Tokyo today, and GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!...actually, Disney Sea, which is the sister park to Disneyland here. I think Tokyo Disneyland is really the same as the Anaheim one, so there wouldn't be much point in going there. I don't think I can get jaded. Or maybe I'm so jaded I don't realize it. All I know is that I still get confused when people talk about LA being a city of fake people with no comraderie, though I've never noticed that myself despite living there forever. I love big crowds, and the absolute swarm you get at Shibuya is great for me. Japan is a country of extremes, almost in a paradoxical way. You get the weirdest fashions, usually warped visions of Western styles, and that's right aside the subtlest tastes and flavors probably more than any other human society has acheived. But yeah, I think just half a year here improved my Japanese more than a year of lessons in the US. Though with approaching people cold, it's the opposite for me. I'd be a lot shyer talking to strangers in English, but with the novelty of speaking a different langauge, I'll say anything. I don't like all the layers of formal speech, though. You go from just conjucating a word differently, to an entire different vocabulary when you're speaking really politely. I can complain about that later, though.
  12. Star Ocean 3

    Hi guys, I'm in Japan

    OK, so I've been here since September, but I never really made myself bring my thoughts together on this until now. Having to send Christmas emails to everyone back home did that for me. I've seen one, maybe two houses with actual Christmas lights up. I know that it really has no meaning to most people here besides presents and having parties, but they still blast the same Christmas music throughout supermarkets and malls. I think the Japanese people that work in these places either become immune to it, or have long ago been driven to the brink of insanity, and just tolerate it until they finally explode. I dread going to the frozen section of the grocery store, because the same chirpy song is played over it incessantly. They do enjoy lighting up various parts of the cities during winter, though. Even the downtown area of Kobe was shut down for a walking tour, with tons of booths of food set up. The food, though...the actual Japanese food is fine, but the things that they do to Western food is very strange. Just basically take a dish, put some corn, mayo, and a fried egg on it, and you turned it Japanese. Maize does not belong on pizza, and I only said maize because I didn't want to use the word corn twice. And I know, I'm cheating the Food Folder by not posting this juicy information there, but it can wait. But yeah, I'll post more later. I do have to say that I think studying abroad is a good reccomendation for most anybody in college. I never even thought I could actually do it until I got a flyer from school.
  13. Star Ocean 3

    Chrono Trigger DS

    It's just impossible to get excited for another port.
  14. Star Ocean 3

    Hi guys, I'm in Japan

    Yeah, there are quite a few perverts here. Well, there are perverts in any country, it's the difference with Japanese ones that makes it interesting. In America, you'd just get a hooker or go to a normal strip club. Japan has no-panties cafes with mirrors on the floor, and the porn displays in convenience stores are not discreet at all. I found a DVD of the no panties cafes that I mentioned, but I haven't found an actual cafe. The cover was pretty sickening, though...a maid with a really short skirt, and no panties, of course, pretending to fix a lightbuld while every single man in the cafe leaned over to look up. At least a normal strip club is dark so you only see the women, and not all of the other low-lifes in there with you. These cafes are all lit up; I don't want to look in a mirror while I look at girls. Plus, it's surprising how easy it is to find the stuff. Any normal bookstore will have them on the shelves, and sometimes on display, with no covering or anything. They're not always hidden from the other genres, either. But this is a country that still finds it normal for people to bathe together, even as adults (Onsen). Nudity isn't quite as evil in Japan as it is in America. And, in Japanese fashion, I apologize for the sudden and late response to this thread.
  15. Star Ocean 3


    Yeah, I'm in Kyoto. I think that anagram thing with the two cities was kind of intentional; they both have the meaning of capital city, since Kyoto used to be that capital. This is what you get you when have to learn hundreds of Chinese characters. I want to go back to Tokyo during the summer, though. Try going to Akihabara to look at the aftermath of those killings from last week.
  16. Star Ocean 3

    Does anyone here -play- music?

    Piano - I've played within the little-explored range of Messiaen to Final Fantasy. So pretty much just classical music now, and everyone knows how easy it is to make money in that field these days...
  17. Star Ocean 3

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: The Thread

    This is the NCSX listing for it - http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/ULJM-05254.html
  18. Star Ocean 3

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII: The Thread

    Now I'm considering whether or not to drop 250 bucks on the Crisis Core PSP bundle or not. I have to get one eventually because of the SO remakes, but I want to get some kind of bundle, and this is the best-looking one so far.
  19. Star Ocean 3

    There sure are a lot of music games these days

    Oh, I didn't know about that. But that DS games still have yet to come.
  20. Star Ocean 3

    There sure are a lot of music games these days

    The best music game is one that haven't come outside of Japan: Taiko no Tatsujin, which I guess Donkey Konga ripped off. A new one just came out for DS, and it comes with two styluses, so you can use the touch screen like a drum.
  21. Star Ocean 3

    Hi guys, I'm in Japan

    You know that are some people that just stayed locked in their room/apartment? Or if you just have a lazy day, and do nothing all day. Since you're just vegetating in your room, if someone opens your door, the first thing that will happen to them is a wall of YOU swarming their senses. All of your collected odors will just unleash on that person. That's what it's like in Kyoto in warm weather. The difference is that when you leave your room, and go outside, it's just like entering a capsule of all the sweat and fungus everyone else in the city has collected that day. Los Angeles is hot, but dry heat, and the worst you'll get is heat stroke or skin cancer from the sun ruthlessly beating down on you all day. Yes, L.A. heat could kill you, but Kyoto makes you want to kill yourself. Kyoto suffocates you with its humidity and makes you tap out. I learned this last summer, as when I first got here I was greeted with what I thought would just be regular heat. After all, I live in the San Fernando Valley, and Kyoto is also a valley. But I found out, with the warm rain three times a week, and the incessant crops of mosquitoes, that this was a different animal. The weather is just warming up now, after being freezing for the past five months. I was actually looking forward to it, too, because I had had an assfull of the cold, already. Now, just looking at my winter clothes makes me ill.
  22. Star Ocean 3

    Human Tornado Tears ACL

    PWG has just had a terrible run with injuries lately. Low Ki gets one defense in before getting injured, the Briscoes get out of the tag tournament, and this. Tornado has been the star of the company, and involved in what has really been the only storlyine going on, for the most part.
  23. Star Ocean 3

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    Ah, I see now. The Ducks weren't that bad, the Stars are just that good. What the Sharks are doing isn't choking because this is what they always do: lose to better teams. At least their bandwagon will end.
  24. Star Ocean 3

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    The Sharks are still what the Sacramento Kings were at this point. They need to stop being the trendy team that's one step away and just win it, already.