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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Drew Brees is crazy. I don't know that I'd want him doing the lead block with a surgically repaired shoulder.
  2. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Drew Brees is crazy. I don't know that I'd want him doing the lead block with a surgically repaired shoulder.
  3. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Nice hands Crumpler.
  4. naiwf

    TWiB 9/25 - 10/1

    PREACH! With the Braves out, I'm just hoping to see StL, LA & SD make it to crush the hopes and dreams of the Phillies and hopefully the West winner can eliminate the Pujolses so I don't have to hear the media slurp on him for the whole postseason. Living in NYC our sports talk radio stations get a lot of calls from fans of the Pennsylvania teams and it's already bad enough with the Eagles 4 Super Bowl CHAMPS!~ type stuff, so there's no way I want to hear how they're about to win the World Series with ease and all that shit too.
  5. naiwf

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    Honestly, Gagne setting the save streak got more pub than Hoffman setting the record. Not that I think it's up there with say Favre throwing his 400th TD in terms of importance, it's certainly more "newsworthy" than Bengals/Steelers or Colts/Jags in week 3. Shit, lead with the Favre achievement if you've got to have football on the main page.
  6. naiwf

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    My point is that on the "major sports sites" I checked (sportsline, ESPN, SI) it's not even the main story. A meaningless week 3 Bengals/Steelers game seems to be of more importance than a career record being set, and that's just sad.
  7. naiwf

    TWiB 9/18 - 9/24

    If an all-time record was set today but nobody cared, did it really happen?
  8. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    At least the Giants made the final score respectable. Losing 42-3 going into the bye would have been horrible.
  9. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Of course that faggot Feely makes the meaningless kick in Seattle.
  10. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    So I think it's safe to say that the Giants "defense" has quit on them today. I think it's also safe to say that we're now the favorites to finish last in the division because our defense can't stop anyone. At this point I'm rooting for the Seahawks to put their scrubs in for the entire second half just to see Coughlin's head explode in the postgame. If Seattle's dumb enough to risk a key player in this rout, then they deserve whatever injury befalls them.
  11. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Can we just forfeit this one? At this rate Eli will throw 10 picks and the Giants will give up about 56 points.
  12. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    People seem to have confused results with approach. Screaming at players who don't listen to you doesn't make you a disciplinarian, it makes you look like an idiot. This one's almost over already with that pick. Glad I stayed home to watch it.
  13. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    The Giants are winning the penalties battle again baby! Seriously, it's like playing 7 vs 11 with that bush league secondary. I think even a I-AA receiving crew would shred them up. I don't see a furious 4th Quarter comeback in the works today though since we've still got to overcome at least 8 more false starts and 5 personal fouls. . . by halftime. Leave it to me to get to see the Colts and Seahawks games but miss the Eagles one. Ugh.
  14. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    It's nice to know that good guys live David Diehl can have a job in the NFL. It would be wrong for the league leader in false start penalties to end up on the unemployment line especially when he follows up on his trademark move by allowing a guy to blow by him for a sack. That Diehl's such a good samaritan and a role model that he doesn't even bother trying to lay a hand on the guy trying to cripple his QB.
  15. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    The Giants just caught a HUUUUUUUGE break since that should have been a catch for the Seahawks. Never mind. Eli should have just taken that sack there. The more things change, the more they stay the same at Starbucks Dirty Hippie Field.
  16. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Big Ben Favred it up on that last pass.
  17. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    The Steelers giving up 14 pts in almost no time makes me weep tears of joy. Fuck Big Ben.
  18. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    And now the Colts lead 14-7. The Jags basically scripted a perfect gameplan but a stupid INT, missed chipshot FG and poor special teams play put them behind the 8 ball right now. The Colts should blow them out if they don't put up some points on this next possession.
  19. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Josh Scobee misses a 24 yard FG attempt, in a dome. Jags/Colts still tied despite the Jags having 157 yards rushing in the first half, only 26 yards allowed and a TOP edge of 23:54 to 3:19. That's just absurd.
  20. naiwf

    This Week in College Football 9/21 - 9/23

    Is there any particular reason Texas is so highly ranked considering they got their asses kicked at home by the one real team they've played thus far? With their cupcake schedule they could easily make it to the Nat'l title game without beating one good team.
  21. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    I'll give you one guess why that happened. Here's a hint, the first letter of his first and last name should be spelled with a Superman logo.
  22. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    Colts just tied it with an 82 yd punt return. All of the good work the Jags have done to this point just got wiped out.
  23. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    I think it's safe to say the Colts know what the Jags are going to do, but they may not be able to stop them. Two runs up the gut from the shotgun on 2nd and 25 getting a first down isn't something you see everyday. EDIT: Naturally, Leftwich throws a pick to end a drive where they were just punishing the Colts with the ground game. Retards.
  24. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    The slowest black QB in the league just put the Jags up 7-0 on a run.
  25. naiwf

    NFL Week 3

    STEVE SMITH!~ will be playing today, so I'm going with Panthers 98, Bucs 3 as STEVE SMITH!~ catches 26 passes for 480 yards and 9 TDs to make up for the games he missed.