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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I hate when stuff like this gets leaked and then thrown out.
  2. naiwf

    MLB All Star Break/Midseason Review

    So what are they supposed to trade, some Yankee uniforms and a bucket of balls?
  3. naiwf

    MLB All Star Break/Midseason Review

    WTF is up with the BRIGHT yellow, retina burning NL jerseys? Because they're playing in Pissburgh and the powers that be wanted to be cute with yellow and black jerseys the whole nation has to suffer permanent eye damage? It's like staring at the sun.
  4. naiwf

    MLB All Star Break/Midseason Review

    Post your mid-season Award winners. This is who you would vote for. AL MVP - Jim Thome w/Ortiz 2nd AL Cy Young - Roy Halladay w/ Liriano 2nd AL ROY - Francisco Liriano w/ Papelbon 2nd AL MOY - Jim Leyland, then Ozzie NL MVP - David Wright, w/Pujols 2nd NL Cy Young - Reluctantly, I'd go with Glavine because of his numbers. Unlike Doc, Liriano, or Johan, no one in the NL has put up a dominating first half. NL ROY - Dan Uggla NL MOY - Like Glavine, Willie Randolph has the best numbers but doesn't really seem deserving either.
  5. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    Jose Valentin has 7 RBI in his first 2 ABs.
  6. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Hey, we only have 3 of the top 6. . . # 3 Marbury (3 yrs, $59.2M) # 4 Francis (3 yrs, $ 52.7M) # 6 Jerome James (4 yrs, $25M) # 11 Q (4 yrs, $33.2M) # 15 Curry (5 yrs, $52.5M) # 23 Crawford (5 yrs, $43M) For fuck's sake it'll be 2016 before the Knicks can even hope to contend. Isiah is the worst GM that ever lived in any sport, but optimistic Knicks fans can hold out hope that he's not the only guy who is a HOFer that's screwed up before as. . .
  7. naiwf

    Who wants to fight?

    I'm a big fan of most of the people you mentioned but just felt like pointing out some funny stats. I still can't believe that GSP didn't realize the clock only had 1 second left on it or he would have probably been champ back then. I also hope he beats the piss out of Hughes who is my second least favorite UFC fighter of all time behind only his last opponent, Royce Gracie.
  8. naiwf

    Who wants to fight?

    Team Canada, Edge, Chris Benoit, George St. Pierre, David Loiseau, Jean Pascals, Lucien Bute, George Chuvalo, NHL Canadian Players, Steve Nash, The Hart Family >>>>>>>> America as far as toughness goes. If GSP's so tough why did he tap out to Matt Hughes with one second left in the round eh? Fucking pussy couldn't hold on for another second? The Crow got curbstomped by a school teacher for cryin' out loud! Steve Nash can't even give you 48 minutes in a decisive playoff game because he needs heat on his back. And one kick to the head ended Bret Hart's career. Typical Canadians
  9. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    But that might help get Dusty fired so it's a good thing.* *I don't actually believe management will fire him.
  10. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    Boston's about to beat Tampa Bay on the strength of Big Papi's 2 HR and 6 RBI taking his season totals to 29 & 82. I wonder if he'll get the MVP this year or if a random Yankee like Giambi will because he plays the field. Does anyone know which day Pelfrey's pitching?
  11. naiwf

    All Star Selections Thread

    So basically it's the White Sox versus the Mets for the right to host the World Series this year?
  12. naiwf

    How far is too far?

    My advice is simply make new friends. Either that, or curse someone out. It's OK to blow up at people when they cross the line. Do whatever it takes so that you don't end up being a suicidal emo kid.
  13. If there was ever something that could clearly illustrate the difference between a mark and a smark, this would be it. This kind of statement can only come from a mark. Nothing you can say will get him to sway from this "logical conclusion". This thread will only get worse.
  14. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    That song would get anyone pumped up
  15. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    The one hit wonder is out, and I get the rematch I wanted. Hopefully JuJu reclaims her honor and smoked Amelie for #6 and the Career Slam on Saturday. If not, I'll be content with Amelie leaving the Sharapova/Clijsters level of highly talented choke artists with 1 Slam.
  16. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    Justine whooped Kimmy's ass yet again. Henin-Hardenne hasn't even dropped a set yet. It amazes me that she's dominating the WTA Tour this time around because she's definitely not on any PE's and I wouldn't have said that was the case when she was ruling the roost in 2003. It is great however to see her back on top because she's got the best variety and the biggest heart out there.
  17. naiwf

    Passing On Wisdom

    1) Condoms are cheaper than children. 2) You can never win an argument with a woman or ever make her truly happy. So don't try. 3) Fuckin' morons.
  18. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    The Mets win and the Phillies blow a tie game in the 9th by giving up a 3 run bomb to Khalil Greene. It's nice to see order has been restored. The Cards continue to suck.
  19. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Bad deal for the Hornets. Chandler is garbage and woefully overpaid at that. Chicago fans can thank the Knicks for making most of these moves possible. Sigh.
  20. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    The Cubs could finish 50 games under .500, Dusty could get a 10 year extension and Wrigley will still be sold out every game next year. Czech or Bruiser might kill someone, but the fans will still be there rooting for the Cubbies to turn it around once Prior and Wood get healthy.
  21. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    Federer killed Not So Super Mario today. I don't see him losing a set here now. Tomorrow's the last exciting day of the tourney as far as I'm concerned as it's possiblethat Maria might go home and that Justine might make her 3rd Slam Final of the year.
  22. naiwf

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    The guy who nailed Heyman deserves the Lifetime Achievement Award for Best Cup Toss in history. Hell, he should probably tryout for the backup QB spot for the Iggles.
  23. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I don't disagree with any of what you said, but I'm looking at it from the perspective of the post Shaq NBA in 2-3 years. The league is evolving away from the dominant low post, back to the basket, big man like Shaq. Once he's gone so is that "breed" of player. Nowitzki showed in this year's Finals he can't carry a team on his back yet. Amare's health is still an issue and even though LeBron's also not there yet he's also ridiculously young. Wade already went on a one man rampage and he too should get better. The way I look at it is once Shaq comes off of Miami's books in a few years they'll have a shitload of money to pay to anyone they want and who in their right mind wouldn't want to play with a guy like Wade? It's the same reason that there won't really be a shortage of guys looking to make moves to wherever LeBron is and Howard will probably be the ideal big man for guards to want to go hook up with. Just keep in mind that in 2008-2009 and beyond guys like Duncan & Garnett will be heading toward that inevitable slide too and I just think the league will be much more guard/slasher oriented giving the teams with the best players with those skills a huge advantage. It's sorta the same way you couldn't go wrong if you always picked whichever team had Shaq or Duncan to win the title for years. In the future it'll be whether you've got to beat LeBron or Wade for the trophy. Before that window closes you can still see other teams make runs, but it's going to be a rarity if LeBron stays in Cleveland to see an NBA Finals that doesn't have him or Wade involved if the league keeps heading in its present direction.
  24. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    In all seriousness, I don't know of many casual sports fans who would recognize Jim Thorpe's face. His achievements are worthy for sure, but I don't know if many people could ID him with a simple picture.