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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=dw-w...=yhoo&type=lgns A surprisingly good article about Detroit dropping the ball and why all but 3 teams in the East are not going to be very happy for roughly the next decade.
  2. naiwf

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    That cup of soda hitting Heyman on the ear was better than anything else on this show. How fucking lame.
  3. naiwf

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Paul Heyman betraying RVD? Get the fuck outta here. I mean I never saw that one coming.
  4. naiwf

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    So that PTC type groups don't have the ability to say that the Sandman was attacking Catholicism and condoning the beating of a priest.
  5. naiwf

    OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

    Tazz pretending he doesn't know DeVito is almost as awful as that "striptease" earlier. I haven't watched WWE programming in about 6 months, and I see that I haven't missed anything.
  6. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    You do realize that guys who drop 20+ PPG are all franchise players and they're not easily had right?
  7. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    That was pretty awesome stuff. How can the Yankees keep throwing Chacon and Wright out there twice every five days when they basically know they'll only get at best 10 or 11 of the 18 innings from their starters in those games?
  8. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    Chacon is getting mugged, 7-1 Tribe Bottom 2. But that's not as bad as the ass whoopin' the ChiSox are putting on the O's, 13-0.
  9. naiwf

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    The ultimate punch to the gut delivered by Italy.
  10. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    Americans on average don't really care for soccer so that's why I wouldn't put Pele up there.
  11. naiwf

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Duke Castiglione used to be the equivalent of a ballboy for the sports department of NY1 News . He's the guy they'd send to cover sporting events when it was like 90+ degrees outside and the studio anchor wanted to be in the A.C., or he'd get sent to those fringe type events. How he got a job at ESPN I'll never know, and I'm sure you can see why he's been doing this for years and still is only used as a fill in.
  12. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    I think we might just get a Mauresmo/Henin-Hardenne rematch with Justine winning this one.
  13. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    Lance Armstrong doesn't belong up there any more than Tiger Woods does now. 10 or 15 years from now we'll see. MJ does belong because he's inspired basically every skilled basketball player in the league now in some way. I don't think we'll ever see cycling look for the "next Lance Armstrong", but we all know how long the search for the "next Jordan" has been going on.
  14. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    False. BIG TIME false. Then who is the favorite? What he said. Detroit will be worse. Cleveland's still not ready. New Jersey can't beat Miami. Chicago and Washington aren't good enough to threaten them. No other team was able to win 42 games in the East this season and there are no draftees or free agents that are gonna allow any team not listed to make a quantum leap from non playoff team to the favorite in the East unless Wade gets hurt.
  15. naiwf

    ESPN NFL Preseason Power Rankings

    Considering that the Seahawks should be the defending Super Bowl champions, I don't think it's inaccurate to have them at # 1.
  16. naiwf

    TWiB 7/3 - 7/9

    Beat the Mets, Beat the Mets, step right up and Beat the Mets. Losing a Pedro start to injury, losing a game 11-1 to Pissburgh at home all after getting 1 win out of 6 against Boston and the Yanks is not good.
  17. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Somewhere in the midst of a midnight snack Shaq has to be smiling to himself. With Big Ben gone, Miami is the odds on favorite to cruise through the East as long as Wade doesn't get hurt. Joe Dumars needs to step in before Detroit completely self destructs. I still think they'd have been better offering Ben whatever he wanted and shipping 'Sheed out. There's never a time where it's better to have a supremely talented guy who plays hard once a week instead of a guy with limited skills who plays hard every night. If this deal goes through it's an excellent time to be a Pistons hater.
  18. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    You don't remember seeing this guy all over the TV the last two years for 3 weeks straight? Yeah I remember him. Does he know Pittsnoogle? It'd be even better if he knew Pittsnogle.
  19. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I'm all for the move since it weakens both Detroit AND Chicago and as a Knicks fan I don't particularly care for either team.
  20. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    Amongst his peers many considered Brown to be the greatest football player of all time, not just the greatest RB of his day. On a separate issue, if we're going to argue that hockey is irrelevant we can't have anyone from track and field or boxing on there either since those sports are fringe sports at best now too and haven't truly been popular since the '80s.
  21. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    The Babe, MJ, Gretzky & Jim Brown That was the original 4 I posted, until I realized no one in the U.S. cares about hockey. That's true but I think Gretzky dominated his sport to such a degree that he goes up there for sure. It's funny that we would have had the same order too, and I didn't see your post at the time I made mine.
  22. naiwf

    Sports Mt.Rushmore

    The Babe, MJ, Gretzky & Jim Brown
  23. naiwf

    All Star Selections Thread

    Nomar and Liriano deserve the final spots. Wagner doesn't, and I don't think Mets fans will try to get him in there since he'd probably throw 35 pitches if it isn't a save situation and since he's not "the" closer on the team, that's what we'd get.
  24. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    That's funny because I think they were the consensus pick of most TV analysts and a few prominent websites to represent the NL in the WS this year. Those people also thought the Phillies would win the East or the Wild Card, so perhaps that's not the best endorsement. The Cards were the only team that was basically a "lock" to win their division, and they might not even do that at this rate.
  25. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    $64 million over 5 years for Peja? I don't know about that.