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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I told you guys about a month or so ago that the Cards were overrated. The MicroManager is the main reason I don't trust them. You can't use up 4 pitchers in an inning at least once a week and still be a legit contender.
  2. naiwf

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    If there exists a possibility of an 8 on 8 game due to diving induced red cards that would be the one. I wouldn't bother watching that one even if someone paid me.
  3. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Smush singlehandedly cost the Lakers the Phoenix series. I think that factors in a bit higher than having some productive games in an 82 game season. You can't win in the playoffs playing 4 on 5 on both ends of the court.
  4. naiwf

    World Cup 2006 in Germany

    Henry! I'd love for the Frenchies to eliminate the Brazilians.
  5. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I would become a "witness" if LeBron left the Cavs high and dry. That would be THE basketball story of the next decade if he just upped and left Cleveland. I'm not saying he should go to Miami for the MLE, but that's fun to think about in the category of "absolutely, positively, never going to happen".
  6. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    RoboRod and Mr. Williams both losing on the same day is fitting. American tennis is done for the next 10 years or more as the Russian and Chinese women and Argentinian and Spanish men will just overwhelm us with sheer numbers in the next decade. It was a good run, but it's over.
  7. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    I heard Dallas is trying to get Dirk a 3 yr extension. They're gonna need to have some money left for Howard and either Harris or Daniels in the near future as well, or they're gonna be faced with a Phoenix Suns situation where they're overextended moneywise and will need to start shipping off key parts.
  8. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Only at Yankee Stadium can Melky airmail a ball some 30 feet over Posada's head and not get an error. It's 7-2 now and RJ's lucky the damage isn't worse thanks to that botched Nady call and Marrero swinging at a surefire ball 4.
  9. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Jerry Davis needs to get his ass fired. How can you not tell if a guy right in front of you got hit with a ball or not? Stupid fucker just killed this inning. Instead of bases loaded and no out, we have 1st and 2nd with 1 out. The officiating in all the major sports have been fucking awful this year.
  10. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Thank God for Randy Johnson aka the slumpbuster.
  11. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I was gonna say that I didn't realize Wood had repairs done on his pussy and not his shoulder. LMAO.
  12. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    Hingis just choked her way out of London, making JHH's path to the Semis that much easier. If Clijsters is there, all she has to do is show up and a berth in the Finals is hers.
  13. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I consider the Tigers the real deal as far as the regular season goes, but I fully expect them to lose to either Boston or Chicago in the playoffs.
  14. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

  15. naiwf

    Wimbledon Thread.

    Fat Dave and Overrated James go out on the same day. All we need now is for Andre to eliminate Rafa and we can pencil in another Federer/Roddick Final with Fed winning in straights. The more things change, the more they stay they same. JHH is still looking good to complete the Career Slam, and I'm starting to think the Maria/Venus "dream match" won't take place as one or both will lose before then.
  16. naiwf

    What seperates Smarks and Marks?

    A mark. Knowing that it's fake, but still being spoon fed everything Vince wants you to think makes you a mark regardless of how old you are.
  17. naiwf

    Sports Announcers You Don't Want To Stab

    I think Kay is the drizzling shits as the lead guy even though he was a good analyst, but that's just me. Kaat and Singleton is their best tandem as far as I'm concerned. As you said though they need to keep him since he's the only guy in the rotation that has a broadcasting background. Al Leiter talks as slow as he used to pitch. He'll still be in the process of explaining a first pitch splitter on the 2-2 pitch.
  18. naiwf

    Sports Announcers You Don't Want To Stab

    Vin Scully Doc Emrick John Davidson & Sam Rosen Dickie V Gary Cohen, Ron Darling & I'M Keith Hernandez!~ Bill Raftery Troy Aikman even though I wanted to stab him as a player Dan Fouts Jay Bilas Brad Nessler Bill Walton Mike Tirico & Tom Tolbert The Irish dude who does soccer for ESPN The Spanish dude who does soccer for Channel 41, you know the one who shouts GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOALLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!
  19. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Since strummer posted before I was going to make an edit, the Rowand catch also against the Mets for Christ's sake (was that one also against Wright? I can't remember) was better than the Coco Loco tonight.
  20. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Coco Fucking Crisp. I've got a nasty stomach bug and then had to watch him give the Mets the ultimate punch to the gut before Big Papi delivered the finishing blow. That whole series was eerily reminiscent of the Leben/Silva fight last night with the Mets playing the role of Leben
  21. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    I think the Knicks have now surpassed the Jets as the worst NY team when it comes to the draft.
  22. naiwf

    2006 NBA Draft

    I'm surprised Isiah hasn't tried to get him to reunite him with the "best point guard in the game" and get another undersized shoot first PG to boot.
  23. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    Yes, especially in a short series. I don't trust the Tigers' starting pitching especially since none of those guys have done it before except for Kenny Rogers, and well he's Kenny Rogers. If Boston gets the White Sox, I could easily see the ALCS end up being Tigers/White Sox with Chicago winning in 5.
  24. naiwf

    TWiB 6/26 - 7/2

    I think Boston NEEDS for Chicago to win the Central, otherwise a Boston/Chicago ALDS is not a certainty. Boston/Detroit in the ALDS however looks good. It's pretty apparent that whoever wins the Central will get the winner from the West and sweep them, so I'd put my money on the Central winner to get to the World Series and probably crush the Mets or Cards in 5 or 6.
  25. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    Yeah, I was gonna say did you forget the part where he said HE COULD DIE (I'm exaggerating a bit of course) during sex?