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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Wade just gagged at the line. Amazing. Miami should just foul.
  2. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Yes, Dallas got jobbed, but again has anyone seen Dirk in the 4th Quarter? The Mavs should have blown them out and swept this series, and instead they'll end up losing 4 straight. It was a referee assisted chokejob, but a chokejob nonetheless. Avery Johnson should hand back his COTY Award because in this series he was most definitely NOT "that nigga".
  3. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Has anyone seen Dirk in the 4th quarter?
  4. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Dallas has Miami in the penalty with 7:06 to go. The refs really need to stop favoring the Heat.
  5. naiwf

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    How 'bout dem Cards? Howard had a monster game, but the Yanks helped us out by coming back to steal that one.
  6. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Exactly. How much longer until a website titled FireDavidStern.com comes up?
  7. naiwf

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    If the Phillies make the WC or win the division Howard might finish top 2 or 3 in the MVP voting, he's got 25 HR and 64 RBI now . . . . or 1 RBI short of Pujols' numbers before he got hurt which just makes Albert's start that much more impressive.
  8. naiwf

    TWiB 6/19 - 6/25

    That guy is freakishly strong. The one time I'm rooting for the Yankees this season and of course they're just not getting it done. On the bright side, Delgado just hit his 20th, and the Mets lead 3-0 after 1. It's nice to get out to an early lead again.
  9. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    The High Commander is so robotic and full of shit. Everyone knows he HATES Cuban, but he always acts like they're best friends. I would pay anything to see Cuban issue a profanity laced tirade on live TV following Dallas winning or losing the title.
  10. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Dirk will get between 26 and 32 tonight. Wade will score less than Dirk and that's why Miami will lose.
  11. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    As usual Simmons is right, but I just wanted to draw attention to this part for those who think the Dallas halfcourt lob play was a solid one both times. I'm inclined to think Avery's stupid/stubborn enough to try it again if the situation calls for it, and I think that's precisely how Dallas will lose the title.
  12. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    I just heard on Mike and the Mad Dog that Cuban got hit with another $250,000 in fines for multiple infractions.
  13. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    They mentioned it during the broadcast that Detroit had done it, so it was probably just a clerical error. That Avery thing was just as awesome the second time.
  14. naiwf

    WWE to return to Madison Square Garden

    That's a big assumption that it WILL sellout. It's not a PPV, so it's not a given.
  15. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Josh Howard messed that finish up with two missed free throws and a Chris Webber moment, but this Avery Johnson press conference is AWESOME. He's making that guy look like shit. I turned it off. What's he saying? Some dumbass asked him what he thought of the last play, so Avery responded by asking the reporter what he thought of it. The guy stumbled for a minute and then said something like "well they called it a foul". Avery then mocked him by saying "that's the political answer, but what did you THINK about the play". The guy stuttered again, and you could just tell he was embarassed as Avery was telling him to explain to all of the other reporters, especially those from Israel, Germany etc how that was a foul. The guy got so flustered he decided that he would ask another question. Avery just glared at him and said "go ahead", so the guy stuttered some more leading to a "don't stutter!". I forget what the second question was, but that's mainly because I was laughing so hard at the poor schmuck for asking such a stupid question knowing full well that Avery thought it was a BS call. It was basically the equivalent of a really shy guy being stripped to his underwear, tied up and tossed in front of a classroom full of his peers with everyone pointing and laughing as he peed on himself.
  16. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Josh Howard messed that finish up with two missed free throws and a Chris Webber moment, but this Avery Johnson press conference is AWESOME. He's making that guy look like shit.
  17. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Hey, the ESPN guys are saying it was a BS call. Where's Dama?
  18. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Dirk going Artest on the locker room area = QUALITY
  19. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Cubes has been fined nearly one. . . BILLION dollars (not really, but it's an obscene amount) by Supreme High Commander Stern for daring to speak out against the shitty officiating and stupid rules the NBA has in place. Don't be shocked if the dollar total goes up after tonight's debacle.
  20. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    At least naiw isn't using the smiley. Anyway, there is something to be said for the fact that Wade gets every single call. He's the new Jordan, BUT Dallas was 18 for 18 to start the game and went. . . wait for it. . . wait for it. . . . 3 for 8 to finish. Damp missed one, Dirk missed one, Howard missed a pair and some other dude missed one. You can't win an OT game by missing 5 free throws at the end, especially when Shaq isn't on your squad. Game over.
  21. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    I know it's cool to hate on the zebras and claim conspiracy, but Dallas missing their FTs at the end of games is the only reason this series isn't over by a 4-1 margin. The Heat have nothing to do with the Mavs choking at the line and the refs have nothing to do with Wade making his.
  22. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Yeah, how dare they call a foul at the end of the game. If Dirk, Dampier and Howard don't miss those FT's in OT and down the stretch of the 4th Quarter we wouldn't be worried about Wade taking and making 2 at the end to win it.
  23. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Dwyane Wade is amazing. Poor Josh Howard though.
  24. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Josh Howard just joined Chris Webber in the idiot timeout call Hall of Fame.
  25. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Gary Payton should do Cassell's big balls trot after that basket.