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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    I'd hoped that they would cut him and try to recoup as much of his bonus as was allowable by the league for ruining this season. They should probably let whichever guy wants more money between Jacobs and Ward go because Jacobs is injury prone and Ward is 28, and try to swing a deal for Boldin or sign Whosyourmama to be the new #1 WR because right now all we have are a bunch of unproven guys (Hixon/Manningham/Moss), a 73 year old Amani Toomer, Kevin Boss and the other Steve Smith.
  2. naiwf

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    Do you mean worse by record or position in the division? It must REALLY suck to be either a fan of Toronto or Baltimore considering you got used to Yankees/Sawx dominance, but when TB comes out of nowhere and makes your future prospects of ever winning a playoff berth that much more remote it may be time to find something else to watch from March/April to October.
  3. naiwf


    It's truly going to be a lost weekend for me with the Ravens, Eagles and Steelers winning.
  4. naiwf


    It seems that Vincent Jackson actually decided to play this week.
  5. naiwf


    Perhaps you were celebrating a little to soon? I WANT A FULL F!@#$%^& INVESTIGATION INTO WHO DRUGGED THE ENTIRE GIANTS OFFENSIVE LINE!!!!!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!! The O-Line didn't play poorly. Eli was horrible in every aspect of the game, his passes were inaccurate and he couldn't pick up 6 inches. Gilbride was playing for Philly with his playcalling. Coughlin reverting to the 2006 coach by putting his faith in a 40 year old kicker from 45+ in the MEADOWLANDS twice and challenging the spot when we were way short is what killed us. The game should have been over by the half, and yet we got smoked. If not for last season's miraculous run I'd say that this is what should be expected from this team.
  6. naiwf


    If the Chargers can't win it I hope the Cards do because I like Warner a lot and wouldn't mind him padding his HoF chances by picking up a 2nd ring. I can't believe that the Giants played so horribly from the time that fucking moron shot himself in the leg and continued the time honored tradition of BLOWING big games in this city. I can't get excited about the Knicks or Rangers and the Mets' season doesn't begin until the 145th game when they will find a way to gag up whatever lead they have yet again.
  7. naiwf


    We had a great 13 weeks. This team shitted the bed from 11-1 all the way to 12-5 and SHOULD have ended the year 11-6. Only in NY baby!
  8. naiwf


    You're down by NINE, so what do you do if you're Gilbride? Run, run, run, pass to the inside, run, run, run. And he just ended our season on another fucking run. Let's give him an extension.
  9. naiwf


    Are you related to Marvin by any chance? It's "one game" that's going to keep us from hosting the NFC Championship against a team we could beat. It's not week 2 in a meaningless game against some team from the AFC.
  10. naiwf


    Awesome. They can't get 6 inches on a QB sneak. What a fucking waste.
  11. naiwf


    Coughlin just wasted a time out. Fan-fucking-tastic.
  12. naiwf


    The home teams are 2-4, soon to be 2-5 and Big Ben's coming off of a concussion.
  13. naiwf


    That home field advantage sure is a big deal in the NFL eh?
  14. naiwf


    I hate being right.
  15. naiwf


    The dagger is coming. The defense is getting tired, and the offense is non existent. A TD here wraps it up since we can't kick FGs and the offense is seemingly allergic to scoring 6's.
  16. naiwf


    They don't do that anymore. This game looks exactly like the Pittsburgh game where it took us 4 FGs and a safety to score 14, while Pitt just needed 2 TDs. Fuck Carney in his ass. Why bother activating Tynes if gramps is going to kick the long FGA and miss by a mile?
  17. naiwf


    The Giants can stop 3rd and short, but get 3rd and 10+ and it's almost a given that you'll convert.
  18. naiwf


    The Giants are going to lose here. They've dominated the Eagles on both sides of the ball except for that one case of Eli being Eli and the prevent preventing us from stopping the Eagles as they walk up and down the field to take the lead. They should be up by double digits and instead are losing by 2 with the Eagles getting the ball first in the 2nd half. When Westbrook delivers the inevitable backbreaker we'll be down by two scores and with the way Eli's throwing the ball that'll be more than enough to secure the stomach punch of all stomach punches to fans of this team.
  19. naiwf

    The OAO Strategy RPG Game Thread

    It's just my own take on the issue, but I don't think any of the characters were as good as Laharl/Flonne/Etna. The battle system was not as easy to understand as the first one was. The suped up Pirates randomly coming in and destroying your party wasn't a lot of fun when you were a level or so away from being able to come out of an item. The camera angles were a lot harder to manipulate so you could see what was going on because some of the boards have levels that had 10 stairs and you'd have to keep fiddling around to see what was below you or above you. I also think the stages being larger made it much more annoying to try and go into the item world. It just seemed like you had to work 2-3 times as hard to accomplish the same stuff as you could in the first one, and you were doing so with inferior characters. I didn't hate Disgaea 2 but felt that the additions were almost all bad and the only thing that was definitively better about the game was the graphics, which is pretty low on the totem pole of important things in SRPGs.
  20. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    The Grizzlies will never be a good enough franchise that burning a bridge will matter. If they really want to be dicks they should do what I heard suggested elsewhere, let him play one game and then call up the Blazers and ask what they're willing to part with so that they don't play Miles again. Then it's up to Portland to put up or shut up because they ended up making a stupid deal with a career scrub. As a Knicks fan I'm well aware of the fact that bad guaranteed contracts kill and have no sympathy for a team that was trying to encourage league wide collusion so they don't have to pay some luxury tax dollars.
  21. naiwf


    Scratch that.
  22. naiwf


    Is Delhomme close to setting a postseason record for most turnovers in a game?
  23. naiwf


    It may be time to bench Delhomme.
  24. naiwf


    Yes. I'm loving the fact that Steve Smith and I have been equally productive in tonight's game.
  25. naiwf


    Not in that direction anyway.