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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    Because either Albert took drugs or at least knew that his personal trainer for the last 7 years was able to get them for others. I don't know about you, but given what Bonds went through because of his trainer, Albert's either guilty or retarded. Neither of which is a good thing at this point.
  2. naiwf

    Jason Grimsley admits to steroid use

    Say it ain't so Albert. Say it ain't so.
  3. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    That raises an interesting question to me at least. At 453 HR, Sheffield is 47 HR shy of the "magic number". He'll also be 38 this November. Is he a HOFer without 500? with 500? I'd say no without and yes with, but I don't think he's a lock either way. Considering he's as "dirty" as Bonds, Giambi and Palmeiro, I don't think he'll get in on his first couple of tries.
  4. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    At least Kidd made it to the Finals in his career, and he got hosed in regards to winning an MVP that the media gave to Duncan. The man resurrected a dead franchise too and reaped none of the same rewards.
  5. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Poor Soften, he's quickly becoming the AL's version of Prior and Wood.
  6. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    Svetlana makes it to the final in 3 (5-7, 7-6 (5), 6-2) after choking away the first at 5-3. Vaidisova then returned the favor when she couldn't serve for it up a set and 5-4. A tough break for Nikki, but I think the better player won in the end. I'm hoping to see her play JHH, but I have a feeling Kimmy's winning today.
  7. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Nomar just relapsed to his days as a Cub getting gunned down at second by a Milledge LASER from deep left with his team down by 3 in the 8th. The kid is a 5 tool player who just needs some plate discipline. I'm glad we didn't trade him. Glavine ultimately gets # 284 Randy Johnson style aka despite allowing 3 HR and 6 ER in 5.1 IP.
  8. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    That's just this year though. Furcal's hit double digit home runs the last three years, and in fact he hit two in a game twice last season. Entering tonight's game Furcal had 59 HRs in 3494 AB, or 1 every 59.2 AB. 2 in a single game is basically a month's worth of work for him. I guess we did the next 20-25 opponents of the Dodgers a favor by having him use up his monthly power stroke. I'm just tired of the Mets getting beat/hammered by guys that don't bat 2-5.
  9. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    He had 2 HR in 236 AB going into tonight. Now he's got 4 in 238. One bomb is forgivable, but not two ESPECIALLY when Glavine had 4 run leads in both innings.
  10. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    The Mets continue to get beat by the long ball by the unlikeliest guys imaginable. Glavine blows a 4 run lead TWICE within 1.2 innings. Ridiculous.
  11. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    I give it until Monday before Marv fucks it all up. Sorry bro.
  12. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Grandpa Julio is starring in today's game with a 2 run single and then scoring all the way from 1st on a double. This guy is my HERO! [/Joe Rogan fellating Randy Couture] The Mets have scored 4 runs with 2 outs and one of them was on a bullshit strike call. Perez is getting booed like Braden Looper at Shea
  13. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    You didn't win the title with him last year before he got his knee cut. Amare doesn't play "D". He'll cut into the minutes of either Barbosa, Bell or Diaw who all present greater match up problems. He takes a lot of shots, and not in the same flow as this year's team played. Nash will be a year older and his back could give at any point. You've got one last shot at winning the title but I still don't think you'll beat Dallas or San Antonio next year and you'll have to go through at least one when they reshuffle the playoff seeding.
  14. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    Just the ESPN one. I've been looking at Talk About Tennis the last week or so but haven't posted there yet. We rational folk must unite to take the WS fans down a few notches
  15. naiwf

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    I'm aware of that, but NCAA Women's softball is not one of the "four major sports" and we're not comparing it to a game in midseason. It's embarassing no matter how you slice it that more people chose to watch 'Zona/NW than Oilers/'Canes.
  16. naiwf

    NHL 2006 Playoffs thread...

    NCAA Women's softball got greater ratings than the 1st game of the Cup Finals. Ouch.
  17. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the Finals per se, but I think Josh Howard (just turned 26) will turn out to be Dirk's (28 in 2 weeks) Scottie Pippen, and if they win the title this year they might have a nice little run, provided they re-up Terry (29 in Sept.), for another couple of years. San Antonio's getting older, the Pistons are pretty close to imploding, Shaq's got this year and maybe one more left and the Suns will probably get worse with Amare changing up their style. No other team really seems like they'll make that quantum leap from mid level playoff squad to contender next year.
  18. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    A 2 run homer would be pretty sweet right about now.
  19. naiwf

    NBA Offseason Thread

    Maybe the Knicks can try to get a sign and trade for Olowakandi to give us another underachieving, soft as pudding, big man in the low blocks. Unless I missed a huge name somewhere in the mix this year's FA crop is horrendous.
  20. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    Sideburnious gets what I'm saying even if EricMM wants to have a good cry with his woman after sex. J/K Like almost anything in life experience is important to your level of confidence. If you've never done something before you're gonna have doubts about whether you can. Once you've done something regularly, you don't think it's a big deal anymore. These guys need to start SOMEWHERE. They're obviously not going to hold a moderately attractive girl's attention with their sweaty brows and "hey baby" lines. (I see WP trying to use some A Night at the Roxbury shit, don't know why) So they should start off with someone they don't think is perfect, but at least is interested in being around them. There are tons of women out there who are overlooked by most guys for whatever reason, and THOSE are the women these dudes should be trying to hook up with for the time being, not the ones that everybody else wants too. It's just common sense.
  21. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    What Hawk is saying is that you don't need to do a study to know that women want whatever it is that they can't have. They might think you're ugly, annoying or any other negative trait one day, but once they find out you're with someone they wonder why it is that they didn't land you in the first place. Scientific studies are unnecessary to notice that because anyone with two eyes has observed the phenomenon at least a dozen times.
  22. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I just won $ 5 on a bet with a friend that A-Rod would whiff with the bases loaded. Woo.
  23. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Hey, maybe Damon can take a curtain call for throwing Manny out? I guess that was the textbook example of "Manny being Manny".
  24. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Do the Yankees need to do a curtain call after EVERY FUCKING HOMER they hit against Boston? I get that it's a blood rivalry and all, but come on it's ridiculous.