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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I know, I'm just curious why I lost the YES signal during Mike and the Mad Dog today, and it's still out now.
  2. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Has anyone else that gets the channel lost the YES Network signal since midafternoon today?
  3. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    The ESPN tennis messageboard has taken to calling Kimmy Fiona from Shrek which is pretty fucked up, but still appropriate. I'm pretty sure Lleyton did her doggiestyle to avoid looking at her since she has a nice body, but is a definite butterface. In any case, I'm hoping Juju whoops her ass in the Semis because I want to see Justine get her 5th Slam to tie Martina and your boy Penis. The hugely padded bra shot of Sharapova is hilarious in her new commercial. The rest of it sucks, but that one shot is worth it because it's so ridiculous. I'm gonna end up missing the Men's Final though because of church, I'm just hoping Federer wins it.
  4. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    I got the joke. I thought it was pretty funny actually.
  5. naiwf


    New York City schools don't let out until June, so the prom is in June, or the last week of May.
  6. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    So what happened to the Cubbies once they lost Mr. Lee? I think in a lineup as stacked as the Yankees it's OK to lose one player (or even 3), but when you're almost completely depending on one guy to make the offense go, it'll have a different outcome. As Al stated the '96 Yanks had a solid rotation from 1-5. Right now you've got Moose and a buncha other guys. RJ can throw a near no hitter one game and then get lit up for 7 ER in 5 IP the next. Chacon and Small proved that their peformances last year were flukes. Jaret Wright is Jaret Wright. Carl Pavano's still stealing money and I guess Wang is reliable, but that's not enough especially when your 6th through 8th inning guys are shaky at best. The White Sox, Red Sox and Tigers all have more arms and better ones on top of that. Considering you'll need to beat those kind of teams in the playoffs, I don't think the Yanks have it in them to win the title, but they'll contend just because they can get 10+ runs on any given night.
  7. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I think the Yanks are better off without Sheff. I'd want Matsui back ASAP. This Yankee team is somewhat reminiscent of the 1996-2000 teams that won titles because they had wait for it. . . . . ROLE PLAYERS! I don't know that they can win the Series because their pitching is not at all reliable especially with RJ near the top of the rotation, but for the most part since everyone isn't trying to be the guy who hits the game winning 5 run HR, and guys can actually bunt, hit and run and play small ball I think they're much better off at least in the short term.
  8. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    The guys we're talking about here lack any confidence. They don't know how to even APPROACH the kind of women you're talking about. In theory any guy should be able to get with a decent looking woman who isn't a barslut, but when you're 25+ and you haven't been in a relationship, or touched a boobie you're way behind the pace. I'm just saying that when you're in that boat it's best to start off with someone who won't completely intimidate you and make you break into a cold sweat when thinking about how to say hello. I personally don't think these guys are capable of making something meaningful or substantial just because relationship wise they're at the same phase most of us were at when we were 14 or maybe 16, but they're roughly 10 years older. Women want men with confidence and strong decision making skills and these guys don't have that yet. That's why I'm saying they should just try to get that first date/relationship/sexual experience behind them so they'll find out that it isn't rocket science or this nearly impossible thing they've made it out to be mentally.
  9. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    Yeah, but you've actually been with a woman before. A dude in his late 20's that hasn't been with one needs to take baby steps. You can't run a marathon before you know how to crawl.
  10. naiwf


    And I saved at least $300 bucks on just the tickets, tux rental etc. Private school was way too expensive as it was. A few years later I worked on a boat that had after parties for proms, and I realized that it's probably the most overrated day you'll have as an adolescent. Some chick gets to live out her pre wedding fantasy of getting all dressed up and taking 100 pictures with people she'll forget about in 2 months. You sweat like a beast because it's hot as fuck out in June but you've got to wear a tux, and if you're lucky you get an evening of sex with a girl you'll break up with shortly thereafter, for blowing about a month's worth of paychecks. The funniest thing I saw was a dude get dumped as soon as they walked onto the yacht, and cry for about the 3-4 hours the party lasted, while his "girl" made out with essentially half of the guys in their graduating class and flashed everyone repeatedly throughout the night. Good times. Good times.
  11. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    More confident, and out of a slump. As long as she's OK with having sex and you're not paying for it or forcing it on her, I don't see what the problem is. Sex is sex. Relationships are relationships. The two don't have to overlap. In Marvin's case, he'd probably be better off learning how to separate the two, or at the very least get an idea of what it is to deal with either. The guys in this thread will never be able to have healthy relationships because they have no experience with women because they keep shooting after girls they have no chance with. Add in their having no experience with sex on top of that, and that just makes their situations even worse. What would they DO if they actually got a "hot chick"? I'm sure you'll be stunned to learn that women fuck guys they don't necessarily like either. It's more commonly called "casual sex".
  12. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    I disagree, losers don't get anywhere because they still think they'll get the best despite every fiber of their being sending out negative, "I'm a loser" vibes. A slump buster is totally acceptable and almost necessary for the guys who have been seeking advice in this thread. Barring religious reasons no man should be a virgin in his mid to late 20's. No one on this site is only going to get models, so why not just get it over with and then work towards women higher on the totem pole? Although it's not something I'd do, here's my advice, "Get Happy, Fuck a Fatty!"
  13. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    I disagree with the "horse face" remark. Vaidisova's attracive. Maria is just a tall blonde with herpes sores by her lips, lumberjack shoulders and no curves. And Vaidisova beat 'Pova right after her Wimbledon win on the WTT circuit when she was just 15. Vaidisova has a lot more potential than Maria, and I like the fact that she doesn't try to hide that she is a bitch unlike the great white hype. Nicole's bratty outbursts are always quality. I think Kim will quit because she wants to have babies, and she will not be the kind of woman who can have one and return to playing tennis. With her body type, Kimmy strikes me as the kind of woman who will be 200+ plus pounds once she squirts that first baby out. I did have to chuckle at the Cena comparison though.
  14. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Let's Go CUBS! I want Clemens to suffer this year and every Astros loss gets him one game further from the postseason.
  15. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    I'm still on pace to get the two finals I predicted a month before the draw came out, JHH vs Kuznetsova and Federer vs Nadal. Of the four women left I don't have any issues with any of them, although I guess for sheer rooting interests I'd like to see JHH win it all because it would crush fans of the Williams bros. Then I'd go with Kuznetsova so she could have more Slams than Hypapova. Vaidisova would be 3rd because she'd steal some of Maria's hype, and Clijsters last even though she's my favorite of the four simply because she's planning to retire next year and I'd rather see someone gain an actual boost to their confidence as they go forward. With the men, I can't root for Fat Dave because he's such a choke artist and I despise Djokovic for what he did to Monfils at the US Open last year. I hope Rafael triple bagels his ass.
  16. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Soler looks to be about 32 or 33. I think the Mets are trying to corner the market on older than advertised Cubans in the league since they seem to be interested in acquiring Livan from what I heard this week. If they get him, then they'd just be a Contreras shy of the set.
  17. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    I'd like to report a sodomy in the Bronx.
  18. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Melky didn't do anything except take off on a ball he shouldn't have and nearly get picked off by Varitek. The Sox decided to "little league" him home though with a shitty throw and lack of covering the plate by the first baseman. They should all be embarassed of that play turning out the way it did, and yes that includes Melky.
  19. naiwf

    Nikolai Valuev v Owen Beck

    The best part of the clip was the subtitle, "WBA Yetiweight Title".
  20. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    Milledge's skin color would have prevented him from playing in MLB in 1906. Progress is good.
  21. naiwf

    Roland Garros Thread.

    I think Kuznetsova could beat Mr. Williams, but only if Sveta gets through Syco Safina and decides to play finesse tennis and doesn't try to rely on her power game. It's looking increasingly like the older Williams and Nadal are just going to go through the formality of winning the next two matches to make the Final though.
  22. naiwf

    TWIB: June 5-11

    A guy that looked to be about 500 pounds for years suffered a stroke? No way! On a baseball related note, I can't believe that Mike and the Mad Dog have been talking for a couple of hours about Lastings Milledge high fiving a few fans on his way back to the outfield. The fact that people had a problem with this just goes to show that even though it's 2006 some baseball "purists" wish it was still 1906. It's not golf for crying out loud. Emotion is good.
  23. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    They didn't sign big contracts and quit on their team (Steve is debateable, but at least Kobe gave prior warning when he did and Charlotte made a trade for a piece they needed), and in Zo's case not just once, but twice. I don't think the Raptors are going to survive much longer unless they want to field a team of foreigners, but that's just my opinion. I was referring to making it crystal clear that they were not reporting to a shitty/small market team. Stevie Franchise (Killer) has done enough without even having to quit on his teammates. At the end of the day all of those guys were primadonnas, but it's not like Alonzo committed an Artest in the midst of a potential title run.
  24. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    Stevie Franchise and Kobe did it before they were even in the league.
  25. naiwf

    2006 NBA Finals

    I guess it's always better to quit on actual games that count in the standings and ruin your trade value to the franchise, than it is to just not report. At least when you don't report you don't prevent your teammates from winning games they're busting their asses in. VC admitted to tanking games to get out of Toronto. Don't get me wrong, neither one acted like a "man", but giving VC a pass is laughable when his "sin" was far greater.