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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    Does Luiz Gonzalez have the weakest arm in the entire league? The Mets are taking bases on him like he's Mike Piazza behind the plate. Wright wins it with another walkoff single to the warning track in CF.
  2. naiwf

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    Jose Valverde + Endy Chavez + Jose Reyes = blown save Who knew?
  3. naiwf

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    There's a reason he'll never be an even adequate MLB starter.
  4. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    Let's go HEAT! I'd love for Miami to slay Detroit in the Palace.
  5. naiwf

    TWiB: 5/29 - 6/4

    Steve Trachsel is making Eric Byrnes look like Babe Ruth tonight.
  6. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    The main reason I picked Dallas and Detroit to win in 6 is that I didn't think neither Miami nor Phoenix could win twice on the road, but "stealing" one game before losing it right back was almost inevitable. At this point the only games where the home team might have a definitive advantage would be in a game 7.
  7. naiwf

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    After coming from an NBA playoffs thread I read that as Kobe and Nash and did a severe double take.
  8. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    There isn't one once you get to this stage. On the bright side, Phoenix is a monumental Dallas chokejob away from being down 3-0. I'd like to amend my pick of Dallas in 6 to Dallas in 5. The NBA gods owe us Miami/Dallas to make up for all of those San Antonio, Detroit, New Jersey Finals in recent years.
  9. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    Yes. It adds nothing to the game as there are times when 3/4 of the shot is not covering the court. It's pretty retarded in general.
  10. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    That they were, and even I wanted Shaq to lose despite the fact that he's one of my favorite players ever.
  11. naiwf

    Im going to need some advice..

    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you won't excel at speed dating. Your almost complete reluctance to look a woman in the eye and talk essentially means you'll probably stutter out something like "M-m-m-m-m-my name is Ma-a-a-a-a-r-v-v-v-v-in" before you need to switch stations. Stop wasting your money just to practice talking to women. It's not that hard, but you WILL be rejected because you have no confidence and you probably stink of desperation so until you're prepared to have the ego slapped around some more I'd advise not trying to pick up chicks until you're prepared for what actually happens and not that "you'll never know 'til you try" bullshit. Whenever someone says that just think about the fact that you wouldn't walk through a bad neighborhood, look for a gangbanger type and insult his mother, even though I'm guessing you've never tried that. There are simply some things that just don't "feel" right, and this whole Heaven scenario is one of them. Concentrate on women you see in the flesh first and foremost. Once you're comfortable with that, then worry about fringe stuff like speed dating or online dating sites where you need to actually have some proficiency with the ladies to stand out from the multitude of losers out there.
  12. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    Bullshit. I've never had anything bad to say about Detroit except that they don't play a brand of basketball that I like to watch. San Antonio is just a team full of whiny bitches. I don't mind watching either team play ANYONE ELSE, just not each other. If not wanting to watch two teams I don't care for makes me someone who doesn't like the sport, so fucking be it. I'm also not going to watch a Kansas City/Washington World Series, an Arizona/Houston Super Bowl (not that either would happen) etc because I don't care one way or the other who wins or loses. If I don't care who wins or loses, there's no point in wasting time watching.
  13. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    I don't know about you, but I don't think being 40 HRs away classifies as a "chase" right now. No one is technically "chasing" their 500th HR when they're at 460. I get that it's historic, but I really don't need to see cutaways for every at bat he makes until he retires unless he's at at least 745.
  14. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Just so you know, ESPN's Bottom Line now has a Chasing Aaron graphic. Bonds. Will. Not. Die.
  15. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Look for Atlanta to get at least 1 run here on their 9th HR of the game.
  16. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Even if Chicago ties it here, they'll blow it in the 10th.
  17. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Never, now the Chase For Aaron has begun!
  18. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Big Head Barry Hits # 715
  19. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Is Jerry Crawford (home plate asshole) by chance related to NBA cocksucker Joey Crawford? These baseball umps and their rabbit ears are ridiculous.
  20. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    So I see the Cubs have only given up 7 HRs so far. Can the Braves reach double figures?
  21. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Cliff Floyd Kaz Matsui Alex Rodriguez
  22. naiwf

    NBA Conference Finals

    That puts you firmly in the vast minority. Count me as part of the minority as well What I want to know is where did people get this notion that the Heat are a fun team to watch. Other than Wade they are just as "boring" as the Spurs and Pistons. And other than LeBron and Kobe there's no reason to watch the Cavs and Lakers respectively. Wade is only one of the most exciting players of the last couple of decades to watch. The Big Fundamental and his merry band of Spurs are not interesting to watch unless you're from San Antonio, neither are the Pistons when they can't hit more than 35% of their shots and sludge their way to a 74-71 finish.
  23. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    El Duque will be fine, he just needs to get that pitch count down in his next start(s). On a completely unrelated note, I just spotted that Soriano's got 18 HR and 12 SB and given that Washington's already out of it I think we might just see the 4th 40/40 season in MLB history.
  24. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Paul Lo Duca just had a little league steal where he took off while Nolasco was in his wind-up. By the time Nolasco realized he was running Paul was about 20 feet from 2nd. A couple of pitches later Beltran hit one (his 14th in 146 AB) to the moon, 7-3 Mets over the AAA affiliate of the former World Champion Florida Marlins.
  25. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    You'd think in a game with 14 runs, 33 hits and 17+ completed innings someone would have more than 3 hits or 4 RBI. No one's even scored 3 times yet. Biggio's 5 BB and 4 AB is the only statline that jumps out from the hitters at least.