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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Not to me, I thought Bradley was effective when he wanted to be. I like Diop, I liked Bradley, therefore it's not an insult. Not only would that ball have gone right through Bradley's hands, he also would have then fouled Parker or Ginobili leading to a critical 3 point play down the stretch. He was about as useless as one can be when standing 7'6 in a game where the rim is only 2'6 above his head. Raja Bell needs to be suspended again, he's going to kill someone if the Suns get to the NBA Finals.
  2. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Diop actually got a clutch series clinching rebound, calling him the black Bradley is an insult to Diop.
  3. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Thank God for the Mavs. I can now watch the NBA Finals! Dirk again shows that he should have won the MVP. Duncan, Manu and Parker can go fuck themselves and I don't have to see Eva Longoria ever again because I'm sure she'll drop Tony now that he's a loser and her show is losing its luster.
  4. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    The Mavs won't win if this goes to double OT, they don't have enough players. Yet another BULLSHIT call against Dallas.
  5. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Diop for MVP!
  6. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Stackhouse has been money in OT.
  7. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    I've concluded that the All-NBA 1st team for whiny bitches is as follows C- Tim Duncan PF - Robert Horry SF - Bruce Bowen SG - Manu Ginobili PG - Tony Parker Coach - Greg Popovich
  8. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Mavs choke. It's facilitated by Duncan getting away with two handed shoves to the back on "offensive rebounds", and a shoulder dip that would see Shaq get whistled for at least 3 charges per game. Duncan's getting more calls than even Jordan got back in the day, it's absurd.
  9. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Terry's killing the Spurs.
  10. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Um, aren't the Spurs supposed to be a good defensive team? The Mavs will easily have more at halftime than the Cavs had in all of Game 7 yesterday.
  11. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Keith Van Horn seems to be trying to set the playoff record for quickest DQ by getting 3 fouls in about as many minutes in consecutive games.
  12. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    McGwire hit 49 his first year but then it took him 9 years to get to 52, 58, 70 & 65 in consecutive years. His 4 best seasons prior to that run were the 49 in his rookie year, 42, 39 & 39. There's a HUGE difference between hitting 169 HRs in 4 seasons, and 245 HRs in 4 seasons. One guy has a nice little run, another guy is starting to hit the immortal range. Hank Aaron's best 4 years for example is 180, which jumps to 224 if you add in a 5th year. Similarly, there's a HUGE difference between Sosa's 292 HRs in his 5 peak seasons and the 296 he hit in the rest of his career which was twice as long. 30-35 HR's a year for 15 years and you're slightly worse than Fred McGriff. 30-35 a year for 10-12 and then 60 a year for 4 or 5 muscleblown seasons and suddenly you're Mark McGwire or Sammy Sosa. Bret Boone only had 1 or 2 great seasons, and his baseline of 10-15 HRs pre-juice really wasn't high enough to make that much of a difference. Sosa and McGwire went from being really good power hitters to top 5ish all time in HRs thanks to their tainted stretch. An extra 80 to 100 HRs will do that for you. Imagine Griffey with an extra 100 HRs for example, he'd be closing in on Mays right now. But enough about that since those guys are already marred in the minds of many.
  13. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    You're right, but lifting weights doesn't cause the skeletal changes that guys like Sosa, McGwire and Bonds all showed. Again, I'm not saying they used 'roids, but they definitely weren't "clean". I'm not against saying that Pujols might have used something, or even still is. I'm not necessarily convinced that he isn't older than the 26 years of age they say he is. I wouldn't be shocked if Griffey or A-Rod were on something as well, but to say that McGwire & Sosa were clean because they didn't fail a drug test is something I can't agree with. I don't necessarily need anyone else to agree with me, but their numbers should come under heavy suspicion, and I'm glad that they have.
  14. naiwf

    Who is the defining artist of this generation?

    Green Day is INSANELY overrated, and I say that as someone who owns their first three albums. I'd agree with the guy who said Eminem is probably the defining artist of the last 5-10 years for all of the same reasons that Elvis, the Beatles, Nirvana etc were.
  15. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Fair enough. I'd watch any series besides Pistons/Spurs just because I'd have at least have one player or team to root for. (I couldn't watch Spurs/Nets back in the day either for much the same reason) At this point it just seems like the Mavs, Clippers, Suns and Heat are not going to be able to prevent that from happening again.
  16. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    He looked pretty slim at the Congressional hearing. But then you'll have apologists say that he didn't need to be so bulked up once his playing days were over. McGwire's a hero damnit and how dare you suggest he was on something!
  17. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Allegations and common sense are enough to tell you that the aforementioned guys blew up in a short period of time, and as they grew to HHH like size, their power numbers became legendary. No one questions Griffey or A-Rod for example, and that's mainly because their body type/size remained the same. If all of a sudden A-Rod's skull size increased and he was sporting McGwire sized guns, I wouldn't need to see a failed piss test to know he was doing something. Human anatomy just doesn't change like that by eating vitamins and saying your prayers once you've hit your thirties.
  18. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    Sammy Sosa's forehead tripled in size from his rookie season to when he retired. He may not have used steroids per se, but he looks a lot like a guy who used HGH. We all know he used a corked bat so it's just easier to assume he'd cheat, especially with stuff that wouldn't just fall into our awareness with an errant swing. It's only right that McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, and Palmeiro get lumped together since every single one of those guys was on SOMETHING at some point in their career. Their numbers/careers/legacies deserve to be tainted. The Red Sox 3rd base coach is a retard. Make a guy make the throw to the plate. If he guns you down, so be it. If he bobbles it, air mails it, or just makes a shitty throw you've got the lead and Manny on 2nd. Only Yankees commentators would praise a guy in that situation. It's not like he was running on Ichiro or Francoeur.
  19. naiwf

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    Maybe, maybe not. I know that those Bad Boys teams were really good, but it's hard to compare across eras. The game has just evolved too much since then. The Bad Boys were considered to be great defensively, but gave up almost 20 PPG more thant this current incarnation. Their bench was considerably better, though. I'll give you that. These Pistons beat a good Lakers team, and nearly beat a really good Spurs team. If they win another title this year, I'm willing to put them up there as one of those all-time great teams. I just look it like this, the Bad Boys SWEPT a Lakers team with Magic, Kareem, Worthy and Byron Scott a year after barely losing to them in 7. They also beat two Jordan/Pippen led Bulls teams en route to their titles. The Pistons don't have one series victory that measures up to those. I also think the Bad Boys were just a much better balanced and offensive team than the current Pistons, and defensively they would match up well against the current Pistons. The Bad Boys have 2 HoF guards, the current Pistons are solid players at the guard spot but neither is as good as Joe D, much less in Isiah's league. Rodman and Laimbeer match up favorably with Big Ben and 'Sheed. The only position where I think the new Pistons would have an edge is the SF, with Prince being better than Aguirre. However, the Bad Boys bench was so much deeper than any combination of guys the recent Pistons have. The series would be over in 5 or 6 tops with the Bad Boys winning. IF the Pistons win the title this year, then they'll go down as having one of the best 4-5 year runs in league history, but I think I'd still look at them like the Rockets who went back to back, or the Spurs of the last half decade moreso than as one of those transcendent teams of the '80s and '90s.
  20. naiwf

    NBA Playoffs 2006: Conference Semifinals

    Maybe you can watch 7 games when you don't give a shit for either team, any player on either team, or the coaches, but I can't. Is it high quality hoops? Sure. But there's no reason for me to invest upwards of 21 hours of my life on something I have no interest in because I have no attachment to it whatsoever.
  21. naiwf

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    The Bad Boys did it against a league with much better teams. The current Pistons haven't run into one "all-time" team in their run, unless you want to call the final Shaq/Kobe Lakers team one. The old Pistons would anally rape the new ones, so for once I'd say Skip is actually on point.
  22. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    PTI claims the Cubs are working on an extension for Dusty. I'm beginning to think that the Cubs and Knicks are owned by members of the same family.
  23. naiwf

    TWiB #8: 5/22 - 5/28

    I'd like to see Albert hit 62, to set the juice free record. However, I see him stalling out at about 57 or 58 just because at some point he'll end up taking 2 or 3 IBBs in every critical game and I don't know how he'll react to only getting 3 or 4 pitches per game to go deep with.
  24. naiwf

    Most Overrated/Underrated MLB Players

    That may be the case, but at the end of the day, a win is a win. No matter what NY fans want you to believe, there aren't asterisks next to the victories over the Royals or teams not located in Boston. Wins over teams like Boston have more to do with pride and that's fine. But don't act like wins over inferior teams are inferior themselves. Lord knows we hear bitching when that happens, anyway. I agree with you. I'm just saying that I've never heard any fans of a team actively look to dump a 2-time MVP in the midst of his prime before A-Rod. There were idiots last week who were saying they'd rather have swept the Yankees and gotten swept by St. Louis and Philly because bragging rights last longer than wins against non rivals. I'll gladly take 5-4 or 6-3 even if it means losing all 3 to the Yankees than 3-6 where I could rag on Yankees fans for 3 days, but then again I'm more concerned with making the playoffs than winning the season series against Da Bombers for example as well.
  25. naiwf

    Most Overrated/Underrated MLB Players

    Double post.