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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    That was atrocious defense, but props to LeBron for hitting the shot. What the fuck did Eddie Jordan draw up in the huddle? That guy should lose his job for this.
  2. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Gilbert Arenas needs to make these two free throws.
  3. naiwf

    TWIB #5: 1 May - 7 May

    Thank God for Delgado because our other Carlos is playing like he doesn't even care anymore.
  4. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Arenas needs to go off for about 8 in the OT.
  5. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Considering replays show Bell flopped both times yesterday, and the second "elbow" didn't even make contact, I have no sympathy for his "bruised cheek". He should be more concerned with his bruised vagina which allowed him to possibly kill his team solely to feed his own ego. I just got home, so how are Arenas and LeBron playing thus far tonight?
  6. naiwf


    That bitch didn't even entertain me in defeat. Boo to you Paris, boo to you!
  7. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Hey, in NYC city workers routinely get suspended with pay. I never understood the concept of a punishment taking the form of a paid vacation, but that's why I put that in there. With that decision in, all Kobe has to do is post Barbosa up all night and pass off when the double team comes to either Odom, Brown or Turiaf.
  8. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    On SportsCenter, Fred Hickman just mentioned that Bell is indeed suspended without pay for game 6. I'm sure no one is shocked.
  9. naiwf

    TWIB #5: 1 May - 7 May

    Can someone explain why most lefties can't hit lefties or why most managers act like leaving a right hander in to face a lefty is borderline insanity?
  10. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Because if Bell doesn't get suspended that gives Phil Jackson license to put a useless player in the game with the intent of trying to take Nash out. At that point, that guy couldn't get suspended either because the argument would be "if Bell didn't get suspended for a clothesline and a throwdown to the floor, why should he"? This isn't the NHL.
  11. naiwf

    WON News and Notes

    I can't take a guy 6 inches shorter than me, and more importantly shorter than my mother, seriously as a World Champion in the WWE, especially when he has no amateur background. There's a difference between being undersized like Benoit or Eddie, and being a midget like Rey. Rey doesn't win with skill or cunning either, he wins every match by making his opponents look like lumbering fools and with the weakest looking offensive moves imaginable. When a smaller than his opponent wrestler can't use basic moves like a suplex or a bodyslam because he can't do them, it makes me lose interest in watching him. If you like seeing him as the champ, that's great. I don't, and never will, mainly because I've grown tired of Rey the underdog wrestling the same match for a decade, especially now that he can't do it as quickly or as crisp as he once did. Barring his supposed workrate in this day and age, he has no character to speak of, and he can't cut a promo to save his life. How is that any better than the alternatives SD is working with?
  12. naiwf

    WON News and Notes

    Yeah, let's stick to good old fashioned hosses. We can only hope Vince relalises his mistake and no-one under 6 foot 5 ever gets the belt again. I swear, you whine about Vince favoring big no talent guys, then bitch when a small, talented worker gets the strap. Rey Mysterio should have gotten this title, no question, but it should have been booked better, this is the worst booked title reign I can remember right now. No, you've got it wrong. Rey is not a small, talented worker to me. He's a stale, overrated, slightly taller midget who exposes the business every time he beats a 250+ pound man with a swinging kick to the "face", then jumps from a few feet away and gently caresses their chest with his 150 pound senton, or better yet does a 'rana where the opponent has to lift his legs in the air like a pornstar so little Rey can hook them. Mickie James has as much right to be the WWE Champ/WHC as Rey does, which is to say none, and Mickie actually has a character and promo ability. There was no one on SD that I would have objected to getting the title before Rey and that includes Orton, Henry and the fucking meaningless Boogeyman. Now, as long as JBL drops the title at ONS I'm all for it. If Vince has ideas that prolong his reign beyond that date, then he's an idiot.
  13. naiwf


    It's 7 weeks later and I got 5 of the top 6 right. Ace would be where Paris is, and if Paris goes here I'd still have a chance at running the table if the order of the final four is indeed Chris 1st, Katharine 2nd, Elliott 3rd and Taylor 4th. I didn't do well with 7 through 12, but they were just fodder anyway. I did nail my reasoning behind Kellie, Lisa, Kevin and Melissa though so not too bad all things considered.
  14. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    99-86 Lakers. I just want to see the Lakers win all 4 games with exactly 99 points.
  15. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Exactly. If the league is going to be consistent, Bell gets the gate, Nash and D'Antoni get hit with a fine, just like J.O. got for bitching about the officiating. Bell even admitted that he did it because he got hit in the face which shows intent. He knew he was hitting Kobe and that's why he clotheslined him and then tried to shove him to the ground afterwards.
  16. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    He was being sarcastic. Quit being stupid
  17. naiwf

    WON News and Notes

    My only hope is that the "Rey Mysterio Experiment" never gets repeated. He never should have been given a World Title, and hopefully Vince realizes that this was a monumental mistake.
  18. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, Raja Bell is an idiot, suspend him, fuck that guy."? How about, "I hope he doesn't get suspended, but we'll go out and (try to) win the game with or without him"? Saying that he shouldn't get suspended because you got a bad break or two just makes Nash look like a whiner. Bell didn't get hit with an elbow by the way, so how can you toss Kobe for not making contact with him? He flopped like a soccer player. It doesn't matter though since there's no chance the league allows him to play on Thursday. If Bell doesn't get suspended, Phil should put someone disposable like JJ into the starting lineup and just let him unload on Nash with the intent to hurt him in the opening minutes of the game. That's the natural progression and why Phoenix saying he doesn't deserve to be penalized is just ridiculous.
  19. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Nash's vaginitis won't even allow him to accept the idea that a fucking CLOTHESLINE is a suspension worthy offense. I hope the league fines him for complaining about the officiating when they announce Bell's suspension. D'Antoni's caught the inflammation of his pussy from Nash. How can you honestly think that he doesn't deserve a suspension because there's been hard fouls. Bell flopped twice, especially on "the elbow" which you can see didn't even touch him. Bell should get two games just for being a bitch.
  20. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    This game is getting stupid right now. It's over, but someone looks like they're going to try and start a fight in the last 2 minutes. Phoenix won the game tonight, but Bell's idiocy likely cost them the war.
  21. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    If anyone doesn't think Bell deserves a suspension that's just idiotic. If Posey got one for a should block to the side, there's no fucking way Bell doesn't. At least Raja got the street cred he's been looking for since he's been chippy this whole series.
  22. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    If Phoenix somehow loses this game I don't want to hear anything about the officiating being the cause since the Lakers were whistled for 17 fouls in that first half. Everyone who has played has at least 1 foul, 6 guys have multiple and Brown and Odom already have 3. It's not like the Suns are exactly attacking the rim either. Other than that, who would have guessed that Boris Diaw would be the best player on Phoenix this series by a WIDE margin?
  23. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Turiaf is playing well in Kwame's absence. I wonder if Bynum will ever get any P.T. in the postseason.
  24. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Dwyane Wade just made # 1 or 2 in the top 10 on tonight's SportsCenter with that move. It depends entirely on whether or not Kobe hits a game winner tonight.
  25. naiwf

    TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

    Whether he did it or not, Kwame won't end up doing any time.