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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NHL Thread

    So the Rangers made the playoffs for the first time this century. All it took was a work stoppage and a completely new business model. Woooo.
  2. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Junior Griffey just hit one out as well. The Reds lead 5-2 on the strength of 3 homers.
  3. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Bronson Arroyo just CRUSHED one to deep left, to tie it at 2 against the Cubbies. Awesome.
  4. naiwf


    I don't really feel like Ace will go just yet. The bumpkins are safe, I think Chris, Katharine and Taylor are as well thanks to large fanbases and/or rebound performances. So that leaves four people. . . Ace, Elliott, Mandisa & Paris. Of that group, I'd say Paris has the biggest fanbase, especially now that Lisa is out, so I'll go with Ace, Elliott and Mandisa as the bottom 3. Ace will be saved, leaving Elliott and Mandisa. And in an upset to me, Elliott goes home when realistically it should have been either Ace or Mandisa's turn to do so.
  5. naiwf

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Yeah, Rey really deserved that title. I can't say that I didn't see this coming.
  6. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    The Yankees lose. . . . THEEEEEEEEE YANKEEEEEEEEEEES LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE 4-3, bottom 9 as Scutaro rocks one over Matsui's head leading in the runner from 2nd. Nice job by Oakland.
  7. Obviously, Coach G learned about choking away titles from the master. It's amazing how little output the Duke squads get when they lead the world in All-Americans on their rosters year after year.
  8. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    No-mah's already on the 15 day DL. Now that he's started the season in his current form, it begs the question who's the most brittle player in the game these days, Nomar, Beckett, Prior or Wood?
  9. naiwf


    I told you the bumpkins (Kellie & Bucky) would dominate country week. Kellie was excellent, and Bucky seems to be going last too.
  10. naiwf


    Seacrest REALLY needs to be fired. He is the only person on the AI payroll that adds less to the broadcasts than Paula. So far I've been underwhelmed, but Elliott's been the best of those who have performed.
  11. naiwf


    I think Randy needs to get laid. He's been cranky for the last two weeks now.
  12. naiwf

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Randy probably tried to make a move on Eddie's eldest daughter. Somebody had to say it.
  13. naiwf

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    I believe it was baby oil or some such oily substance along those lines that ruined all of the contents in the bag. When the WWE wouldn't pay for cleaning or replacement clothing, she quit.
  14. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    OH HE DOES IT ON OPENNING DAY BUT PLAYOFFS K K K K K. Blah blah, etc... Your boy A-Rod is so clutch it's scary
  15. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Nomar needs to get back on the juice.
  16. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    The Phillies taking it in the ass is almost as satisfying as the Mets victory.
  17. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    The Mets win 3-2 as Beltran throws out Vidro at 2nd as he tried to stretch a single into a double. Most of the new Mets were excellent as. . . Nady went 4 for 4 with 2 2B, R, RBI Lo Duca was 2 for 4 2B, RBI Wagner got the S with an IP, K A much better start than the Braden Looper Memorial game in last year's opener vs Cincy.
  18. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Pujols just homered, and Rollins is 0 for 1 in his quest to keep alive his pursuit of Joe D's record.
  19. naiwf

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    I'm thinking Cena's talking about regaining his edge. If, and this is a BIG if, the WWE were thinking ahead, they knew Cena would get the "treatment" at 'Mania and are planning to turn him heel, or at least tweener again. It's not out of the realm of possibility that him retaining the title last night was done to set up his eventual turn rather than putting the belt on HHH and then doing it. Granted, they should have done this 6 months ago, but you know how slow Vince is to acknowledge that his plans are not perfect. It's also possible HHH wins the belt before the PPV, and they go the obvious route.
  20. naiwf

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    No, you are. You sound like a spurned lover. It's THAT bad.
  21. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Again, I'll ask what is there to hate about Bud Selig?
  22. naiwf

    OAO WrestleMania 22 thread - 4/2/06

    Cena needs to turn heel and drop the belt to RVD. I don't care about his lack of workrate, or moveset he's the only over face that isn't 40 something on RAW. Let RVD run with the belt for a few months, rework Cena's whole image/character and figure out what you're trying to do with the company. There are too many older guys at the top of the card and that's simply because everyone under 30 can't work and/or cut a promo so they all look limited compared to the guys that can do both. The WWE needs a direction, and it's better to fumble around looking for it with anyone BUT HHH as champion, because he's counterproductive to longterm growth with the way he cuts down opponents both verbally and physically. I don't see how anyone could argue that burying Cena, and letting HHH be champ again would be a GOOD thing.
  23. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Seriously though, what's there to hate about Bud Selig? Last time I checked he didn't start any unnecessary wars, create panic and confusion in the populace, lead America to become more hated than ever, cut jobs, healthcare and everything else that Bush has done. Baseball's a fucking game. Ooh, he let the All-Star game end in a tie one year. Let's get 'im!
  24. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Most people don't hate Bud. That's a no contest. That's news to me. Ask a non baseball fan (that's what at least 60% of the country?) what they think about Bud Selig, and watch their faces contort as they have no fucking clue who you're talking about. Ask your average American what they think about Dubya, and just enjoy the show one way or the other.
  25. naiwf

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Most people don't hate Bud. That's a no contest.