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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf


    Ryan's just trying not to be THE most annoying person on the show this season. Stevie, the next chick, reminds me of Six from Blossom.
  2. naiwf


    I would pay good money to watch Ayla clothesline Ryan's head off, but I don't know if I want to see her sing next week. Paris is one of the best, but I think she's a complete mimic and annoying. Let's see if she overdoes it (again) tonight.
  3. naiwf


    Why not just go with Mama Benjamin as her nickname? Ayla's stinking up the joint too. I guess it's "nerves". I still don't know why chicks try to sing Whitney, or Xtina on this show.
  4. naiwf


    Dude, she was TERRIBLE. Aww Shucks Barbie is much more marketable and if you're going to cut one you get rid of the older, less likable one. It's AI 101.
  5. naiwf


    Becky's gone tomorrow or Thursday whenever they do the results show. Pickler stole her spot as the "pretty girl that makes the top 12 based solely on looks".
  6. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I'd put my money on Slutskaya to win, but I'd love for Sasha to win the gold just to fuck with Michelle Kwan's mind a bit more. How great would it be for the greatest choker of all time to have to deal with fellow Americans Lipinski, Hughes and Cohen as the last 3 gold medal winners during her vastly overrated career?
  7. naiwf


    I'd say that it's mostly women that do that. The best looking girls often go early because guys don't vote nearly as much, and if a girl cannot sing the hell out of every song she's doomed. Whichever guy is deemed "the hottest" is the one the psychos out there start fantasizing about and claim they will never watch Idol again when he finally gets bumped off around the top 6 when the people who vote based on talent finally flush them out. I'd guess that McPhee is the favorite this year, but if a guy is ever going to win again he has to be the 2nd best looking guy in his season AND have an enormous amount of talent, because the backlash of being the pretty boy (Constantine) only ramps up as the show progresses leaving the other guy (Bo) in better shape.
  8. naiwf


    Katherine McPhee is the best singer. Kellie Pickler is the hottest. Ace, Chris & Taylor will be the only three guys America won't hate.
  9. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I haven't taken Russian since 8th grade so I don't remember, but be honest is Irina's last name really pronounced Sloot-skaya, or SLUT-skaya? To be more specific I don't want the Americanized way like they've changed Sharapova's name, but the way a Russian would say it. To answer the earlier rhetorical question I'd rather lust after the Sasha Cohen legal but young looking type, than the Emily Hughes "I can do time even though she looks legal" type. I'm not down with the prospect of potentially being prison raped for any girl.
  10. The Spurs and Pistons have fundamentally sound teams. Is it any surprise that they are able to regularly dominate teams that aren't on their level with the basics and team play? Individual players, like LeBron, can get away with things just based on athletic ability, but a team full of "LeBrons" wouldn't succeed even in the NBA because they wouldn't know how to play as a team. The Pistons 4+1 getting the East back in the All-Star game this weekend is the best example I can think of.
  11. naiwf

    Adam Morrison vs JJ Redick

    Redick wins POTY. Morrison actually has value as a pro. I look at JJ on the pro level and see Kyle Korver 2.0. He plays no 'D', can't really create his own shot and happens to play the position with some of the league's most unstoppable players. JJ will be lucky to average 8-10 PPG in his career. He could last a long time ala Steve Kerr, but I don't see him ever being a star. Morrison on the other hand is more versatile and can cause match up problems on the offensive end. Given time, and the right team I could see him being a borderline all star type player. If he gets a bit stronger and learns to play some defense, I can see him as a smaller version of Dirk Nowitzki.
  12. If you know how to play the game properly and can shoot, then it's relatively easy to pick a collection of guys from different teams and make a winner. If you don't know how to play the game properly and can't shoot, when you pick a collection of guys from different teams you end up losing to squads with "inferior talent". Did I really need to spell this one out?
  13. Not exactly. They pick the best players from their leagues as well. Don't buy that "They've played for years" crap. Those guys played for years the same way the NBA players have; mostly on opposing teams. Except the USA's best players tend to lack this thing call the "fundamentals". European players often aren't athletic or moronic enough to try and rebound the ball, dribble it 90 feet, try to cut through five defenders and then try and jump over or through someone to score a basket. They realize it's a hell of a lot easier to just pass it to another guy wearing the same jersey on the court when he's open because WINNING is more important to them than making the top 10 plays on SportsCenter that night. Until we get that same mentality, we're not going to dominate international competition anymore. And the Euros can all shoot, while Americans usually can't.
  14. naiwf

    This week in the New York Knicks

    Latrell Sprewell can't feed his kids with how much it costs the Knicks to win a single game. It's a shame that $8.4 million doesn't buy what it used to.
  15. naiwf

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I also knew he'd Pedigree Big Show. It was just too much of a temptation for him to pass up burying both guys at once before putting Cena out of his misery at WM.
  16. naiwf

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    For the same fucking reason you constantly post in the TNA forum. Seriously, shut the fuck up already.
  17. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    They both look 13 though. Not that there's anything wrong with that when they're legal.
  18. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I'm guessing Leena's talking about kiddie porn on ice aka "ladies" figure skating.
  19. naiwf

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    That's because even Hogan wasn't in HHH's league, let's not forget that he is the "King of Kings".
  20. naiwf

    Weekend Box Office 2-17-06

    The sad thing is Paul Walker MIGHT have two number one movies in a row with his other one (which actually looks alright) coming out on Friday. I love how the preview bills at as "Paul Walker's best/greatest performance", as if that is actually saying anything of value.
  21. naiwf

    THE OAO Raw thread for 2/20/06

    I just want to reiterate my theory that the final sequence of the match will be something like this . . . Show will chokeslam RVD, then HHH will Pedigree Show, toss him from the ring, catch a rising RVD with a Pedigree and take his sweet time to make the cover. I can't imagine he won't want to pin RVD even though ideally this match is clearly set up for Show to eat the loss and protect RVD in the process.
  22. naiwf

    This week in the New York Knicks

    Best Joke That I Heard More Than Once This Weekend Some variation of this one: "Did you hear that Anucha Browne Sanders wanted to settle with the Knicks for $2 million, but Isiah countered with $50 million over six years?
  23. As an MMA fan you realize this, but I'd venture to say that most WWE fans will end up thinking that Taker's an idiot for not letting go of the hold when he was getting pinned. I guess it's also a little bit unfair to compare a legit triangle choke against a worked one, but unless Taz or Cole put over the move in such a way, they didn't do enough to make the point clear.
  24. naiwf

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    I haven't paid too much attention to it, but there's some buzz in NYC that they may just bite the bullet and cut him if he won't redo his deal. Some of his teammates have thrown him under the bus already, and if he's going to be stubborn they might just be better off without him.
  25. MAYBE 250,000 households saw tonight's match. Just because you saw it and loved it doesn't mean it's the best way to go, especially when they would likely duplicate the match (HBK/Angle anyone?). Sacrificing Kurt to Taker's ego would be insanely counterproductive at this point because you know Taker's ready for another 4-6 month vacation after Mania, while Kurt could lose an arm in a match and would still try to make the next taping. I don't believe in sacrificing the best guy you've got for a single night, especially when he was made to look awful for months at a time by Cena, who will also be sacrificed on the same show. The world does not need a HHH/Undertaker headed WWE. Think of the children.