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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. The WWE doesn't need Taker as a champion, But they need RANDY ORTON? Taker as champ necessitates either a long run, or a short reign with a fluke title loss. Neither is good. Orton could drop the title the following SD and no one would complain. He's a transitional champ, while they'd more than likely try to stretch this last Taker run out or just do the title swap to preserve his meaningless streak and then have him drop it back to Kurt or to Orton, which makes me say "why bother?" doing that match at all. We just saw it with Cena/Edge/Cena and I can't see Taker bringing the workrate this soon after his annual effort to show he's still got something.
  2. The WWE doesn't need Taker as a champion, nor do they need a screwy finish. The odds of Taker agreeing to job twice in a row, cleanly to the same guy AND lose his WM streak in the process is just something I don't think can accurately be calculated.
  3. He lost the match to an injured man, was repeatedly called a loser and idiot who let everyone down by Tazz and Cole, made Vicki cry and nobody in the back would look at him. This is awesome! *clap clap clap clap clap* This is awesome! *clap clap clap clap clap* Granted, it's pretty moronic to put Orton over here and have heels run the table at WM, but Vince and logic went separate ways a long time ago.
  4. I'm happy Eddie lost to Orton as he lied, cheated and stole his title shot and ME at WM.
  5. naiwf

    Wrestlers better then Finlay right now

    Shit like this is why I spend most of my net time at DVDVR instead of here. What does Michaels do that makes him a good wrestler? What? There is a HUGE difference between who he really is in the ring and who the announcers say he is. When he wrestles, it looks fake. He flops around like a beached flounder for the weakest of strikes, throws a few horrible ones of his own (have you SEEN his punches and chops), takes the opponents finisher, kicks out, Jesuses up, superkick. That's it. His matches have no substance - he just runs drearily through the motions. Everything he does is choreographed and masturbatory. But -- he's old and can do moonsaults from time to time, so he's a great wrestler! I too would like to know what makes Michaels such a good wrestler... Does he have psychology? No, his matches have no story, his big matches are just a random execution of moves, and his television matches are interchageable, and formulatic . Is he a good seller? Absolutely not. Besides the fact that he has a short-term memory when it comes to selling, his selling looks completely ridiculous, cartoonish and resembles a seizure. Does he have an exciting moveset? Again, NO. Unless you haven't watched wrestling since 1985. Does his offense look good? No. It looks like it could barely tickle a puppy, and looks downright sloppy at times. Again, exactly WHAT makes Michaels such a good wrestler? I would love some sort of an explanation... Is there ONE HBK fan who can intelligently defend his work since coming back? In a word, markdom.
  6. I'm pretty sure Eddie's spirit won't be wrestling until later. His family will support him then.
  7. naiwf

    NBA All-Star Weekend

    Everyone knew Nate would win if it was close, but even as a Knicks fan there's no way AI 2.0 didn't deserve the title. Having said that, he'll have to settle for easily having the greatest dunk ever in the dunk contest.
  8. naiwf

    NBA All-Star Weekend

    Iguodala just clinched the best dunk in the dunk contest ever. That was sick.
  9. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    I told you Isiah would try to bring in a crippled Martin if he had the chance because he's a fucking moron.
  10. naiwf

    Winter Olympic Men's Hockey Thread

    I would love for you Canadians to lose out on the gold medal in the men's tourney just because you guys actually cared that the US women's team lost a match that no one outside of their family was interested in
  11. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    Does anyone else think Emily Hughes looks like a young Alyson Hannigan? Every time I see her speak I just keep wondering why Willow's talking about the Olympics.
  12. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I feel that way about all international sports. The thing that really irks me is that if the girl who came in 2nd had done what Lindsey did, and that had led to Lindsey winning the gold, they wouldn't be making an issue of the stupid mistake because they'd be too busy praising the American for winning. Sometimes I wish there was a way to watch another country's feed of these kind of events just so I could see a balanced report of the games and not the pro-USA/fuck everyone else bullshit.
  13. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    She's getting more air time for falling than she would have received if she'd won that meaningless gold. I find that kind of funny, almost as funny as her attempt at justifying a method air attempt on what was a straight jump.
  14. naiwf

    Survivor Panama- Exile Island

    That move by Bruce was hilarious. It looks like they finally made a smart elimination yesterday, and I'm wondering if we might not see a run of men get eliminated now that the first 3 booted have all been females. I don't really care who goes as long as Danielle stays for a while longer and continues to fall out of her bikini top. Any hot chick who tries to powerbomb/chokeslam another woman (Ruth Marie) is my fave for the remainder of the show.
  15. Does anyone really think she's gonna tell Vince to go fuck himself when he's her major (sole?) source of potential income for the time being now that Eddie's dead?
  16. Rey was cool with messing with his own son's mental well being for a push. I don't think anything he says in character or out of it is relevant after that decision.
  17. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    Most Americans that watch the Olympics aren't actual sports fans. If you tell them someone like Bode Miller was the World Champ last year, they'll be like "ooh, he must be pretty good!" when people who follow what he does know he's been awful this year and wasn't a huge favorite in any of the events he was entered in. Americans also buy into the hype more than anyone else, which is why I LOVE to see when the golden boys and girls are huge busts. Leena, who are you to say that our potheads who skip class to skate and snowboard aren't real athletes? J/K
  18. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I thought that's why all the EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEME sports were added It is, but we're not really getting medals anywhere else, so we need a couple more events geared for us by 2010. I say we drop hockey and add Motocross, Best Trick, Step Up etc to pad the stats some more.
  19. naiwf

    Torino Winter Olympics Thread.

    I think we Americans need to develop some new sports we can dominate, and remind people like Jacobellis that you celebrate AFTER you win, not before. Seriously though, I'd say maybe .3% of the country actually is interested in these Olympics now that Kwan is gone and Bode is a bust.
  20. But you just said you want him to brutalize Jerry Lynn, injure Dutt and basically he'd have kicked everyone's ass in the Division if he went on a rampage for another few months. TNA is setting themselves up to fail in a big way if they let Joe keep the streak too much longer. I don't think he will be a good World Champ, and as such they need to end the Goldberg run sooner rather than later because TNA doesn't have a good enough roster to sacrifice everyone to Joe and then try to rebuild them.
  21. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    If the Knicks tank next year, I'll say that they're on their way to doing it correctly. Do they have their 1st round pick then? The funny thing is that the Knicks aren't trying to tank this year, and yet we still have the 2nd worst team in an NBA that has the Hawks, Bobcats and Raptors involved. Cena's Writer is starting to sound like a guy who would blame himself if his girlfriend cheated on him every night of the week. He wouldn't even be upset enough to say anything bad about her because he'd hold steadfastly to the belief that she can change. It's beyond me how anyone with a functional brain can say that a team paying out over $100 million dollars for a 14-37 record is on the right track.
  22. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    How do you know Stevie Francis would complain about something? [/sarcasm] As has been stated numerous times, having a GOOD PLAN is paramount to success. Trading for 30something guys with bloated contracts that already play positions you have youngsters at is counterproductive. Draft picks don't matter when they aren't top 5 and can't see any time on the court because you have to play the guys making $8 million plus annually. The Knicks team of today is not any better than the team Isiah inherited and I can say that because in a weak ass Eastern conference we are 14-37 and on pace for the worst record in the history of the franchise. Oh yes, and our reward for this magnificent season is that the Bulls will probably end up with the # 1 overall pick because that's exactly what the worst case scenario would be. Period. End of story.
  23. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Right, and the Knicks would have gotten back Artest or Odom, which is BETTER than having Marbury 2.0 aka Steve Francis. The Knicks aren't giving up Robinson, Lee, or Frye in the proposed deal. Francis will end up playing 35+ minutes a night. When Steph gets healthy, he too will play 35+ minutes a night. That leaves at most 25 minutes per night for the rest of the guards on the Knicks line up. If they're going to completely block Nate's minutes for the next three years, they have no need for him. With Jalen Rose clogging up minutes at the three and Lee and Frye not being able to play the center spot, how much better will those three get? The answer, is not much better, and of course when Isiah realizes this he'll end up trading at least Lee and Nate as packages with Taylor or Malik Rose to a team looking to dump a bad contract and a useless low 1st round draft pick. At least with Artest you have a bonafide lockdown defender and a guy who can score 15-20 a night. Yes he's a fucking lunatic, but he's likely better now than Frye will ever be. Instead of making a smart trade and maximizing what they have, the Knicks will take an undersized combo guard making obscene money and shunt Nate to garbage time minutes before trading him in a year or two for Jalen Rose's replacement because God knows that a 20-25 pick and 18 million in returning contracts will be too enticing for Isiah to pass up.
  24. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Right, and the Knicks would have gotten back Artest or Odom, which is BETTER than having Marbury 2.0 aka Steve Francis.
  25. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    They aren't drafting guys who fell? Who the hell are you to tell us the future? Your argument is basically "Uh well, those guys fell, but um, there won't be guys falling ever again, and if they do, the Knicks don't draft them because I said so." You're not getting his point. The Knicks are drafting players who weren't highly coveted, but because the Knicks are in such a dire situation they need to play NOW. But, they don't get any PT because they have a bunch of overpriced, out of position and old bums clogging up their contractual situation which dictates that total wastes of space like Malik Rose and/or Mo Taylor get minutes. When those draftees don't become 20 & 10 players overnight, they get packaged in a deal and shipped off for another, overpriced, duplicate position bum with more years on his deal for another pick in the low 20's. The best example I can think of is this, is Eddy Curry, really doing that much more to help the Knicks than Sweetney, a potential # 1 overall pick, and the Knicks 2nd round picks in '07 & '09? I don't think so, and the benefit they received in dumping Tim Thomas for Antonio Davis was negated when they promptly gave up Davis for a $17 million player in Jalen Rose and another pick that will never see any court time as a Knick. Weren't you one of the guys that thought getting rid of Davis would allow Frye and Lee to develop? How's that working out?