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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    These homos are worse than The Heart Throbs and The Dicks, wow.
  2. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    I think Shawn is the audience's POV character. Then he should have "changed the channel" by leaving the room.
  3. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Hey, they're gonna do it with Orton, so why not go big and give the fans nothing they want at WM.
  4. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    I kinda miss "One, two, THREEHEGOTHIMNOHEDIDN'T!" Nothing's better than "OHWHATTAMANEUVER" for every hold he didn't know the name to.
  5. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    That would have been Cena if he was still trying to be "edgy". I like how the Panthers don't seem all that put off by blowing a chance to go to the Super Bowl.
  6. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Just wait until Masters gets 10-15 minutes to showcase the perfect bald spot, and Mama Benjamin gets her TV time.
  7. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    I'd like to see Edge pick either Kane or Big Show only to have them turn on him.
  8. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    Cena's Carlton, not the Fresh Prince.
  9. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    69 days and roughly 1 hour and 40 minutes.
  10. naiwf

    OAO RAW Thread - Jan/23rd/06

    "In a world in need of a champion" is the best start to a promo/video in WWWFE history.
  11. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    Year Opp Result | CMP ATT YDS TD INT | RSH YD TD 2003 gnb L,27-33 | 25 45 305 0 1 | 1 0 0 http://www.pro-football-reference.com/ You can only really find stats for offensive players, but they've got whatever else you need for the most part.
  12. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    That's the truth. Jordan scored 69 and no one complained, David Robinson scored 71 and I *believe* no one complained, so that just proves your point. I remember a lot of people thought The Admiral's 71 was bullshit since he knew exactly how many points he needed to steal the scoring title from Shaq that year and the Spurs were going to allow him every opportunity to get it.
  13. naiwf

    Australian Open.

    I posted this elsewhere. My only hope is that at least ONE of the Women's QF matches is close since only 2 of the 8 in the previous round were (Clijsters went to a tiebreak set against Schiavone as did Hingis & Stosur). I think Henin-Hardenne beats Lindsay in straight sets 6-4, 6-2, Sharapova blows Petrova off of the court 2 and 2, Schnyder beats Mauresmo in 3 lopsided sets (something like 6-2, 1-6, 6-2) because a GS trophy is Mauresmo's kryptonite, and Hingis pulls off the upset in 3 over Clijsters because she'll make Kimmy run a lot. On the men's side I'm guessing Federer, Kiefer, Nalbandian & Baghdatis make it to the Semis, all in 4 sets. The last couple of rounds should be sick on both sides though.
  14. naiwf

    Worst film you've ever seen

    I readily admit that the experience taints my view of the movie, but I've been to plenty of movies where my seat was awful or I was uncomfortable for whatever reason, but with the BWP there just wasn't anything to distract me from those conditions. I guess I'm not one of those people who can immerse themselves in spooky music or whatever and nearly pee their pants when a loud noise occurs or someone jumps out from behind a tree. The fact the movie was so hyped probably also led to my utter disappointment. I tend not to see movies I know will suck ahead of time, so this one snuck through.
  15. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    They don't have a flashy player. Alexander isn't LT for example, Hasselbeck isn't Brady or Manning, and non diehards couldn't name a single guy on Seattle's 'D'. It's not their fault per se, it just is what it is.
  16. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    Did you see his interview (I think it was on PTI) where he relayed a story from last year's Pro Bowl? If not, he said a fan came up to him and said Fan: "Hey, Tiki can I get an autograph?" Alexander responds, "I'm not Tiki." Fan: "Oh, I'm sorry Ronde! I'm sure you get that a lot." Poor bastard nearly led the league in rushing that year and people still didn't know who he was.
  17. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    B and E. The media will focus on everything but the actual game.
  18. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    Who would even say that? I think you're just being silly here. When almost all of the so called football analysts say they'd take him over Brady or Peyton right now because he's supposedly the best leader in the sport all of a sudden, and the whole hype last year about starting his regular season career like 13-0 before being exposed in the playoffs, I'd say his praise got beyond absurd very quickly. Let's remember that Kurt Warner was statistically up there as "the greatest QB ever" for about three years and then was washed up shortly thereafter after an injury. Lastly, Big Ben goes by his first name because only Steelers fans know how to spell his last name.
  19. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    Did Jake Plummer end up playing for the Panthers today too? So much for two of the most competitive Championship games in recent history. Barring a miraculous comeback, I don't even think I'll watch the Super Bowl though I guess I would want Seattle to win solely so I don't have to hear how Big Ben is the best QB of all time.
  20. naiwf

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    I thought we were talking about a potential match for NWO. I really don't see what the hell Bret Hart has to do with the topic at hand. We're not talking the 1996 Undertaker who actually gave a shit, we're talking about the slow, plodding, "I'm not feelin' it" Undertaker of today who only shows fire when someone like Matt Hardy dares to avoid taking a chokeslam.
  21. naiwf

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    How much worse has Taker been since that point? How awful are the bulk of his matches when you don't get to add in superfluous weapon shots? I'm not sure how someone is supposed to wrestle Muhammad Hassan and Randy Orton for eight months and have *good* matches. Hell, just thank God that Mania was as good as it was. Can we not act like Undertaker is Chris Benoit? If he's not in some sort of overbooked gimmick match it's going to suck regardless of his opponent.
  22. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    You mean the Broncos who beat the Packers last time they were in the Super Bowl? I think he's talking about the Broncos who manage to get raped every year in the postseason since their last SB victory with 18, 31 and 25 point losses, and they may just find a way to lose by more than 31 today.
  23. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    At least Shanahan proved he could win ONE playoff game without Elway. That's gotta count for something right?
  24. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    At least I won't need to watch the 2nd half of this game since there's no way Denver gets to at least 20.
  25. naiwf

    NFL Conference Championships

    Not if they need to blitz two guys to get any pressure on Big Ben. Your D-Line is playing like shit, and the DBs aren't doing much better.