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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Grossman nearly ended up giving himself a Carson Palmer knee on that slide. That was almost as brutal as this weekend's officiating.
  2. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    How the fuck is that not a late hit? The ref was STARING at it. Hey-sus these guys suck.
  3. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Steve Smith is my hero. Best catch of the postseason by far.
  4. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    There have been at least 3 horrendous calls on plays that were reviewed in the last 3 games, and a couple of other borderline ones. I think the replay system needs to go away because it seems they've been getting more plays wrong after looking at them a second time than they do when they seem to guess at game speed. Every crew that has worked the playoffs this weekend should NOT be allowed to work next week.
  5. naiwf

    The Shield, season 5, official thread

    That's pretty much how I felt about the episode as well. I'm glad Braugher didn't get picked up for The Shield because I'm interested in seeing how Thief turns out, and I wouldn't give a rat's ass about that show if he wasn't starring in it.
  6. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Well, if that play stands Carolina's going to Seattle 'cause there's no way the Bears score 14 tonight.
  7. naiwf

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    I've seen a lot of Divas who are over 165 pounds of mostly muscle. Citing gross exaggerations as evidence really isn't a good way to convince people you're right. Nor is calling a good all-around worker a "glorified gymnast". Smaller as in shorter. Maybe if you'd actually said "Mysterio is a glorified gymnast who is shorter than some of the divas." you'd have realized how weak that argument is. Name one traditional wrestling move that Mysterio regularly executes that doesn't involve him spinning/flipping in the air or bouncing off of the ropes. All of his offense is redundant because he's forced to repeat spots in a match simply because his physical limitations prevent him from being able to rely on "easy", believable offensive moves like slams, suplexes, even regular submission holds. He's a gymnast to me which is all well and good when he's wrestling other gymnasts, not hosses.
  8. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    I dislike Manning but you can't really blame him for a lot of those loses. This one wasn't even really his fault since he had "zero" interceptions and made a few nice throws. There are times where I honestly get the feeling that he doesn't give a shit if they win or lose. QB's get (almost) all of the glory, so they must also get (almost) all of the blame. Yes, he's a great regular season player but when you've lost 6 of 9 postseason games you cannot be the anointed one. It just nauseates me that the most hyped guys in the NFL and NBA have never even competed for a championship, and in the latter's case hasn't even made the playoffs yet.
  9. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    I'm still wondering when/if the media will finally get off of Peyton The Infallible now that he's 3-6 in the playoffs. He's the anti-Brady.
  10. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    To be honest the game should have ended at 21-3 with the Polamalu INT that was reversed for no reason.
  11. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    This is just another reason why Cowher sucks as a coach.
  12. naiwf

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    I've seen a lot of Divas who are over 165 pounds of mostly muscle. Citing gross exaggerations as evidence really isn't a good way to convince people you're right. Nor is calling a good all-around worker a "glorified gymnast". Smaller as in shorter.
  13. naiwf

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Taz could throw around any wrestler he worked against because he was built like a tank, and had legitimate fighting skills. Mysterio is a glorified gymnast who is smaller than some of the divas. There's a huge difference between the two. Speed and agility works fine and dandy, but a clubbing blow to the back of the head or a suplex that dumps you on your neck works twice as much when inflicting damage. Rey's height is bad, but his lack of offensive moves makes him a flashy midcarder to me. He can't slam or suplex anyone, his punches shouldn't rock anyone, so all he can do is crawl through people's legs and bounce off of the ropes to use the same 3 or 4 moves he has and their variations over and over again. I'd rather see him wrestle cruiserweights if that's all he's gonna bring to the table besides a plucky fighter's spirit.
  14. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Is Eli QB'ing for the Colts today?
  15. naiwf

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    Mike Tyson fought in the heavyweight division, and never beat anyone who would even be considered a top 100 threat of all time in the grand scheme of things. Seriously name a heavyweight that Tyson beat at any time that wasn't a tomato can? If you want to use a boxing analogy, Floyd Mayweather is currently regarded as the best pound for pound boxer in the world, and is 5'8 147, and there's no way in hell anyone would buy him beating heavyweights, even if it was a scrub like John Ruiz in a boxing match. Also, even though boxing often times resembles entertainment more than sport, it's still a legitimate sport so anyone who wins the majority of the time is marketable, anyone who loses isn't. Rey makes the WWE money, but would likely be the worst champion to watch ever because God knows we won't see him do anything but dozens and dozens of 'ranas, planchas and springboard moves that make all heavyweights save Angle look like uncoordinated morons.
  16. naiwf

    What the fuck is up with Kurt Angle?

    People brought Shawn and Eddie as champion...and Eddie only had a couple inches over Reyand Rey has more mass then Shawn does. Did you see Shawn/Rey last year? If not, Shawn looked like a relative giant standing next to Rey and he's one of the smallest ME's/champs of all time. I can't buy a guy who is a legit 5'4 as the Heavyweight Champion of the World no matter what he does when 90% of the roster is well over 6 feet and 50-100 pounds heavier than he is. Sorry.
  17. naiwf

    Cards for WWE's Japan Tour

    There's basically only Undertaker for him to be involved with as a heel at the top of the card, and with Orton and Henry already on that side, it makes sense. Granted, they could elevate Rey or Benoit, but then that kills the midcard. It's sad how SD lost almost all of its talent to injuries, death and a departure in just a few short months.
  18. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    I don't like the Colts because Peyton gets treated like he's the guy with 3 Super Bowl rings. Yes, he's an excellent stat sheet stuffer but all I have to do is look at his most important stat, 0 championships won, and I grow weary of his endless praise. It's the same reason I've grown to HATE the Cavs/LeBron.
  19. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Maybe I'm just not a Broncos lover, but is it wrong to say that they didn't dominate that game at all and should be happy they got any points at all? Granted they forced 5 turnovers, but a couple shouldn't/wouldn't have happened based on a bad call/the direct result of that play. I know it's cool to hate the "hot" team, but some people on other sites are acting like the Broncos put a Panthers/Giants beating down on the Pats today, when I saw more of a USC handing the reins over to Texas type game, save the heroic VY effort.
  20. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    That looked like a touchback from this angle, but what the fuck was Brady thinking?
  21. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    I'd go get your vision checked since Samuel was in front of Lelie and it's pretty hard to shove someone behind you while running forward.
  22. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Lelie pushed off and Denver gets a 39 yard penalty and a gift TD. How is that an excuse when it's a simple fact supported by video evidence?
  23. naiwf

    NFL Playoffs: Divisional Round

    Are there any worse officials in sports than the bunch of buffoons in the NFL these days? The Pats are trying to give this game away right now.
  24. naiwf

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    I got so bored with it I must have changed the channel three or four times during the match.
  25. naiwf

    OAO Smackdown Discussion 1-13-06

    Angle was lucky Mizark's fat ass didn't land on his face right there. That was dangerously close to being another high profile injury.