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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Dude, your avatar says Couture vs Randy III, but I don't believe Randy's ever fought himself before Just wanted to let you know you should fix it. Back on topic, I think a lot of people might get into TNA just to spite the WWE. I doubt they'll ever be a legitimate threat, but a healthy alternative could go a long way to making (weekly televised) wrestling worth watching again.
  2. naiwf

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    That was easily the best match of the TNA era on Spike, and Joe's bump was borderline suicidal.
  3. naiwf

    OAO Impact Special Thread

    Daniels depriving the crowd of the facewash is better than any "little things" most of TNA's heels would do.
  4. No, but you obviously don't live in the city where even 10 year old kids would get their asses beaten if they rang a doorbell 30 minutes before midnight to get some fucking candy. But, you're just arguing to argue even though basically everyone BUT YOU has told you that your account of things isn't accurate anywhere else.
  5. I have no clue where the hell Fishylogic lives, but I wasn't aware that there was any part of NY that has an enforced curfew, much less one that goes into practice at 10 PM. As someone who lives in Manhattan, I will also chime in that every major party thrown within the 5 boroughs was on the weekend, and that the only people who actually did anything on Monday were likely 12 and under. Also, since someone whined a couple of weeks ago when I asked why a 9% drop in ratings from one week to the next wasn't something to worry about, I wonder if it's OK to say that a 27.7% drop in one month should raise a red flag?
  6. naiwf

    Two more TNA specials announced

    I'm guessing AJ vs Daniels and/or Joe for the X Division Title. Why promote it and then make it something shitty by putting Jarrett in it? Do we really need 18 run ins and weapon shots in the first match of the new year?
  7. naiwf

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    31% to 29%
  8. naiwf

    The OAO Taboo Tuesday Thread

    Joey Styles is awesome. And let me just say this now, poor Shelton.
  9. naiwf

    iMPACT 10/29 thread

    That may be true, but it seems like everything he does in the ring (at least in TNA) is overly exaggerated, so I can't take him seriously. As for Strong, when I think of the Messiah of anything, I think of a winner. A nifty backbreaker spot or two in a match you don't win isn't really worthy of my attention. I don't see either guy suddenly developing a personality in TNA, or being allowed to improve their positions.
  10. naiwf

    Two Stars Suffer Serious Injuries at RAW

    They did that, it was called Homecoming, and it didn't work.
  11. naiwf

    Two Stars Suffer Serious Injuries at RAW

    How is he making more money? The buyrates are all down for the fourth straight year. Even if you take last years Taboo Tuesday and Great American Bash and throw those totals into other PPV's, they lost their asses. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Even if the two extra PPVs "only" do a combined $250,000 worth of profit (random number pulled out of my ass), it's worth doing don't you think? Comparing it to 2004, 2003, 2002, or 2001 doesn't really have any bearing on the decision because cutting the two extras would cut into your profit margin.
  12. naiwf

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    For a three and a half hour show I was only bored at two points (Diamonds in the Rough match, and 3LK/Canada) which is about the point I reach within the first 60 minutes of most WWE PPVs. The ending was built up well within this one show, and while Rhino may not end up going anywhere, they made him look like a star. As someone else said, if Joe or someone of that ilk had been put in his position people would have been overreacting in the opposite direction.
  13. naiwf

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    What were you hoping for as far as the finish goes? I'm just amazed someone didn't end up crippled in that match.
  14. naiwf

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    Jeff Hardy lost his FUCKING mind right there.
  15. naiwf

    Bound For Glory OaO thread

    That was perhaps the best way to start the show without "wasting" a big time match. Everyone did a great job hitting their stuff, except for Shelley, but I think he sucks anyway so I wasn't expecting too much out of him.
  16. My guess is that Raven will take his spot, unless of course it's a work which just serves to make the match more believable when it ends in less than 10 minutes. I think TNA realize that this match has the potential to be the worst of the whole show, but is also the most significant in terms of what's on the line and they're leaving themselves an excuse if it does end up bombing.
  17. naiwf

    OAO 10/22 iMPACT! Thread

    I don't think that match was overbooked enough. I understand AMW are supposed to be dastardly heels, but I really hate the way TNA feels the need to go 10 steps further than necessary to get a point across.
  18. naiwf

    OAO SD 10/21/05 thread.

    RUBBER MATCH - "A 'rubber match' or 'rubber game' or simply 'rubber' in any sport means a deciding contest between two tied opponents. The term dates back to the late 16th century but no one seems certain of its etymology or in what sport it originated. The expression was not used in card games until the mid 18th century and the earliest recorded use of it appears to be a 1599 reference, cited in the 'Oxford English Dictionary,' to the game of bowls. The word 'rubber' in the term seems to derive from a word of unknown origin, not the resilient substance called 'rubber' or the verb 'to rub.'" From "Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins" by Robert Hendrickson (Facts on File, New York, 1997). So the answer is that no one knows for sure.
  19. naiwf

    OAO SD 10/21/05 thread.

    Yeah, I saw a couple actually. Just another reason to despise UPN.
  20. naiwf

    OAO SD 10/21/05 thread.

    That was disgusting. Did Booker not block enough of the blow, or was Benoit just moving too fast?
  21. naiwf

    Teh Ratingz~!

    When the 2nd show on a new network loses 9% or 15% of the audience depending on which rating you decided to use, how is that not a really bad thing? This isn't the case of a movie doing its biggest number the first weekend and then trailing off. This is a TV show with new episodes every week that should be able to hold most of its audience, or God forbid actually increase it. If you don't think this is a bad sign, please explain to me what would be, a 50% drop from one week to the next? Seriously.
  22. naiwf

    Teh Ratingz~!

    Every show that's ever been cancelled has had an audience. It's the SIZE of the audience relative to expectations/previous ratings that matters, not how many people are loyal to the show.
  23. naiwf

    Teh Ratingz~!

    A 9% drop in your audience isn't good no matter what the circumstances, and if you just want to factor in the 9-11 hours, it's almost a 15% drop in a single week. That says to me that people tuned in because they saw all the hype. realized the show sucked (or was more of the same old same old) and didn't come back. I'm sure they won't drop precipitously again next week but I wouldn't be surprised to see 3.7s or 3.8's or so becoming the norm.
  24. naiwf

    Angels/Yankees ALDS Thread

    As an unabashed Yankee hater who lives in Manhattan, all I can do is express my heartfelt gratitude to the Angels team, coaches and management for one more season of happiness
  25. naiwf

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    Mickie James is her real name, and the WWE seems to have a hard on for having wrestlers compete with their real names for reasons I can't understand. Maybe it's just me but I don't think 'The Heart Break Kid' Michael Hickenbottom would have gotten over.