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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    ...elaborate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Cole mentioned that Eddie has beaten someone of Batista's size before and specifically referenced Brock.
  2. naiwf

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    SMH. It's the Lambo Leap. Lambo Leap. Leap. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's Lambeau. Lambeau. Kennedy calling Booker a loser was my favorite part of the show so far.
  3. naiwf

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    I haven't seen SD since it moved to Fridays, so forgive me for asking what's probably a silly question, but when did Jillian move from being aligned with MNM to JBL? Was there any explanation given?
  4. naiwf

    The No Mercy '05 Thread

    I am too, but the WWE didn't get any of money, which is pretty much what they deserve to receive based on the quality of what I've seen thus far.
  5. naiwf

    Unforgiven buyrate

    While turning profits is always nice, that's not how investors will see it though. Declining profits isn't a good trend, and that's the way the WWE PPVs are going. Basically, if the WWE ever got to the point where they only broke even, or turned a minimal profit, they'd lose a ton of investors and their stock would plummet, causing the company to lose value.
  6. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    Bad booking has a way of making a decent show look like shit. For the most part, over the last couple of years RAW is only capable of peaking at decent, and more often than not falls into the mind numbingly boring/predictable category. When you know from week to week exactly what's going to happen in a specific order for the most part, it's hard to get excited about a show, especially if you don't necessarily happen to enjoy the primary players involved. The only reason I'd say most smarks even watch RAW is because it's live so there's always the possibility of something big happening. With SD, you can just glance at spoilers and decide whether or not it's worth watching (and for most, they decide it isn't). Whenever RAW is a tape delayed show the level of interest falls way off. If YOU like what you're watching that's really all you should be concerned with.
  7. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    By your own account, Angle worked on his leg for 15 straight minutes and the "story" of the match was that HBK was still able to no sell all of that at least three separate times with nip ups and two different flash versions of SCM. The last one leading to what would have been the decisive fall had time not expired. So, let's recap. . . Angle DOMINATES Michaels throughout the length of the match, consistently works over the ankle, and yet still looks like he would have lost if there had been just two seconds more in the time limit. Anyone but Shawn would be villified for that kind of bullshit, but HBK gets away with it because he's "plucky" or has "adrenaline bursts". It sure must be nice to be the only undersized guy in the company who can do that EVERY single match, and then be praised for telling a great story. I just don't get it.
  8. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    If they were just going to go for enjoyment and nostalgia, why bother going with an actual show you promoted to be on par with a PPV? Why not just show a 2 or 3 hour clip package of the "Best of RAW on USA" and be done with it? There was nothing any better about this RAW than the one last week or the week before, but they made it out as though it was going to be the greatest free TV show ever. Between the bait and switch on SD, the 3 minute long ME, Linda wasting 10 minutes to not even attempt to sell the Stunner and HHH beating Flair's ass for almost the length of the longest match besides the Iron Man there was just a slew of poor decisions made. Basically, it was the same old RAW with a ton of unneccessary fanfare.
  9. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    Short, succinct, and completely accurate.
  10. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    I thought the ending was great. We all knew Matt was just going to be fodder for Edge, so it made sense that he would look like a total and complete bitch as he lost the blowoff match.
  11. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    To whoever said the first 30 minutes was an "A", I'd say the first hour was at best a "C". The match was a complete waste of time, and the Orton segment sucked too. I'm not seeing a reason not to flip over to Spike in about 5 minutes, especially with UFC airing a commercial right now.
  12. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    My guess is 1-1, with HBK holding out in the Ankle Lock for (at least) the last 2 minutes, and "tapping" a second or two after the time limit expires. You know Michaels has to show that he's not a mere mortal when it comes to "selling" a submission hold, and I can't see either guy losing cleanly here.
  13. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    I'd hope that RAW becomes watchable/must see TV again. Nothing exciting EVER happens anymore.
  14. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    Thanks for reminding me of that atrociously booked Yokozuna/'Taker casket match
  15. naiwf

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    That didn't really stop them from giving him the title the first time though. It's amazing how no one has seemed to move up a level on SD since Brock left, with the lone exception of Cena. . . so of course he had to switch shows.
  16. naiwf

    OAO 10/1 Impact Thread

    He was a WWF World Tag Team Champion though, so it's not a lie to say he was a World champ there.
  17. naiwf

    RAW rating is shockingly bad

    The Monday before there were TWO NFL games on at that time with the Giants/Saints rescheduled game & MNF's Cowboys/Redskins. I'd put money on the fact that more people from NY/NJ, New Orleans, Dallas and D.C. were available to watch RAW this past week than the one prior, so I'm not buying that LSU/Tennessee and a game between K.C. & Denver that was over in the first quarter was the reason the rating sucked. If anything the competition was fiercer the week before.
  18. One of the great mysteries in the WWE. I still don't see why they didn't put it on him during that match with Benoit early this year. It wouldn't have hurt anything especially with HHH basically passing the title to himself.
  19. All three instances in his months long career had him going against (at least) a perennial fan favorite. Every other match he's been involved in I had to check to see if I'd accidentally muted the TV or if perhaps RAW lost its audio feed. He's not over, and it's laughable to say otherwise. I might also chime in that Batista was in the same position at one point, but Masters doesn't benefit from being around anyone else to protect him. Yes, Carlito sucks as much as Masters does, or even more, but at least he has a character. Masters as a balding, shortish piece of "perfection", with a lisp no less, just doesn't make any sense.
  20. An over heel should get booed, or have a chant directed at them by the fans ala Angle's "You Suck". Masters still comes out to tumbleweeds, and has been steadily doing so since his debut.
  21. naiwf

    OAO Smackdown! Thread

    Mr. Kennedy is stronger than I thought. I wouldn't have guessed he could get Booker over with his finisher, but he did it fairly easily. The only thing that would have made that segment better would have been if Christian slapped Sharmell right in her ugly mug just before Kennedy finished Booker off.
  22. naiwf

    WWE News on Dudleys, Wrestlemania Box Set, Angle

    It's the complete anthology from 1985 to 2005. It's a semantic point, but justifies their use of "complete".
  23. I'd rather see Hogan / Orton at Mania if they can't book Austin / Hogan. Randy would kill the biggest legend of them all! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Best joke I've heard all day. If Orton couldn't get the 'W' over Undertaker at 'Mania when it made sense to, and HBK couldn't beat Hogan at SS, there's not a chance in hell Randy would get a victory over Hogan at 'Mania. Although, I'd like to see that match just because I hate Orton enough to enjoy his defeats on the big stage. It's a moot point though, since Hogan's smart enough to know that Orton's not a big enough player, especially when he could easily try to lobby for a match with Austin or Cena instead.
  24. I would rather ignore politics because the majority of the main eventers have been a part of it. I would rather just focus on what the wrestlers do IN the ring. HBK, Benoit, and Bret Hart are three of the best. And if you watch HBK's Shoot Interview that RF Video did, he explains that coming up in the WWE people were telling him he was too small and wouldn't amount to being a main eventer. A few people in the early 90's even refused to sell for him which pissed off Sensational Sherri. So when he finally became the top guy he was "angry" as he put it and that may have translated into a lot of the dickish things that he did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The simple fact that Shawn basically gave up more titles than anyone in the history of pro wrestling, mainly for bullshit reasons, makes it impossible for me to overlook that he was a major cock backstage. Since I never really enjoyed his work as a performer, all I see of his "legacy" was the politics he played to get out of doing what was best for the business. While Austin, Hart & Hogan were no saints, I don't ever recall them "losing their smiles", or "getting assaulted by Marines" just to avoid doing a job. Even now, Michaels' intentions were that he was going to come back to put new talent over, and he's rarely if ever lost a match to someone below him on the totem pole. His most egregious offense was beating Jericho at WM XIX when Jericho absolutely NEEDED to win that match.
  25. naiwf

    Can we talk about the Trade a little more?

    Why are you posting still photos which have been airbrushed when she was on TV two nights ago and looked like she'd seen MUCH better days? I trust that the way someone looks on a live show is a clearer indicator of their appearance than anything that the WWE (or anyone else) puts on a website. She's not ugly, she's just not as hot as she once was in the face. The body is still about as good as a plastic surgeon, a strict diet and some time in the gym can churn out.