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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    The female is Valentina, former UPW Women's Champ for like a week or two, and a NY'er, much like myself. The booking of the show killed any interest I had in the matches. Booker's character is dead, so why have him beat Christian cleanly? I have no desire to see Eddie/Rey MCMLVII later this year. 'Taker killing Hassan was just a disgusting way to turn attention away from a "terrorist" act. MNM losing, OJ retaining and the prospect of Batista/JBL/'Taker makes me nauseous.
  2. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    That was me, and I said that in the first hour, and for some reason I stayed for nearly two more. Anyone who paid $35 for this event got ripped off for $35 AND the 3 hours they spent watching this crap.
  3. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    I believe the chant was "Oh and seven", but I thought this was only Eddie's 6th straight loss. Whatever the case, they should just have 'Taker kill Eddie next month, since Rey's pretty much done it without the special effects.
  4. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    I officially give up. This show has been the worst booked PPV I can remember.
  5. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    That's pretty much how I feel. All they need to do to make this my least favorite PPV in years (maybe forever) is have Rey win again and allow JBL to become a 2 time champ.
  6. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    This is bullshit. I hate the WWE.
  7. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    Animal/Heidenreich, Booker & OJ winning? WTF? Are they purposely choosing the worst possible outcome for every match tonight?
  8. naiwf

    OAO Great American Bash Thread

    The ending to that first match didn't exactly make me feel good about this show. Now Christian will likely get squashed, or be made to look weak, and I'll wonder why I didn't go out to dinner with my best friend instead of staying home to watch this PPV.
  9. naiwf

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 6/30/05

    Stop being selfish. It would basically kill Batista dead to throw away any heat he gained from being unbeaten against Trips to lose to a guy that very few people genuinely care about. Now if Batista drops the title, and then loses to JBL at some point, I wouldn't care, but putting the belt back on him would basically have ruined their top face for no reason at all.
  10. naiwf

    So who does Cena face at Summerslam?

    I'd put money on it just being HHH, simply because Summer Slam's a duel brand show, and I don't think they really need to eliminate the whole undercard to have HHH end up winning the title in a multi-man gimmick match anyway.
  11. naiwf

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    Gotta love that sign "Christian jobs again?"
  12. naiwf

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    And. . . wait for it. . . wait for it. . . Flair didn't immediately get to his feet, and walk off. He actually SOLD the finish. Wow, what a novel concept. That match was easily better than Angle/HBK last night, so I guess it's probably 5 1/2 stars or something.
  13. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    People being big HBK fans tends to add snowflakes like candy to the equation. Neither match was bad, but neither was an epic, near perfect match considering the sheer lack of psychology and pacing in both. Again, if these were free TV matches, I might be more generous, but neither actually "made" the PPV they were on in my mind, so I'm tired of people calling me blind, or an idiot for not "enjoying" matches that I found to be rather boring, and downright irritating in most spots. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think the problem is not that, but that you think if anyone likes either HBK-Angle match, they must be some blinded HBK fan, which isnt the case with myself. It's oddball logic like that which makes me hard to understand where you are coming from, and likely others here are feeling the same way. Nobody is disputing your opinion on the match as much as it's more that if people liked it, you use this ridiculous reasoning why they did. Nobody is really wrong, its just opinion either way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not only talking about this board, but in general. The consensus is that one's brain must be damaged if they don't anoint the HBK/Angle matches as two of the greatest in the history of mankind, all while nitpicking if it was 4 1/2, 4 3/4, 4 7/8, or 4 15/16 stars. The majority of people who feel this way think that HBK vs anyone else is also at least worthy of MOTY consideration, so I've just gotten tired of hearing it all when the main reason I disliked the match (just like all of Michaels' recent work) is that there's no psychology to it, so how on earth could it be so close to perfection?
  14. naiwf

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/27/05

    I still want MNM and Melina on RAW, which could lead to a decent angle as Bischoff's old apprentice Johnny Nitro returns to his old show. I don't care if it ruins that highly anticipated match between Melina and McCool on SD, but I think it would make sense to rape the last semblance of disposable talent from the show they've been stripping for parts since the draft started.
  15. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    People being big HBK fans tends to add snowflakes like candy to the equation. Neither match was bad, but neither was an epic, near perfect match considering the sheer lack of psychology and pacing in both. Again, if these were free TV matches, I might be more generous, but neither actually "made" the PPV they were on in my mind, so I'm tired of people calling me blind, or an idiot for not "enjoying" matches that I found to be rather boring, and downright irritating in most spots.
  16. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    The plural of match would be matches. They have had two matches, both of which have bored me, thus Angle/HBK matches are boring for me. And it's "their" by the way. If you're going to try and criticize grammar or logic, at least have the decency to have your own in order.
  17. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    I didn't like the match for the simple fact that Angle hit Michaels with everything he had two or three times, Michaels still did the Jesus comeback, and only tapped out after what felt like five minutes in Angle's money move. As if all of that wasn't enough, he then stood up and walked out on his own with minimal discomfort. I for one, am sick and tired of seeing Michaels' routine, and I think the match did more to make Angle look like a chump than it did to portray them as equals. I don't need to pick an opposing viewpoint to do so, because that's simply a waste of time. The match was great if you like HBK's bullshit antics. If you don't, it was frustrating. Angle/Benoit matches show what two great professionals can do when everything clicks. Angle/HBK matches bore me. That enough of an explanation for you?
  18. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    I think it's just that marks can't find someone interesting when they don't get enough mic time to build their character. After dealing with mostly idiot marks on other boards, I can gather that they don't have the intelligence to like someone unless 1 - it's trendy to do so, 2 - the guy has promo time every week, or 3 - it's someone they marked out for earlier in their wrestling fandom. If Benjamin started rapping, or calling everyone something like "sucka", he'd be more over in a couple of months, although I'd hate that. It's like the dumber they make a character/angle, the more the marks like it.
  19. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Neither HBK/Angle match was THAT good, and tonight's wasn't even close to their WM encounter. If they do end up having a third match, I'm sure some will clamor that it too is one of the greatest matches of all time just because it's the thing to do.
  20. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Batista and Jericho or Christian to SD since they have no future on RAW. MNM w/Melina to RAW since they're the only exciting tag team in the whole company. HHH will piss and moan that he wanted another shot at Batista, but since there's still a "World" Title on RAW, he'll settle for taking Cena's belt. A match will get set up for Summer Slam, and HHH will have reign 11 there, while Batista probably drops his version of the belt to JBL so we're right back where we started the year with, only with the two guys I hate most switching their belt buckles.
  21. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    I was hoping for a finisher onto a weapon, sort of like the Eddie/Rey stair bump of death. At least that way it wasn't a "standard" move that proved to be enough to end this feud. Then again, considering the two guys involved, I don't think that probably would have been the best idea because one or both could have probably seriously injured themselves if the timing was off even one bit. As long as HHH doesn't become WWE champ at Summer Slam, I'm fine with the finish to this match.
  22. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Pretty decent. Better then the last couple incarnations. Very bloody and weapons loaded. No fancy wrestling and no 20 minute laying down segments. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Considering Batista's kicked out of repeated chain shots to the head, a DDT on a barb wire wrapped chair, and a sledgehammer blow to the head, and HHH caught the sledgehammer in the jaw/throat, it's going to be pretty anticlimactic when a Pedigree or Batista Bomb ends it. Other than that, if you like blood it's probably as good as you could hope for.
  23. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    When the average fan starts coming to a website like this, be sure to let me know. Having matches insult common sense booking, normal logic, and/or my intelligence makes me dislike them. If you can watch a guy like Rey Mysterio get beat up for 20-30 minutes, and then pin someone twice his size after what amounts to a swinging kick to the face and sitting on his chest, more power to you. I just think it looks stupid. Back on topic, that triple threat match was better than I expected, but way too short to mean anything. Looks like HHH got his way again, and that tonight's Main Event will be 10 minutes too long at the minimum.
  24. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    If you add up their WM XXI match, and their match tonight, then yes. Angle/HBK 2 wasn't even the best WWE match in the last 4 days, and Eddie/Rey wasn't 4 stars. If this match had taken place tomorrow on RAW, it would have been worthwhile, but as one of the featured matches on PPV, it wasn't quite up to par.
  25. naiwf

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Not a rumor, he was booed every time he was on the offensive in the second half of the match. It was like one of those awful Canadian crowds that cheer the heels just to be different. I think I could accept him getting booed against someone who is really over like when he faced HBK in the Gold Rush tourney, but Carlito? That was just painful.