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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    NFL Week 8

    sfaJack, why would you ever expect NFL officials to be consistent in their calls?
  2. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    I have brown skin. I'm safe when the Revoultion begins
  3. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    It's not so much the winning and losing that bothers me since Republicans have been mayor/governor most of my life here. It's the basic idea that politicians with money or power can just stick it to the voters, and McCain coming back from a 100+ point electoral college deficit would be the final straw after what Bush was able to achieve the last 2 times.
  4. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    The short version of the story is that the mayoral election is in '09, but they "needed" to decide this issue now because they made sure not to get it on a referendum in the election coming up next week because it clearly would have been shot down. With that obstacle out of the way the City Council/Bloomberg argued that it wouldn't be "fair" to make people wait until April or May of next year to find out if they could run for a 3rd term, or if they needed to focus on the positions they WOULD have been running for otherwise and voted 29-22 to overturn the will of the people. Basically, when no one offered Bloomberg the VP slot he decided he wanted to be mayor again since there's no other position he wants, strongarmed City Council Speaker Christine Quinn into flip-flopping on her position from voting against them to being the champion of Bloomberg's vision. What's most annoying about that decision is that she was going to run for mayor and probably lose, but now she'll more than likely get to keep her spot and run in '13 with a better chance of winning since the field will be wide open. Allegedly there were threats made, people turned their backs on their public stances and angered a great deal of the voters in the city, but they have 13 months to hope people forget about everything and when the economy rebounds they'll take the credit for it, and idiots will reward them with a 3rd term. The best argument made by those who decided to flip the double bird at the voters was that if people wanted to punish the Council members they can do that next November, but at most you can only vote on 1/51 of the body and the vast majority of them will win because that's what incumbents do ~95-99% of the time. They also claimed that this would allow for more choices, but we've already been told that Quinn and another person more than likely won't run for mayor since Bloomberg's $100 million campaign is going to win and it would be career suicide to give up a job just to get crushed by his money and advertising advantage. It was a perfect example of the type of backroom politics that causes apathy amongst the public. If Obama somehow loses on the 4th after every projection I've seen has him blowing McCain out, I think I'll be done with voting entirely.
  5. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    If you lived in NYC you wouldn't say that after the City Council decided to say "FUCK YOU" to the people this week and overturn term limits because Herr Bloomberg wants to be mayor again. If 51 people can override the votes of millions, what's the point in voting on the city/state level?
  6. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: Season 13

    It makes it easier to keep track of the episode by episode trend for me. This season has been pretty lame though since I just don't like any of the teams except for Dallas and his mom. I can't stand Nick, the divorcees, Tina, Terence & Sarah and the frat douches.
  7. naiwf

    NFL Week 8

    Your team was -4 in the turnover battle. If your RZ defense wasn't phenomenal/our RZ offense wasn't pathetic it would've been a 14+ point margin easily.
  8. naiwf

    NFL Week 8

    They finally got 6 out of a trip to the red zone. Now if the defense would just hold up here that would be great. A loss here would be devastating since everyone else in the division won today.
  9. naiwf

    NFL Week 8

    The Giants need to drain the clock and kick a FG with as little time as is possible since they can't score a TD to save their lives today.
  10. naiwf

    NFL Week 8

    Brandon Jacobs is such a pussy on short yardage. I hate that guy.
  11. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081026/ap_on_.../palin_pipeline Palin involved in more unethical behavior.
  12. Here I was thinking a sub 10 number was terrible. Silly me.
  13. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    Based on what I've heard in the past, blowing up an abortion clinic is just doing God's will to those loons. Those silly little commandments don't matter when it comes to living, breathing humans, but a zygote deserves protection by any means necessary. As a Christian, those people legitimately frighten me and annoy me because I get lumped in with them in the same way that your average Muslim gets lumped in with the terrorists who caused 9/11 as though that small minority represents the beliefs of everyone else in the faith.
  14. naiwf

    NFL Week 7

    So who would you say is the best team then? The Redskins lost to the Giants and Rams. Carolina's lost to sub .500 Minnesota and got smoked by TB. Tampa Bay has lost to sub .500 New Orleans and Denver. Atlanta got beaten 24-9 by both TB and Carolina. Arizona got blown out by the Jets and also lost to Washington and every other team in the conference has at least 3 losses already.
  15. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    Maybe Tampa Bay should have dropped the Devil from their names sooner. This is some Disney level fairy tale bullshit right now.
  16. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    *sigh* Poor Rays.
  17. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I completely disagree since the Rays could still lose even with a great start. This next game is like a Mets game with the bullpen having to put the nail in the coffin and until they do, that will be the lingering doubt I'd have as a fan of the team. I left the game when it was 7-0 and just happened to check up on the BYU/Utah game and noticed it was 7-7 moments before Drew won it. Odds are that they won't tank twice in a row, but bullpens are flammable and a young team will either brush this one off or implode next time too.
  18. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I think I just heard a whole bunch of sphincters tightening in Tampa. If the Sox win game 6 they'll take the series in the same fashion of the 0-3 comeback against the Yankees.
  19. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I don't see how rating could be lower for Rays/Phils. Philly is the #4 media market, the most passionate sports market in the US, and starving for a championship. It's going to get a huge market share. Plus there's enough fans in the Northeast he have reasons to tune in to root against either team. The Rays are a great underdog story that will draw in a decent amount of casual fans. It's easily the most appealing match up this decade. The last World Series I cared about was 2001 because I was sick of the Yankees getting all the 9/11 love despite being the evilest franchise in North America. Is this the same Philadelphia that was drawing less than 2 million fans a year to Phillies games for the better part of a decade recently? If by most appealing you actually mean least, then I agree wholeheartedly. Even if EVERYONE in Philadelphia watched every game it would still be one of the lowest rated WS of all time.
  20. naiwf

    Campaign 2008

    Didn't John McCain once call his wife a cunt?
  21. naiwf

    2008 ALCS: Boston Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay Rays

    I think it's safe to say the Wakefield experiment has failed almost immediately.
  22. naiwf

    NFL Week 6

    The Giants look impotent tonight. Can't rush the passer, stop the run or cover anyone in the secondary. I guess it looks like the Titans will be the last unbeaten team this year.
  23. naiwf

    2008-2009 NBA Preseason

    And with that move by the Professor, Kobe's dreams of becoming part of the And1 Mixtape Tour went up in smoke. You know he's going to want to score 100 on the Kings when they meet in the regular season because of that.
  24. naiwf

    Your city's most-loved team

    Long Island is not part of NYC. Most of the Jets fanbase lives in LI, Westchester and New Jersey. There's no way that there are more Jets fans than Mets fans in the city.