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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    A-Rod needs hip surgery

    That's what I really don't get about this decision. He's going to miss 2 months with the "minor" surgery and then have to go back in and repair it. If it was up to me, I'd just fix it now lose the 4 or so months they projected as the worst case scenario and come back for the playoff push. If the Yankees can't stay in the mix with everything else they've got they don't deserve to make the posteason anyway. This just seems like risking a guy's longterm health for a 40-50 game stretch of a season.
  2. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    The pick before stevie was posted at 2:16 AM my time, it is now 11:56. I'd say that either way you should be able to pick now.
  3. naiwf

    College Basketball: March '09

    I wonder if some of these voters are going to put UConn ahead of Pitt again after this loss.
  4. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I had Backlund as my back up choice when mellow picked Sid for me. I would have taken him two rounds ago if I didn't think it was necessary to get at least one top tag team, so that's a really solid selection at this point in the draft.
  5. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    This one's easy enough. My next pick completes The New Age Outlaws. I'll take 'Badd Ass' Billy Gunn and worry about finding them some opponents later on.
  6. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    The last 5 or so picks absolutely raped my draft board, but there's at least one team I want that I should be able to get here. I'm going to go with the hype man first since I could easily pick up some other partners if any of you decide to screw me before I go again. My next pick is 'The Road Dogg' Jesse James.
  7. naiwf

    A-Rod needs hip surgery

    That just sounds really, really stupid. You're going to bank on a guy playing regularly for 6 months or so on an injured hip instead of letting him have the surgery now and be back somewhere towards the beginning of August or so even if it takes 5 months to heal.
  8. naiwf

    Wrestling Quirks

    That one is logical though. If I know it's "one fall to a finish", I'm going to kick out every chance I get. In a 2 out of 3 falls match I have to be beaten twice to lose the match. Keep expanding outward for the Ironman rules. Taking a pin early isn't going to kill you if you've got 50 minutes to make it up. It would however beat you in a normal match.
  9. naiwf

    Cowboys release Terrell Owens

    They already said that they're not interested. Our search for a #1 and a replacement for Toomer continues.
  10. naiwf

    Cowboys release Terrell Owens

    What he said, plus you guys cut Jason Taylor. $154 million in contracts to barely upgrade your secondary and your D-Line seems wasteful when you have no offense.
  11. naiwf

    Cowboys release Terrell Owens

    Between this, the Redskins breaking the bank for a marginal upgrade to a top echelon defense, the Eagles letting a bunch of guys walk, and the Giants not having a # 1 WR, the NFC East is looking like anyone could win it next season, and anyone could finish at sub .500 too.
  12. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I hope there isn't because you took Bam Bam just to spite me
  13. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Warner to stay in Arizona for 2 yrs/$23 million with $15 million guaranteed.
  14. naiwf

    NBA: Is Pushing Stars Over Teams Right?

    The whole thing that bothers me about people like Dama is claiming titles that were won before their parents or grandparents were born as though they were there and enjoyed them. It's the main reason I hate Yankees fans. Unless the league contracts to 4 teams and the Yankees aren't one of them no team will ever catch them in terms of championships, but stop going back to the early 1900's for validation that the team you like is worthy of your fandom. During the '80s when the team was shit, Yankees fan STILL brought up the glory days like that was really relevant to the discussion of why their team was still the best in the league. LeBron could lead the Cavs to 10 STRAIGHT titles and they'll still be 7 short of Boston and 4 shy of the Lakers. A Cavs fan in this hypothetical scenario, wouldn't give a shit though. I also wouldn't think that a Celtics fan would enjoy seeing this happen even though they'd still have the most NBA titles as a franchise. It's just silly to me.
  15. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Thanks for posting my pick mellow, but I'm saddened you left out the whole "Master and Ruler of the Squirrels" bit.
  16. naiwf

    NBA: Is Pushing Stars Over Teams Right?

    You don't think a guy asking "do you smoke weed?" is stringent enough?
  17. naiwf

    NBA: Is Pushing Stars Over Teams Right?

    The only good thing about NCAA hoops is the opening weekend of the tourney. You're all but guaranteed a couple of great games when there are 48 played in 4 days.
  18. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

  19. naiwf

    NBA: Is Pushing Stars Over Teams Right?

    You can hype the star players, just don't do it every chance you get when covering the league. Don't throw their accomplishments at me everytime you mention the NBA. I prefer that the games be on and then the games reported on. You can report on the players, just don't act like 2 or 3 are the greatest thing ever and everyone else is just playing second fiddle to them in the league. That's what a lot of the hype feels like to me. "Well anything Kobe and Lebron does is infinitely more important than anything the rest of these bums do." Also stupid nicknames like "Bron Bron" really drive me over the edge when I'm already tired of hearing about how Lebron James is the best player ever, despite the fact the Cavs aren't playing on that night. That's what I want. Not to have them shoved in my face anytime anything relating to the NBA is mentioned. The lead story for any NBA telecast or game night is whatever these two did. Even if someone else scores 50 and looks amazing it's "OMG~! Lebron lost and scored 23 points. Story at 11!" You probably shouldn't watch any professional sport then. The NFL hypes its stars at the expense of the other players and tends to pick teams for the national spotlight games based on the fact they can pull in viewers by using the big names. MLB is exactly the same. The NHL finally realized that trying to make the game more about guys like Crosby and Ovetchkin was better than trying to market teams that very few people care about. In the 24 hour sports cycle this is what's going to happen with every sport. Hell, they even do it at the college level with the deification of Tim Tebow, or the relentless sucking of Tyler Hansbrough's dick whenever those teams play even though they're on national powerhouses.
  20. naiwf

    NBA: Is Pushing Stars Over Teams Right?

    I don't know why Dama even tries anymore. He can't even put forth a compelling argument because he doesn't know what he's trying to say half of the time. The Shaq and Kobe era got more hype than anything in the NBA after Jordan. Their "feud" was the centerpiece of NBA Coverage for YEARS. The Lakers/Celtics series last year was the epitome of hype, but he liked those things. The NBA focuses on individuals because that's what sells tickets, merchandise and the game itself. The year D-Wade took the Heat to the title was like manna falling from heaven for Stern. A single guy can win you a championship, and if you market the hell out of the big names on all of the teams you'll more than likely end up with someone to hype in the Finals. Or you could get "unlucky" and get stuck with the San Antonio Spurs who have won almost half of the titles in the last decade.
  21. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Sorry about that. I was trying to find one with Taz wearing a towel over his head and didn't realize that was a tripod link. We don't need to pick them, but you can if you want to.
  22. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I needed someone to pair up against 'The Franchise' here and it took me a while to think of someone who could work as a ton of babyfaces fell off of the board since my last pick. But then I remembered there was someone who was a perfect fit since they'd feuded for a while and were pretty much synonymous with ECW. My 4th round pick is another ass kicking babyface, 'The Human Suplex Machine' Taz.
  23. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I think it has something to do with tonight's RAW thread.
  24. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    That's a lot of money for TJ. I'm also starting to get concerned that the Giants are going to have a hard time passing the ball next season since there aren't a lot of quality WRs out there.
  25. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    Did he already sign with them, or are you just speculating that he will?