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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    That's who I was going to pick, but instead went with The Franchise.
  2. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: Season 14

    People with book smarts tend to lack common sense/street smarts. He should have also realized that Tammy probably knew what the markers looked like since she ran down the mountain the prior leg. I wonder if TAR producers would have saved them if night had fallen and they were still walking around in the wilderness.
  3. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: Season 14

    They got tickets for a flight that missed its transfer in Amsterdam and heavy fog kept them there until 9:30 AM the next day. Everyone else arrived around 12:30 that morning. So they're about 9 hours behind everyone else.
  4. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: Season 14

    That was anticlimactic.
  5. naiwf

    Worst General Manager in any sport

    Here I was thinking that losing a 7 game lead with 17 to go was a historic collapse because everyone in the media told me it was. And then they followed that up blowing a 3.5 game lead with 17 left the following season. It's nice to know that that stuff happens all the time and that everyone was just overreacting because it was a NY area team.
  6. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I know that the other guy I was thinking about here won't be there when I pick again, but I really need a heel who can cut a killer promo since my first two picks are going to be programmed against each other and I can't really justify picking three faces to start off my draft. My 3rd pick is 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas.
  7. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I was going to pick him too. Ugh.
  8. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    On the off chance it comes back to OOG in the next couple of picks are we going to potentially wait another 8 hours for him to pick again?
  9. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Nice pick. I was going to take him in the next round if he had still been there.
  10. naiwf

    The 2009 NFL Offseason

    It's entirely possible that they didn't want to have to pay first round money for someone at #20. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Pats take a lower pick just to keep the payroll down.
  11. naiwf

    Spring Training 2009

    There's a chance that Santana may not be ready for opening day thanks to stiffness in his elbow. If his elbow has any kind of damage we might as well just pack this season in before it even starts.
  12. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Fuck Marbury. I did a double take when I saw Shaq went for 45 & 11 today. He even had 3 steals. I'm glad that he came back for this season and didn't go out on a terrible one like the one he had last year.
  13. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    No worries foleyfan, we're still cool I'm going to do my own version of Hogan/Warrior with two guys who never met to my knowledge. I wasn't going to go this way, but you guys pretty much took everyone else I wanted. So, I'm going to take Goldberg and put on a match that pretty much sells my card singlehandedly. "Who's next?!?"
  14. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Foley if you pick my guy, I will have to declare vendetta on you and run your promotion out of Texas.
  15. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I hate every single one of you who has picked in the 2nd round. This was supposed to be the unpredictable draft and you guys are taking everyone on my list!
  16. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft Expansion

    I think what foleyfan is trying to say is that adding someone into the 21-24 spots actually makes it EASIER for them to draft than it does for the people at the top or in the middle. Number 24 would also get to pick at 25 and basically gets his first two choices the minute he walks into the draft since we're already approaching the end of the first round. Someone who is picking at 18 or 19 in a 20 person draft might be going for 2 specific guys out of a pool of 3-6 workers since they're guaranteed to get them. Adding in 4 more people to the draft means an extra 8 selections and totally screws them if they were looking to draft a team or two specific guys to work against each other when it wasn't clear that that was a possibility when they first started planning. I don't think it really has much of an impact on #'s 1-maybe 8 since they're pretty much getting a person they definitely wanted, but it really cripples say 9-16 who have to pick someone that wasn't necessarily their first choice and they don't have a guarantee of getting someone they want on the way back up either.
  17. naiwf

    Spring Training 2009

    Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but the Dodgers have apparently offered Manny a new contract. 1 yr/$25 million with a player option for 2010 @ $20 million. If he doesn't take this I'm assuming he just doesn't want to play baseball anymore.
  18. naiwf

    Nadya Suleman

    http://www.idontlikeyouinthatway.com/2009/...be-in-porn.html Vivid may have offered her $1 million to do porn. I guess she'll say no unless they pay for her next batch of IV treatments when the 8 most recent kids hit 3 and are no longer cute.
  19. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    That was the same picture I had planned to use if OOG had taken the Astrodome while I was asleep. Austin, Rock, and Hogan went to numbers 5, 6, and 8. With the way this draft has started, I think anyone could get anyone. Exactly. I was sure that the first 5 would be Austin, Flair, Hart, Hogan and Rock, and only 3 of them were picked before I got my shot at # 6. I thought at best I might get Hart if he slipped or Savage if all 5 were gone. I never would have envisioned Austin and the Huckster still being there.
  20. naiwf

    What was the dumbest head coach/manager decision in a game?

    It's been almost 15 years and that game still haunts me. The Knicks losing that series is my worst moment as a sports fan. If nothing else, Blackman couldn't have done any worse and if he'd been allowed to play at all the Knicks could have won the game/series/title. Also, Ewing wouldn't be in the discussion for "best player to never win one" and I would have seen all of my favorite teams win a championship in my lifetime. Instead, that was as close as the Knicks got and then the last decade has just made that loss even more irritating. It just seemed like it was destined that the Knicks & Rangers would have parades that summer, and it still sucks that they didn't.
  21. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I was originally going to take a completely different arena, but fate smiled on me and I got the guy I would have taken at # 1 AND a massive arena in his home state. Without any further delay I will be selecting, the site of WrestleMania X-Seven, The Reliant Astrodome in Houston, TX. And I will headline my large event with one of the biggest names in the history of the industry, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin's got a message fer all of you bastards who didn't pick him!
  22. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I don't think OOG's showing up anytime soon and I'm not going to be on before 8 AM, so I'm going to PM my picks to both mellow and foleyfan since he's after me and can do them both at once if it comes to that.
  23. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I hope I don't get the one I don't want to take, but I can't pass up any of those guys at # 6.
  24. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    My version of the "big 5" was already broken when Foley got picked. I'm guaranteed to get one of the guys I'd want to build around for sure this time.
  25. naiwf

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    No, it says one city per player in the green text up there.