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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    South Park: Season 11

    Thanks for the info.
  2. naiwf

    South Park: Season 11

    I didn't catch the first 5 minutes, what exactly did Randy say to become "nigger guy" in the first place? I was disappointed that Cartman didn't get either a powerbomb or piledriver off on the midget when he had him in position. That would have made the fight for me.
  3. naiwf

    College Basketball 06/07

    Georgetown 21, Villanova 2 w/11:14 left in the 1st.
  4. naiwf

    TSM All-Time Baseball Tournament

    That's why he's Keith Hernandez.
  5. naiwf

    American Idol

    Right now dialidol has the Melinda/Lakisha/Gina trio safe. # 4-8 are all pretty much interchangeable, but the bottom 2 at this moment are Stephanie & Sabrina. If both Antonella and Haley survive I'll be pretty pissed. I don't think voting is entirely closed since I'm not sure Hawaii and Alaska have watched yet.
  6. naiwf

    American Idol

    Melinda and Lakisha continue to abuse the rest of these kids. In a perfect world, Antonella and Haley would be done tomorrow. But this is America, so Antonella will continue and either Jordin, Sabrina or Stephanie will take the bullet for her.
  7. naiwf

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    Daunte had 3 good years ('00, '03 & '04), 1 of which was legitimately great ('04), but the other 4 he's played were terrible or close to it. With his injury history and Moss free existence since his one legendary year he's barely a decent QB these days. He peaked at 27, but will likely stay in the league into his mid to late 30's unless his legs are completely shot.
  8. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Kobe just got hit with another 1 game suspension.
  9. naiwf

    American Idol

    Sanjaya's a better fit to ruin a song, get mauled by the judges and still come back next week with an even worse effort. Sundance is probably taking some of Sligh's votes from those who like the fat, sloppy white guy look community too. It's a shame we can't just vote off 4 guys, keep all 8 girls and have Antonella vs Sanjaya battle it out for this season's worst contestant in the top 12.
  10. naiwf

    NFL Discussion Forumtable

    If anything, Quinn will be solid if unspectacular (like Leinart last year) and Russell will be the bust. A cannon arm and mobility didn't help Vick or Culpepper become great QBs and this guy looks like he could easily eat himself into a lineman's weight any day of the week.
  11. naiwf

    American Idol

    Dialidol has Sundance and Phil in the last 2 spots, but all 8 guys are within the margin of error so we'll see what happens tomorrow night. Sundance being eliminated after violating Jeremy would be glorious.
  12. naiwf

    American Idol

    Blake, Chris, Chris, Sanjaya & Sundance are locks. So Brandon, Jared & Phil are fighting for the last spot and none of them were any good this week. If they didn't have to do the stupid 6/6 split I'd say that only 3 or 4 guys deserve to make the Top 12.
  13. naiwf

    American Idol

    Sligh is what Sundance is SUPPOSED to be.
  14. naiwf

    American Idol

    Phil just killed himself. That was straight up suicide singing that song.
  15. naiwf

    American Idol

    Is Phil losing weight every week? Dude's starting to look like he has an eating disorder. Sorry Leena, but Brandon's DOA tonight.
  16. naiwf

    American Idol

    Sundance has to know somebody high up the AI food chain, or Simon's just fucking with us until next week when he drops the hammer.
  17. naiwf

    American Idol

    You would think after 5+ seasons contestants would learn from the mistakes of others, but they never do. At least they can't choose vocal suicide by doing the people they can't touch starting next week although I'm sure some idiot will attempt an Aguilera song when they get the chance to do something from the active Billboard charts.
  18. naiwf

    American Idol

    Seacrest is such an asshole. Why doesn't Simon just fire him already?
  19. naiwf

    American Idol

    I just had a narcoleptic moment when Timberfake starting singing. This is horrible, but the judges will love it.
  20. naiwf

    American Idol

    Past winners Normal sized white girl Really fat black guy Normal sized black girl Normal sized white girl Normal sized gray haired white guy A really fat white guy or black girl makes the set more complete. The difference is Lakisha can sing whereas Sundance is brutal.
  21. naiwf

    American Idol

    Fuck you Sundance for ruining classic Pearl Jam. AI Pet Peeve # 2 - Seacrest openly campaigning for people he likes by trying to bait Simon into a really rude comment to garner pity votes. AI PP # 3 - Paula eating up 75% or more of Simon's time with her pointless drivel.
  22. naiwf

    American Idol

    LMAO. This kid sucks. At least his sister had a nice rack. He'll make the top 8 for no apparent reason.
  23. naiwf

    American Idol

    Sanjaya and Sundance back to back, oy. Sanjaya's too young to be THAT gay.
  24. naiwf

    American Idol

    I'll never understand how AI can have 8 guys in an hour after it took them two hours to get through 12 two weeks ago, and 90 minutes for 10 guys last week. I know it's a February sweeps rating stunt but it still annoys me when they put so much fluff in the rounds of 24 and 20. I'm gonna guess this is the first time 311 has ever been attempted on Idol. Regardless of that, Blake should be safe.
  25. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: All-Star Edition

    The $50 they gave him was probably more than he makes in a week. I'm so glad David and Mary are gone that it doesn't bug me that Romber won't end up winning the million dollars even though they are so much better than everyone else that it's not much of a race right now.