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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    So, Tom Brady will be winning his 4th ring in 3 weeks. Shittenheimer needs to quit as his team GAVE this one away with drops and personal fouls.
  2. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Vinatieri's replacement will hit the GW.
  3. naiwf

    Australian Open Thread.

    I see Rod-dick is already in full dickhead mode less than a set into the first significant match of the year.
  4. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    The Chargers don't want to win this game. They're trying their absolute best to just drop balls all over the field which would have iced this one a loooong time ago.
  5. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Why are the Chargers trying to outdo the Giants with moronic, well after the play is over personal fouls?
  6. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    The Chargers can't catch passes that are hitting them in the hands. That's not a good sign.
  7. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    LT is a beast. And this game is now officially o-vah.
  8. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    I don't think that was a catch, but I don't think it'll be overturned either.
  9. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Nice attempt at a jumping INT when there was no need to jump douchebag. Did the Chargers forget how to catch the ball since their last game?
  10. naiwf

    PlayStation 3

    That's funny, considering the PS3 is actually ahead of the 360's pace at this point. Even if it wasn't, that prediction is still rather nutty and completely underestimates the power of some of Sony's exclusive titles. There's too much overreaction going on, when not enough time has passed. The system has been out for two months. Go look at the Wii's incredibly shitty list of upcoming releases, almost devoid of quantity AND quality. But the system's been out for two months, so it makes no sense to be getting hysterical about how the Wii has no 3rd party support and is doomed to failure. The same applies to the PS3, not only because of how much time has passed, but also due to the aforementioned fact that it's curretly ahead of the 360's pace, and the 360 certainly turned out alright. Aren't a few of Sony's exclusive no longer going to be exclusives? $600 is $600 and most people aren't going to drop upwards of a month's rent on a system just to play a couple of games you can't get elsewhere. The Wii may have a shitty lineup of upcoming releases, but your average Joe Consumer can better swallow a $300 luxury purchase with a limited budget. You can talk about paces all you want but all 3 systems didn't come out at the same time. 360 is a year ahead and a price drop away from being another easily palatable luxury buy. The PS3 by all accounts won't be until 2008 or 9. The idea that HDTV's will be cheaper still doesn't take into account that an HDTV and a PS3 being cheapER doesn't make it cheap enough for most people to purchase one or both.
  11. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Hopefully Chargers/Pats gives us something worth watching. The AFC playoffs have been horrible so far and I ended up missing what seemed to be the game of the weekend even though the dreaded Bears won.
  12. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Just got home in time to find out that the Seawhos blew a golden opportunity to make it back to the SB. Let's go Saints.
  13. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Weren't you the guy who said Louisville would squash Rutgers and that there was no need to play the game?
  14. naiwf

    PlayStation 3

    You can't sell software without selling the hardware. If they stay at $600 into 2008, they'll be dead last by a wide margin and their "reign" as the dominant console will be over.
  15. naiwf

    PlayStation 3

    The PSP probably wouldn't sell any better if they dropped the price marginally. The $600 price tag is pretty much the only thing that's causing the backlog of PS3's. When is the last time a notable/anticipated launch system couldn't move almost all of its available units 6 weeks after it came out?
  16. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    The Saints just dodged a HUGE bullet.
  17. naiwf

    PlayStation 3

    I passed by a Gamestop store on 86th St. & Lexington Ave which is pretty much the only remaining decent sized video game store within a couple of miles on either side and they had signs up telling people that the PS3 was in stock. The reason this struck me as odd was that same store didn't have that luxury of advertising that they had additional units for sale until the June after the PS2 came out, which is incidentally when I got mine. Given that the PS2 came out earlier in the corresponding year than the PS3, and it was almost impossible to get your hands on one until 4 or 5 months later, I'm guessing that most people are waiting on a price drop which can't come soon enough for Sony.
  18. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    When Peyton stinks up the joint in 2 of the 3 AFC games so far that pretty much kills the one great offense we've seen in the conference. The Chiefs, Jets & Ravens didn't exactly live up to their ends of the bargin either. I think the biggest difference is none of the NFC teams we've seen so far are built to grind it out with defense, the running game and dinks and dunks like the Chiefs, Jets and Ravens are.
  19. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    DEUUUUUUUUUCE! Trotter getting abused there was great. If the Eagles & Bears lose in the next day I'll have no teams that I absolutely can't stand left in the postseason. I could live with San Diego, New England, Indy, New Orleans or even the worthless Seahawks winning the SB.
  20. Napoleon Dynamite might be the worst movie I've ever watched at least 20 minutes of. How can people think that this steaming turd was "hilarious"?
  21. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Did the Bears win this weekend already? Don't set yourself up for disappointment the way Marvin did.
  22. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Dilfer would have gotten it done though. If Peyton hits that one pass before halftime, this one would never have been close. The Ravens are who (I) we thought they were.
  23. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    I do believe I called the Ravens choking like dogs a couple of months ago. So much for the "improved offense".
  24. naiwf

    2007 NFL Playoffs

    Come on Peyton, make it 16-3 here and give us a chance to boot the Ravens and Marvin in the 2nd half. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK