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Everything posted by naiwf
Pretty cool opening leg. I'm happy that the team that came in first did so, although I don't think they'll be able to win the whole thing.
I love how the Rangers can actually find ways to give up goals in 5 on 3 situations. Their special teams are utterly embarassing.
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This is not the Long Jump at the Olympics. There is no "foul" for stepping over the line. If the dunk contest comes down to a size 18 shoe being a few inches beyond an arbitrary spot on the floor, then there's really no point to there being judges. Nate didn't actually clear Dwight Howard, but he got credit for jumping over him. It was not VC vs Weis, so maybe we should have said it wasn't legit either.
It wasn't legit. He took a step in front of it. Yeah, how dare he only travel 14 1/2 feet instead of 15.
Howard's too tall. If he'd done the free throw line dunk on an 11 foot basket maybe the crowd would have realized what they were seeing.
Howard should win it, but I think Nate will steal another one.
Dwight Howard is not human.
That was some weak shit by Nate.
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I'd like to thank Steve Kerr for destroying the Suns from the inside. It's nice to know that the Knicks aren't the only franchise capable of hiring a man who is seemingly out to make the team worse than it was at all costs.
Jacobs was franchise tagged by the Giants, but is still working on a longterm deal.
If LeBron doesn't get the star treatment, then who does?
Culdcept Saga - I think I probably put in 40 of the ~120 hours just trying to get the last 5 or 6 cards to get the achievements/complete the collection. Diablo - I might have put in more time playing the demo that came with a PC Gamer magazine than most of the games I had at the time. Between the demo, the game and the Hellfire expansion I can safely guess I probably logged at least 200 hours on it. While Diablo II was clearly a better game, I definitely played the first one more. Disgaea - easily over 120 hours, I haven't played it in a while and still have at least 3 super hidden bosses left. FFX - the first game I know I played for over 100 hours because of the clock feature. I probably played Blitzball more than most of the sports games I own. Persona 3 - I had many sessions that ended up at somewhere between 3 & 4 AM because I was exploring Tartarus or wanted to redo a botched Social Link. Ended up playing it all the way through again when FES came out, so that's about 150 hours or so worth of play.
I don't see him as being anywhere near the top 5 because I know of at least that many who I saw that I'd rate as clearly better (Brady, Elway, Manning, Marino, Montana) and that doesn't include people like Steve Young or Warren Moon who didn't spend most of their prime as starters in the NFL. Then there are all the greats who played before the '80s which probably puts him at the low end of the top 10, or a few spots outside of it.
I saw a mock draft of them getting Sanchez from USC yesterday, but that seemed unrealistic at # 17 I think.
*fist bump* A 1 year deal for Abreu wouldn't have broken the bank and would have given us our second best outfielder for relatively cheap. Or, they could make a play for Orlando Hudson and not let Castillo's retarded contract prevent them from fixing that huge problem in the field and in the lineup for the next 3 years. The Mets might spend more money than anyone else in the NL, but they're not exactly struggling to generate income. Between the new network and stadium, I don't think it's ridiculous to think they might upgrade some of the positions on the team that can be fixed with guys who aren't asking for 8 figure deals.
And yet we have massive holes in the middle of the rotation, at C, 2B, LF & RF aka the positions they don't spend any money on. What exactly ARE they spending $143 million on?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haPzE0cKoqo...?urn=nba,140056 One of the best passes I've ever seen in an NBA game. Make sure you click watch in HD.
I blame the Coupons. Ever since that Madoff stuff came to light they haven't really shown much of an inclination to improve the team.
Are we really trying to say that lying to the feds was an acceptable thing to do? You can argue that it's incredibly wasteful to go after these guys, but if you didn't lie to the feds in the first place you don't have to worry about anything happening from a legal standpoint.
I don't know if any of you guys ever follow the X-Games, but freestyle motocrosser Jeremy Lusk died due to head injuries after a botched back flip. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often since the guys are constantly trying to push things one step forward. He was only 24.
I'd be happy if baseball went the way of the Tour de France in terms of the credibility of its participants simply because 90% of them can't pass a piss test. If you want to act like baseball's record book is the Holy Grail of Americana, then punish the cheaters by not including them in the record book. If the records don't mean anything because it's OK to cheat, then say so and stop bringing up that Hank Aaron is the "clean HR hitting king" in every discussion about records. The NFL & NBA don't beat you over the head with their history/records and that's why no one really cares if people are clean or not.
But he said that he didn't even know what drug he got caught for. You'd think if you failed a piss test, you'd know why. I'm just tired of Yankees fans wanting to declare their admitted juicers good guys because they admitted they juiced after they got caught. What other option is there? I don't give a shit if a cheater feels remorse when their reputation is damaged. The only thing that's more annoying than the damage control, is the people who want to act like it's OK because they looked really sad when reading a script from their PR person.