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Everything posted by naiwf

  1. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    22 dollars? Perhaps more than that, Jim... It's only obvious we'd been talking about millions.
  2. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Sucks for K-Mart, but I'm really glad the Knicks didn't land him as was expected.
  3. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    No one won with a bid in the low teens. It's got to be at least $22.
  4. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    It's wrong to root against an individual guy because my team didn't get him, but I can hate on 25 players collectively because they comprise a rival team? I'm just trying to get the "rules" straight here. I'm not wishing injury on anyone, but I don't see the difference between hoping Matsuzaka sucks and you hoping that Josh Beckett and Curt Schilling doesn't each go 20-3 next year and that the Yankees beat the brains out of Boston every time they play.
  5. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    So you're saying that every time a free agent you put a bid on signs with some other team, you should hope he does well for the good of the sport? Puh-lease.
  6. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I don't disagree with your points cheech, but it's not like the Yankees are struggling to turn a profit and need MORE revenue. If they win the bid I'm hoping that Matsuzaka is a bust because they already spend $100 million more than anyone else, and probably make $500 million more in annual revenue than anyone else. Also, I wouldn't pay a dime for Liriano right now because of his impending elbow surgery, but I get the point. At least we were able to see Weaver and Verlander pitch against MLB hitters for half or all of a season. Matzuzaka's gonna be making top dollar for pitching in the WBC. $70 million upfront just seems like a lot if he doesn't turn out to be on the Santana/Schilling when healthy/Halladay level AL starter. Now if the Mets had won the bid, I'd have a completely different hope for the kid, but that's just because we NEED pitching with Pedro out for most of next year, Glavine getting older than old, Trachsel sucking ass and not much else that we can count on for 2007. We can't have a rotation of Glavine/Duque/Maine/Pelfrey/Heilman or Perez or something like that and contend for a championship. The Yankees could land Matsuzaka and still try and get a Zito or Schmidt if they want to because Daisuke will pay for himself as you said.
  7. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    http://www.baseball-reference.com/n/nomohi01.shtml Nomo's numbers were never at the superstar level after his rookie year. The Dodgers also didn't have to bid $25-30 million just to begin to bargain for a contract. As a matter of fact it took Nomo 9-10 years to make $25 million. Matsuzaka will cost that much before Boras even "sits down" at the negotiation table.
  8. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    It's long, so I just included the link below. http://cbs.sportsline.com/nba/story/9788409
  9. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    I think it's best if I stop feeding the troll.
  10. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Ben Wallace has no offensive skills and he's a star in the league. Bowen is a thug. One is clean cut, the other guy looks like the kind of dude "Surburban White America" hates. Why is it then that Wallace has developed a good reputation with the same skillset as Bowen and Bowen is considered one of, if not THE dirtiest player(s) in the NBA? Be a fan of your team, but don't be blind.
  11. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    If the Mets bid, I'm guessing Wilpon only let Minaya go up to $10 mil just to make it seem as though they wanted this guy. If the Yankees win the bid, I'm hoping he's the next Irabu or Nomo and not a superstar.
  12. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    We all know that this will change by the end of the year, but who would have guessed that on any day of the season the following would be true. . . 1st in their division -> Atlanta, NO/OK, Utah Last in their division -> Dallas, Denver, Phoenix
  13. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    You will never see him getting busted for starting riots, carrying weapons on planes, getting pulled over for drugs, or setting the record for most technical fouls in a season, or tearing it up in the club in a white t. I find it funny that the dirtiest player in the league plays on the softest team in the league. Didn't Rudy Tomanovich take a vicious elbow from Kermit Washington that still lingers today? No no, that was a blatant (running?) sucker punch to the face when Rudy T wasn't looking. Nice try though. Who cares if Bowen isn't a scumbag outside of the arena, he's got more of a body count than most defensive linemen in the NFL. Deliberately and routinely trying to blow out people's knees is worse than anything most anyone else in the NBA does.
  14. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    That comment is beyond idiotic. An elbow might cut you, but you can get some stitches and come back in that same quarter if need be. A broken leg, a fractured/sprained ankle, or ripped up knee ligaments take you out for weeks (or months), and it's SO blatant what Bowen's intent is. You don't flop when you land on someone's foot, and the guy that gets landed on NEVER gets hurt. He may never get suspended, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he is far and away the dirtiest player in the NBA. He tries to take out a guy on an almost nightly basis and succeeds a couple of times a year in doing so. He's a fucking scumbag of the highest order.
  15. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Who did the "Dirtiest Player in the Game" get this time?
  16. naiwf

    NFL Week 9

    A completely bitch move with a knee to the nutsack by that Raiders guy, Bratton (?). I hope it's worth missing a game or two considering Stevens ended up laughing at him because the cup prevented any kind of injury.
  17. naiwf


    He's a super genius.
  18. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    The Knicks will be perfect this week. They will lose all 4 games by at least double figures.
  19. naiwf

    The Amazing Race: 10 Edition

    Thank God Mary is gone. She could not have been more annoying, and their team certainly didn't deserve the THREE chances to win they still ended up wasting.
  20. naiwf

    NFL Week 9

    Romomania isn't dead. I think this loss is on Parcells. If he hadn't completely lost his mind and gone for two IN THE FIRST QUARTER of a (then) 6-5 game, the Cowboys would have won. Just terrible. You're probably right, but the Cowboys fan in NYC were convinced that they were going to the SB after the Panthers game last week. If nothing else, they MAY back off of that attitude this week.
  21. naiwf

    NFL Week 9

    So, the Bears and the Vicks shit the bed today, the Deadskins did everyone in the NFC East a solid by ending Romomania (Cowboys fans have been calling up the fan and saying that they're the team to beat in the entire NFC), and the Giants are looking great after their horrendous start. I'm sure Da Bears will whip our asses next week, but at worst we'll still be + 1 (and tiebreakers) over the rest of the division.
  22. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Marbury is totally useless. That is all.
  23. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    The Bulls beat the defending champs by a million on opening night and are now 1-2. Gotta love the NBA.
  24. naiwf

    This week in the NBA

    Jalen Rose signs with the Suns. The Knicks lose to the Hawks. Jalen Rose laughs from a distance.
  25. naiwf

    2006-07 MLB Offseason Thread

    I thought that they previously said that there was nothing structurally wrong with his elbow. Was that just bad/false information, or is Liriano opting for reconstructive surgery he doesn't need?