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Everything posted by Annabelle

  1. Annabelle

    Does Criticism Belong in Music?

    anyone who takes any review from allmusic seriously is a numbskull. sorry, garyfloyd.
  2. Annabelle

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    YAY!!! I have less hope for the team this year than I have since Ricciardi was hired. Part of it is the three-headed monster on top of the division, but a lot of it is that the front office has done NOTHING. I hope you guys like Kevin Millar! Why the Jays keep on signing the Os outcasts is beyond me, but its kind of funny. it used to be the other way around!
  3. Annabelle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    C'MON MAN i will not cmon. and you've stolen that joke from others. just another sign of your disgusting inoriginality. Disgusting inoriginality? C'MON MAN he stole it from me
  4. Annabelle

    NHL Thread

    the kings should be on an 8 game winning streak after that montreal abomination
  5. Annabelle

    Does Criticism Belong in Music?

    Hotel California got five stars. How do you feel about that? exactly.
  6. Annabelle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    C'MON MAN i will not cmon. and you've stolen that joke from others. just another sign of your disgusting inoriginality.
  7. Annabelle

    Does Criticism Belong in Music?

    allmusic sucks. its all revisionist bullshit. they give albums that people have told them are good 5 stars. and are scared to give anything new that rating. like you could find a janis joplin album with 5 stars but not a tv on the radio one or anyone new. what the fuck?
  8. Annabelle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    is marvin banned? cbacon should be banned for having the worst musical taste ever. and your not far behind gary floyd.
  9. Annabelle

    Does Criticism Belong in Music?

    shut up
  10. Annabelle

    The 2008 MLB Offseason Thread

    catch da taste i grew up on that dude. its shocking. i don't think your chest should be purple and be foaming from the mouth. but i'm no doctor.
  11. Annabelle


    its always a bit of a letdown when someone is banned because you don't get to see their reaction. this one would have been great.
  12. Annabelle


    ill kick ur BUTT, you gay
  13. Annabelle


    why are there even discussions about this? ban the cockhole and be over with it.
  14. Annabelle

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    cmon man. be fair. an old black person won best album for a mediocre piece of work last year.
  15. Annabelle

    I want to discuss Kanye West's insanity

    at least 3 of those dudes are stylish
  16. Annabelle

    Let's Spend The Thread Together

    goat's head soup is actually quite good.
  17. Annabelle

    The Beach Boys thread

    Weird statement considering the fact that the Stones' disco stuff was amazing. Some Girls? That's also the second time in the last week that you've put down a classic rock band by comparing them to the Eagles. Is there some repressed anger towards the Eagles that we need to talk about? alright. any rock doing disco was awful. the eagles are just soul less easy listening boomer bullshit. the worst of the worst. somehow they're held in the highest of regard. and sorry. the ship on the stones has sorta sailed for me. they're fine and all. some great albums. but most of it is good at best to me.
  18. Annabelle

    The Beach Boys thread

    the later easy-listening beach boys kinda led to the popularity of the fucking eagles. so thats a major detraction. their disco shit was even worse than when the stones did it.
  19. Annabelle

    The Beach Boys thread

    disney girls 1957 might be my favorite beach boys song. closely ahead of god only knows and surfer girl
  20. Annabelle

    Axl speaks to Billboard

    maybe they'll ask steven adler to come.
  21. Annabelle

    Axl speaks to Billboard

    slash and axl will re-unite next summer for a full on tour.
  22. Annabelle

    The Beach Boys thread

    i think that dennis wilson album maybe better than anything the beach boys did as a group. except maybe surfs up. and maybe maybe pet sounds. they're a singles group. their albums were slight and dull.
  23. Annabelle

    NHL Thread

    i think the kings can have found their goalie of the future. maybe package hickey and bernier with some others guys for a bouwmeester or some offensive help. they have a few really good defensemen but no one to truly quarterback a powerplay, yet. i like kyle quincey, but cmon man. and even one extra top 6 forward could propel them into the playoffs.