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JJ Johnson

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Everything posted by JJ Johnson

  1. JJ Johnson

    Not a very good impression on newer users . . .

    Hell, all Landon needs is my title, and Blank's title, and he's Grand Slam Landon.
  2. JJ Johnson

    Not a very good impression on newer users . . .

    I've got 2...
  3. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

    Danny Dagda.
  4. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

    No love for the ring post wrist-clutch Exploder?
  5. JJ Johnson

    Not a very good impression on newer users . . .

    Actually, you're on 13, 14 if you count the Women's Title.
  6. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

  7. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

    Noogies are the new Dangerlust. ACTUAL comments sometime in the next hour.
  8. JJ Johnson

    Storm Predictions

    Todd Cortez vs. JJ Johnson The guy who defended the Hardcore Title against Insane Luchador on PPV. KOJI Kitano vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins Spike has MOMENTUM~! FEAR MOMENTUM~! TORU Takahara vs. Zyon TORU pokes Zyon in the back, and Zyon collapses into a pile of dust. ph3@r the Exploder. Bruce Blank © vs. Jimmy the Doom vs. "The Divine Wind" Akira Kaibatsu vs. The Crimson Skull Blank. He's da unstoppablez, yo.
  9. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

    The main's up. Read the promo, it'll be interesting to see where it leads. Also, Zyon. Sell the back, man. Sell the back.
  10. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Comments

    ME's sent. Sorry about the lateness, but I'm recovering from both a stomach virus and the Rash of the Century™. Now to actually read the show, but first, what I skipped to. w00t~! Cucaracha Internacional is officially the HHH of the midcard!
  11. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    *Stunners Swiss beekeeper through TKO*
  12. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    *sigh* Fine. *Stunners Drea through Spain*
  13. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    To appease Drea, I would like to mention that the main event was a great read.
  14. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    Speaking as a hockey fan, there's nothing wrong with 0-0 ties. It's just that in soccer, it takes so long to get there.
  15. JJ Johnson

    Promo: Bruce and Marcus go to the movies

    I eagerly await Bruce and Marcus' Bogus Journey, in which the android versions of them kill them not by throwing them off of a cliff, but by chop blocking them.
  16. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    ...or a gun.
  17. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    Only in Oakland and Detroit.
  18. JJ Johnson

    Promo: Bruce and Marcus go to the movies

    Chop blocks are the new Demonstar.
  19. JJ Johnson

    Not a very good impression on newer users . . .

    *smokes pipe*
  20. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-3-05!

    Damn you and your British esoterity. Or whatever the noun form of esoteric is.
  21. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    I'd like to see that match.
  22. JJ Johnson

    SWF Smarkdown Card, 10-3-05!

    Crippling fear of Vermont. By the time I gathered up the nerve, it was too late.
  23. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    Well, a lot of leg work does go into kicking out. Although my guess is that they were probably desperate to get something in, the match does look kinda rushed.
  24. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    Well, Ward DOES have notoriously bad knees. And they DID work the knees all match. Does that justify jobbing Ward to a chop block? No, not at all. But you have to consider that.
  25. JJ Johnson

    Early Lockdown Comments

    I wish you'd told me Zyon hadn't shown either. I would have hammered out SOMETHING.