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JJ Johnson

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Everything posted by JJ Johnson

  1. JJ Johnson

    Lockdown Losers

    I really liked this match. Zyon's grammar was much improved, and it made the match easier on the eyes, and it was fun to read. Wrestling-wise, it was better than mine, easily. Especially since the finisher was out of nowhere, but it made sense. Not like mine, which was like WTF!? How the hell did that happen? Yours was "Oh, he reversed out of the UDV. I get it." One minor detail: I made Manson tap on Smarkdown, not pinned him.
  2. JJ Johnson

    Who will Vince have his kids "take care of" ?

    "Stephanie McMahon: Head of WWE Creative/Janitor, Madison Square Garden"
  3. JJ Johnson


    -I shudder to think what the national anthem will be next time we're in Canada... -And the show opens with a promo from Landon! Again! But it's good! Again! And I love the "It's 'nucular', dummy. The s is silent." type line at then end. -And I improve my record to 7-8! Moving on! -I learn a new British stereotype! Yay! And Toxx wins after the Inglorious, which is funny, because I was thinking "When's he ever gonna use the Inglorious?". And then he did! Well, maybe it's not that funny. -And Jay picks Manson, and names the COOLEST. STIP. EVER. Guys, I envy you. Nice promo. -OMGWTFCARD!?!? Sure, I wasn't around for him, but I do plenty of reading in my spare time of all the old shows and stuff and junk and things, so I know who he is. To some extent. -Is it wrong to be supporting Mags, even though he's a heel now? Because if it is, I'm wrong. Guy can't catch a break, and I feel sorry for him, even if he did snap. It's kinda justified. Maybe not to the extent of choking a mutha, but justified. I was dissapointed that not only did we NOT see a new Lockdown commissioner, but it was NOT a hoot. Because he didn't exist. Or maybe I missed him. Eh. OH, and I personally would like to see a losing match thread from Zyonosity. If the match is as good as Supes makes it out to be, it should be a great read.
  4. JJ Johnson

    Who will Vince have his kids "take care of" ?

    Madison Square Garden. Granted, it's not a who, but it's one of the things Vince's father told him to look out for.
  5. JJ Johnson

    Eddie Guererro

    Technically, for anyone to look good, it has to be a combo of roids and hard work. 'Roids build mass, not muscle. You still have to exercise, or you just look bulky, and not muscular. That being said, Eddie's been having a rather nasty case of acne on his back lately.
  6. JJ Johnson

    Juventud causing problems

    Juvi was doing the 450 splash long before London was even wrestling, so is London really in any position to bitch about Juvi using it? The knee to the head I can understand him complaining about, but not "he stole my move! CRYCRYCRY."
  7. Oh, my mistake. I thought Pretz had won two straight, then the postponed match, then you won one.
  8. JJ Johnson

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    Porter, I would suggest that you turn the sliders up. They make a big difference in the difficulty of the game.
  9. Yay for new stats. Boo for not being able to promo, and thus probably has to look forward to a PPV full of me hitting people with things.
  10. JJ Johnson

    Richard Wright Memorial Pink Floyd Amalgamation

    Pink Floyd is the Goldberg of the music world. How is that, you ask? Goldberg. Back in the 90's, he had that big hype about him, and all your friends raved about him, and you were like "Damn. I better check this guy out." Then you did, and, if you had any appreciation for wrestling, you came away dissappointed. PF is the same way. Sub music for wrestling, and sub these guys for this guy.
  11. JJ Johnson

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    That IS interesting. *Starts Vader Jr.*
  12. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    Pretzler gets credit on the basis of suggesting spots to use.
  13. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    My only guess would be a family member. You don't exactly see "Come on down to Buckhead" commercials.
  14. JJ Johnson

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    I started a Dynasty on All American, 7 minute quarters, as Texas Christian. It's the 1st quarter, and I'm up 21-0 on Oklahoma. Methinks something is wrong.
  15. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    Sic Thugg on him. The SWF: "Fighting fire with fire, and angry black men with angry black men"
  16. JJ Johnson

    Lockdown Predictions!

    MAIN EVENT Wildchild (SWF Tag Team Champion) v. El Luchadore Magnifico ELM is like the Dallas Cowboys. Even though they get slapped around to no end, I still root for 'em. BACKSTAGE INTERVIEW FEATURING JAY HAWKE! Who will he pick?! My prediction is...the guy that threw many breakable things at him on Storm. IF THIS WAS A DANCE CONTEST, WOULD THEY DO THE ROBOT?! MATCH Toxxic v. Ghost Machine Didn't we run Ghost Machine off? Toxx via no-show. TAG TEAM MATCH Manson and Zyon v. JJ Johnson and "The Critic" Scott Pretzler The team that has at least one guy that has won the Hardcore Title at some point.
  17. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    Oh God, I hope it's not Owl from Winnie the Pooh. He's an asshole.
  18. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    So, does your describing the opposite of death sound more like "life" then "loif" now?
  19. JJ Johnson

    Eddie Takes Over Rey's Website

    reymysterio.com: The Official Website of Eddie Guerrero!
  20. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    Yes, but we're going by STEREOTYPES, which don't necessarily reflect the way it really is.
  21. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    And watch cricket. That's a must. Add a funny hat, and we've COMPLETELY STEREOTYPED the British people. Unless there's something I'm missing. Let's see...tea, crumpets, fish n' chips, funny hat, cricket...OH, bad teeth.
  22. JJ Johnson

    Storm Comments~!

    -And we start things off with a beautiful national anthem. Stirring. Really. -The card! Boy, that curtain jerker must be exciting! Look who's in it! -Nice opening promo, with much angle furthering. That's about all I can say about promos, because I'm not a good promo comment person, so don't take it as "Oh. Landon runs his mouth some more. I think I'll watch Three's Company instead of comment. Come and knock on our door..." -AND THE RED LIGHT RUMBLE~! Hookers abound as Zyon retains. Very nice match, but a few complaints/things I found confusing. I liked the "You learn something new every day" line in regards to King not knowing Flair was still alive, and that applies here also, because I learned I have ring pyro. To the best of my knowledge, I don't, but it's not a really big deal. I'm changing my entrance soon anyway, so maybe that'll clear it up. BA-ZING! Moving on, the match is good with the usual amount of action, and with nothing worth bringing up until this: Four question marks indeed. In a striking battle, an Ultimate Fighter should really be able to take out most of the roster, with the exception of Danny Williams, because he=teh HOSS-like striker. This isn't the only example of you outstriking me in the matchup, but it's the one that picked at me the most. So now I'm picking at it. That'll teach it. I like the lariat off the apron. Neat spot. ...that magically disappears! I found it odd that Johnson would pull out a kendo stick and then not do anything with it. One instant he has it, the next it's gone, and it doesn't show up for the rest of the match. And you leave Chuck Norris alone, you bastard. Going back to what ELM said about your Smarkdown match and big bombs. I don't care who you are (unless, of course, you are Kibagami or HVilleThugg, both of which can no-sell ARMAGEDDON ITSELF), baseball bat to the back of the neck=KO, or worse. So let me get this straight...Johnson goes down to one forearm, but no-sells a lead pipe? Prostitute or not, lead pipe hits suck. Hell, you ever played Clue? That thing knocked Mr. Boddy the fuck out. And that's the last of the quotes, because I'm sick of typing the markups. Top rope reverse hurricanrana...two count. Big bombs thing again. I can't make a prostitute tap out? *self-esteem withers* You write a spot where I put my whore on the top rope and have her jump off, but then you write that she jumps off the table. That just struck me as funny, and somewhat mentionable. Which is why it's here. CRADLE PILEDRIVER! AND IT'S OVER! ZYON GOES BACK TO HIS HOTEL ROOM AND GETS LAID! ASSUMEDLY! -GHOST MACHINE GETS OFFENSE! OMG! Cortez wins with a chokeout in a solid match that includes Ghost Machine getting lit on fire and Cortez pulling a New Jack off a second story balcony, then cuts a short but sweet promo. AND WE MOVE ON TO... -ELM blowing la gasketa! In an almost heelish sort of way! Yay for Danny not concussing the Magnifico one, though. After this we move to... -MANSON blowing la gasketa! Pitcher to the face, 1 2 3, lonely Hulk music that fits with the promo posted on the board. Nicely done. -Since, like I said, I'm not good at commenting on promos, I'll just mention that I love WC's accent. Sounds like he's going to give you a tarot reading. Yes, I am aware that this joke has most likely been made many, many times. -Usual wildly entertaining spotfest from DubCee, with some mat wrestling mixed in, and some almost heelish managerial distraction from the younger Fasaki. -Toxxic disses Peters old skool, then cuts a promo that basically said "I'll challenge for titles on my own bloody time." -Landon with heelish flag waving. Not at all like Mags and his flag waving. That's face all the way baby. King was right, this match was considerably less spotty than something I would expect to see either ELM or Landon in. Landon wins with the Land of Nod, and Mags can't catch a break. Which was the promo was about. -More angle furthering, and a damn good match with Toxx-Pretz four(?). Brawling, ladders, boring restholds, IT'S ALL THERE! Toxx with the Intoxxication...ON THE APRON~!...for the win to end the show. All in all, nice show. You bastards better read this, too, because I read a whole show for the first time so I could write this.
  23. JJ Johnson

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 7.20.05!

    Huh. Didn't know that first one.
  24. JJ Johnson

    Picked up NCAA 2006 today...

    2k through 2k2 were excellent. The quality just started slipping from there.