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JJ Johnson

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Everything posted by JJ Johnson

  1. JJ Johnson

    After One Night Stand

    Me and my friends do something where we put like twenty wrestler's names into a hat, then the three of us each pick. Then we have to wrestle as if we were that wrestler. Some are good guys, like Angle and Benoit, and then some are Matt Morgan and Chris Masters. Last match we had was me as Benoit vs. one friend as Masters vs. the other guy (5'5", 130) as Big Show. You get disqualified if you don't act like that wrestler. The Masters friend did a move correctly. He was disqualified.
  2. I say the top heel has to be either British or from a member of the British Commonwealth. *looks at list of British Commonwealth doodads* *sees Canada on there* Ha!
  3. JJ Johnson

    NBA deal is done

    THERE's a hole with no bottom.
  4. I'm all for a Pretz-JJ tag team if Scott is. And that's all I'm saying. Word.
  5. I wrote, I just couldn't find a way to end the damn match. Now, if my character were Martha Stewart, BAM! I'da written 10,000 words the first night and have to pare it down to 6000 by Wednesday. It's a good thing.
  6. JJ Johnson


    Just remember with that, anyone expensive has a lame name.
  7. JJ Johnson

    Sabu to meet vince on Monday !

    And even in that pic, the W is still taller.
  8. JJ Johnson

    Much more banners!

    JJ amz want be in one. My syntax suffers as a result.
  9. JJ Johnson

    favorite wrestler

    You owe me a glass of soy milk and a new laptop, Justice.
  10. JJ Johnson

    Monty Brown Contract...

    What *is* his gimmick, anyway? From what I've seen, all it looks like is "I'm bigger and blacker than you. PPPPPPPPPOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNCCCCCCCCCCCEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"
  11. Smarks Board Name: JJ Johnson Wrestlers Name: Rush Hadrian Height: 6'2" Weight: 224 lbs. Hometown: Portland, Oregon Age: 20 Face/Heel: Face Stable: Ring Escort: Weapon(s): Quote: Looks: Slicked-back blonde hair, blue eyes, average build - think an AJ Styles or an Austin Aries. Plain blue short tights, with "RH" in white on the sides. Black boots, black kneepads, black elbow pads. Ring Entrance "Howling of the Jinn", by Nile is his theme. For now, that's all you really need to know, considering he's likely going to be spending most of his time entering with Todd. Stats Strength: 4 Speed: 7 Vitality: 6 Charisma: 3 Style: Very spotty, although he's got a few submissions, and a suplex or two. Signature moves -Enzuigiri--A wide variety; where others would use a superkick as a transition, he uses an enzuigiri. -Flying neckbreaker drop--Shelton Benjamin's clothesline-doodad off of the top. -MCC--Unprettier. Stands for Multnomah County Crusher, although rarely do the announcers mention that. NOTICE: Although similar in function to the Wild Driver, the WD is a skull bump while this is a face bump. I did not bastardize one of WC's finishers. -MCC II--Guillotine Face Driver, or Fame-ass-er. Multnomah County Crusher II, although again, this is rarely brought up. -Choke Sleeper--Technically a choke, but done behind a sitting opponent like a sleeper, while leaning into them to make breathing quite a chore. -Powerbomb/Powerbomb Pin/Sunset Flip Powerbomb -La Majistral -Thunder Death Driver--Spinning brainbuster, and an over-exaggeratively named one at that. -Macho Elbow--Randy Savage-style elbow drop. Common moves -Running single-leg dropkick[/u]--Ever see Chono's Shining Black? That, but without the step-up or the break your face. -Spinning forearm -Undertaker-style running DDT -Railgun suplex -Snap suplex -Guillotine leg drop--This is more showy than it is effective; Rush would much prefer to see how far he can go with this than to end a match with it. -Bearhug--Yes, bearhug. More used as a deterrent than anything, it is nonetheless one of Hadrian's preferred maneuvers. -Double-underhook swinging neckbreaker -Fujiwara armbar -STF Rare moves -Suicide Star Press--Shooting Star Press to the outside. Occasionally, he can pull this off by running at the ropes, jumping and tucking his body into a ball before clearing the ropes and bursting out into the flip, but that takes a hell of a lot of energy out of him - more than is convenient. -Hadrian's Wall--Konnan's Tequila Sunrise. Go for La Majistral, but instead of diving over, drop to your knees, reach forward, and hook them in a single-leg crab. Painful. Finishers -Diamond Cutter--Every conceivable variation. DDP had at least fifteen, and the fucker could barely move; Rush will no doubt be able to pull out more. -Shooting Star Senton--Shooting Star Press, with another half-turn that takes Rush back-first onto the opponent. Notes: [A general description of fighting style and ethic. Anything you want to say about how your character comes across.] Bio: [Optional. A bit of background information about your wrestler.]
  12. JJ Johnson

    Promo- A Mór Comh-Dhùnadh

    Pfft. Death is nothing. He's HARDCORE~! after all.
  13. JJ Johnson

    Lockdown Predictions Thread

    The Main Event - Six Man Tag Team Match Wild and Dangerous and Lil' Buck vs. Martial Law © (Landon Maddix and Todd Cortez) and Ejiro Fasaki © Martial Lawsaki Toxxic vs. ??? QMM Acropolis Now - SWF Hardcore Championship Match Zyon © vs. JJ Johnson vs. Mak Francis The guy with the skin Olympic Wrestling Exhibition (Non-Title) "The Dean of Professional Wrestling" Jay Hawke © vs. Arch Griffon Hawke Manson vs. Austin Sly Austin, because RETURNOSITY~! completely crushes MANSONOSITY~! "The Maniac" Bryan Rodgers vs. Ghost Machine Ghost Machine with another three-paragraph win that's two and a half paragraphs entrance. Gotta love 'dem squashes. Jumpin' Jack Flash vs. "Big Country" Martin Hunt Big Country to shock the hell out of everyone.
  14. JJ Johnson

    SWF Lockdown Card 6-22-05

    *vinegar mists Toxxic in the eyes. His question mark accuracy decreases dramatically*
  15. JJ Johnson

    SWF Lockdown Card 6-22-05

    Oh. ... Fine. I'll just have to use my signature VINEGAR MIST~!
  16. JJ Johnson

    SWF Lockdown Card 6-22-05

    Sweet! Now that he's JttR, I can steal moves from him! *poison mists everyone and leaves the thread*
  17. JJ Johnson

    Promo- A Mór Comh-Dhùnadh

    *sheds a tear*
  18. JJ Johnson

    SWF Storm Comments - June 17th

    Thanks for the compliments and welcome backs, guys. If what you say is true, IL, and I have zero reason to doubt that it is, then we almost had a DNS on our hands. My original plan was for the match to end via me and you getting into a shoving match, and me shoving you into a for-some-reason-in-Italy HVT, who would then massacre you, with me pouncing on the corpse like a hyena. But, my schedule simply didn't allow for long, convoluted, angry black man beatings, and so I went with the CHOKEOUT~! instead. And now we're 2-2, IL, so it's always nice to get beat by you too.* *Jesus Christ, anymore 2s or too's or to's in that sentence and it would be an Ironman match.
  19. JJ Johnson

    Reformation of 4 Horsemen on RAW?

    Well, if Tomko is anything like Ole Anderson, let the man book. Then we could find out who Tomko's friends backstage are. They'd be the ones getting pushed.
  20. JJ Johnson

    Something of Interest

    He also pronounced it Jay-nus. This guy's awful with his Greek mythology.
  21. JJ Johnson

    SWF Storm Card for June 17th, 2005!

    It's good to see guys like ??? with a steady paycheck. They deserve it. Oh right. We do this for free. Ummm...
  22. JJ Johnson

    SWF 13th Hour 2005: The Card!

    I'm still laughing about the word "traveshamockery". That was awesomely lame, just like "The jerk store called. They're running out of YOU!"
  23. JJ Johnson

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    [email protected] Several people live, as well as WWE sources, have confirmed that during the brawl at the end of tonight's ECW PPV, that JBL went after Blue Meanie and threw several real punches at his face, bloodying him up. A lot of the wrestlers who were in the ring and saw this looked really mad. Reports were Al Snow, who trained Meanie, visually looked the most upset. The two have heat dating back to Meanie's days in WWF, and JBL cut a promo on Meanie on Smackdown which was edited off the show a few weeks back. As opposed to what? Anally looked the most upset?
  24. JJ Johnson

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    What incident is that for those of us not watching Heat? I believe they are referring to the time Kurt Angle appeared on an ECW show, and Tazz said that "Kurt was a great amateur, but I'm a great professional" or something along those lines. Also on that show, Raven crucified Sandman.