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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike


    Thought I would add some displays.. The below is a mix of songs by Trans-Siberian Orchestra This one is the ever so famous Wizards in Winter song everyone likes.
  2. Mike

    Embedding YouTube videos directly

    They should play in all of them, but you don't have the little video button to click to add a video. However you should be able to do it by manually adding the tags.
  3. Mike

    Embedding YouTube videos directly

    Forgot to say, this probably only works for users using the TSM Pro skin. Using this skin normally gives you the most options, benefits, and the least problems.
  4. Mike

    Embedding YouTube videos directly

    Is this what you are talking about? You should be able to include videos from the following sites: YouTube (www.youtube.com) GoogleVideo (video.google.com) LiveLeak (www.liveleak.com) Veoh (www.veoh.com) GameTrailers (www.gametrailers.com) iFilm (www.ifilm.com) Revver (www.revver.com) BrightCove (www.brightcove.com) MySpaceVideo (vids.myspace.com) CollegeHumor (www.collegehumor.com) vSocial (www.vsocial.com) Guba (www.guba.com) Glumbert (www.glumbert.com)
  5. Mike

    What is your favourite web browser

    Here are the stats from October 1st to now.
  6. Mike

    Wii Mods

    I was wondering if anyone here has a mod chip on theres and if so what type, I am looking at some. Also, does anyone have a membership to: http://wiitorrents.net/? From what i heard its a referral only community.
  7. Mike

    PayPal Peeps

    Believe it or not, but a few weeks ago, I sold something which was paid for by PayPal, as normal I ship it via USPS Priority Mail w/ Delivery Confirmation. 2-3 days go by, its delivered and I get a e-mail from the buyer saying he never go it. He files a claim, and since the item was over $150 apparently you are suppose to ship with Signature Confirmation instead, so I lost the money when he did a charge back. Also I found even if I did signature confirmation, if he signs some other name than the one it was shipped to its still not seen as delivered in PayPal's eyes... So basically as a seller, the buyer always holds the upper hand.
  8. Mike

    You Favorite Alcohol

    Will not touch any beers, but most all liquors I like. Favorites would include: Mojito, Brandi Alexander, Classic Jose Margarita, and a few others.
  9. Well the last time I remember doing this had to be over 3 years ago now, maybe near 5 back when dames was king. Not many liked the chat back then, since after all this is a message board, but I guess here we go again. I had a history professor that had a quote that was something like this: "History is deemed to repeat itself" I know there will be questions, problems, and hate mail, so just let me know.
  10. Mike

    Official TSM Chatroom Launched!

    It wasn't meant to replace the board.... I don't know what you guys will use it for, but i know others have expressed a need for it and during "special events" or occurrences I am sure it will be used. I would have posted the first 24hrs of use, but it wouldn't of accumulated to a post.
  11. Mike

    Bring Damaramu Back

    I am with the others... bring them back!
  12. Mike

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    Maybe the day one of the non-wrestling folders outdoes the wrestling folder, things will get moved around, however in the meantime the wrestling folder rules over you pop culture fans.
  13. Mike

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    Ah, ok that makes alot more sense now. Besides him, does anyone else have that problem? I will look and see what I can do.
  14. Mike

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    In English, what the hell are you saying? One is a sub domain the other isn't?
  15. Mike

    Bring back forums.thesmartmarks.com

    I am not changing things back, if you have bookmarks to the "forums.thesmartmarks.com" then great! they still work. You guys said no one visits the main page and traffic shows its declining, so the main page will soon be just the forums. You guys seriously need to stop finding things to complain about and just be happy with life... Go take a shot of some top shelf tequila or something!
  16. Tonight I will be doing a re-index of the forums and some other stuff. During my testing, it will take several hours, however it will fix various post from 3+ years ago that look funny. There should also be a speed increase associated with it. Have a great night on the town!
  17. Mike

    Forum Maintenance Tonight!

    This has gotten off topic. I will be posting the results and where things are after the long down time.
  18. Mike

    Forum Maintenance Tonight!

    Obviously things are going slower than expected...
  19. Mike

    Forum Maintenance Tonight!

    It depends on what I have to drink tonight during all this.
  20. Mike

    Forum Maintenance Tonight!

    Actually many of the post counts will be corrected to actual value. So don't be surprised when you post count drops a few due to removed or deleted post/topics.
  21. Mike

    cheating in the arcade again?

    This doesn't make any sense...
  22. Mike

    cheating in the arcade again?

    OMG! Cheating, really? I think this just deserves an immediate ban, seriously if people are low enough in life to steal cookies from a store, this is definitely more important! Who shall we ban?
  23. Mike

    TSM Chat room

    http://www.phpfreechat.net/ is one I looked at just a few weeks ago. In the next week or two, the main page will be going away and the forums will be the main site. I will still have links to the old articles and such. My main goal is keep the main page clean, so the chat will probably be a pop up window from a link on the main page at the bottom or maybe inside a category.
  24. Mike

    MP3 ID Tag lookup software

    Just wondering what everyone uses for MP3 ID Tag lookup type software? I use to use MusicMatch, but refuse to use it now that Yahoo owns them and don't agree with their TOS. I use WinAmp to play songs, but every now and then I need to update tags, etc.
  25. Wrong folder. I was thinking, since Linux is the only use, the computer folder would work.