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Everything posted by buffybeast

  1. buffybeast

    Mark Henry's Ugly Mug

    Okay, then Henry wouldn't qualify. A-Train, though... A-train is the embodiment of a bear. No question.
  2. buffybeast

    Well, this is a first...

    I do believe the boys get paid extra for overseas shows. And they probably will have that weekend off. They'll be ok.
  3. buffybeast

    Brock And Sable Sitting in a Tree?

    Sable mentioned in her first RAW magazine interview that she and Marc seperated because he did not want her to return to WWE. Gosh, I so cannot see Brock with Sable. I bet his shits are bigger than her.
  4. buffybeast

    So, is Trips winning?

    From what I remember when Lensar moved over to SD the plan was to make the IC title the main belt on RAW. But, HHH thought he was to big for the belt so they made the World belt for him. That I do remember. But I didn't know that in creating the world belt he requested the IC belt to be eliminated as well. Guess you learn something new every day.
  5. buffybeast

    So, is Trips winning?

    Was Trips behind the elimination of those belts? I thought it was a group decision. I don't recall reading anything about Trips being instrumental in the demise of the IC and HC belts.
  6. buffybeast

    Injury Update

    Goldust was released? Whend did this happen?
  7. buffybeast


    Neither Randy or Batista are terrible. They both have excellent looks. Batista is a big power house and Randy is super charismatic.
  8. buffybeast

    Jackie Gayda pulls a "Britney."

    Yeah I don't know if it's the make up or what but her face does look kind of different. I remember during TE and when she first came into the fed Jackie looked like she had a bitter beer face on all the time. She still looks like someone punched her in the face one too many times then bought her some cheap ass implants. She still looks dirty and trashy.
  9. buffybeast

    What "cena" thing do you like most

    I think the "you can't see me" hand gesture means that one cannot read his true emotions or effect them in any way. Whatever it means, that is my favorite "Cena-ism".
  10. buffybeast

    Nidia gets a boob job..

    How exactly did he justify that? Complete nonsense. That's just ridiculous. There is no correlation between visible veins and real breasts. Take Terri, for example. I've seen pics with her where you can see her veins (and the bag. ugh). She clearly has fake breasts.
  11. buffybeast

    The One and Only Heat Thread

    Tommy is probably just happy to earn a steady WWE paycheck.
  12. buffybeast

    WWE News

    How many times has this gimmick been done? Mine, Moppy, Pepe'(sp?) Don't forget about Rocco the doll from the Legion of Doom days... *shudder*
  13. buffybeast


    Both Xpac and Chyna have mental issues. It's probably for the best that Trips seperated himself from them.
  14. buffybeast

    WWE Unscripted

    This has been one of the funniest threads I've read in a long time.
  15. buffybeast


    I love Ron Jeremy.
  16. buffybeast

    High Voltage

    I love hosses and even *I* disliked High Voltage. Was there an ounce of talent between the two of their roided up bodies???? Honestly, they both stunk up the ring just walking towards it.
  17. buffybeast


    That's not true, Choken. Nobody growls and scowls like my A-train.
  18. buffybeast

    One and Only WWE Smackdown Thread!

    All those hosses in the ring at the same time is making me hot.
  19. buffybeast

    Crash Holly passes away

    Good Lord. This is a complete shock. He wasn't that old. I wonder what happened. RIP Mr. 24/7
  20. Doesn't Shane have a kid coming really soon? The ambulance match will probably be his last match for a while. BTW, did anyone notice how winded Shane was after his match with Test? Geez, I thought he was going to pass out.
  21. buffybeast

    WWE Smackdown

    That's the first thing I thought of when I read this news blurb. I never read the WWE magazine because it's just an extension of the storylines and thus is junk. I actually enjoyed the RAW magazine because the stories showcased the talent in a "real life" setting. Now both mags will just suck.
  22. buffybeast

    Goldberg angry again...

    I met Mark Henry years ago and I know that he is very sensitive about his weight. While talking to him at a meet and greet, the Rock came by to chat with him. The Rock carried two plates from the buffet table and Henry asked if one was for him. The Rock then made some crude remark about him being fat and eating the entire buffet. He said this right in front of me. Henry just stared back at him but I could tell he was embarrassed and his feelings were hurt. I suspect he was embarrassed when Flair made that comment.
  23. buffybeast

    Jyndrak and Cade

    Did they ever explain how HHH got the 100k back from JinCade?
  24. People can not longer justifiably request A-train to be removed from their televisions.
  25. buffybeast

    Vader in the WWF

    Uh...Vader could sell. He could sell but often times chose not to. I recall seeing a Vader/Shamrock ppv match in the spring of 96 (I'm not sure about this) and Vader was extremely stiff. Shamrock finally retaliated and stiffed Vader pretty hard and I think busted his nose.