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Posts posted by buffybeast

  1. Americans who aren't soldiers just need to stay the hell out of the Middle East right now. Its as simple as that.

    Bingo. These people WERE warned to get out. Not that I'm in any way saying they deserved it, but really use some common sense, the whole region is a shit hole filled with insane murderers, use some common sense!


    The crux of the Saudi economy is foreign workers. Many non-Saudi's who have opted to stay in the kingdom do so for economic reasons. Johnson, for example, would have had to quit his Lockheed Martin job and leave his home of 12 years if he decided to flee.

  2. Geez, I can't recall the last time a Smackdown discussion thread only had two pages!??! My how the mighty have fallen!


    I enjoyed the three way/beat up on John Cena match. A feud with Book could be interesting.


    The only thing I could think of when Kenzo came out was, what a fucked up hair cut you have!!!! Good grief, he has like three different hair styles going on. What exactly is he angry at/about? Is he still pissed off that the Americans beat Japan in WW 2?


    I died laughing when I saw Chavo Sr. pimping the old ladies!! That was hilarious.


    No divas!! Yeah!


    Decent Smackdown last night, I thought.

  3. The problem I have with Xpac is that he doesn't realize he's a cruiser. When he was in WWF, he didn't want to wrestle other cruisers. He only wanted to wrestle big men because in his mind he was one of them. He also didn't seen to know his place on the wrestling totem pole. He's not a main eventer but thinks he is.


    I don't see what he could add to the WWE roster that they do not already have.

  4. Taker is not the wrestler he once was. Everyone agrees upon that. But he still sells merchandise, is totally over with the fans, and has decent matches. The frequent breaks are probably the reason for his longevity. Vince loves him and I don't think he is too quick to fire him, either. I can't stand Taker but he will not retire until he gets ready to retire.


    Hopefully he will never bring back ScaraTaker again.

  5. I didn't read the spoilers this week so I was so surprised when Jackie won the belt. I actually laughed. It's so ridiculous.


    Jackie has wrestled men before in Memphis and WCW. I didn't have a problem with it then but I do have an issue with it now. Now is not the time to do the inter-gender thing and especially not with Jackie. I love her and always will. But she needs to realize her time has passed and she should just be happy to have a job.

  6. One of the reasons people have turned against Sable is due to the fact that she was so outwardly attracted to Brock Lesnar even though he was in a relationship with the mother of his child at the time.


    Why would people dislike Sable for what she chooses to do in her personal life? Sure, going after a man who is in a relationship is scummy. But it wasn't like she was being a bitch to her coworkers the way she was in the late nineties.

  7. What's with all the Billy Gunn hatred? The company no longer pushes him through the moon. He's working Velocity as he should. He just comes out and shakes his ass and dance. I've always had a weak spot for the Ass-man.


    I delpore Steph. God, I always turned the channel when she came out. I hate how she tried to make everyone believe that her tired ass was a diva. I wish to all the wrestling gods that she stays behind the scenes.

  8. One possible reason why the plaintiffs took so long to bring up this suit is they may have been trying to negotiate with WWE over the last two years. It is possible that they decided to bring this suit up now because the plaintiffs and WWE could not reach a settlement agreement. I suspect that is why the suit is coming forth now after two years.
