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Posts posted by buffybeast

  1. Maybe I don't need a bigger one as much as I need one that pleases me.  Mr. 5.5 did NOTHING for me.

    Maybe he just didn't know how to use it. And even if he has a big cock, that doesn't mean it'll do anything for you, either. I've had big, and it honesty didn't really do anything for me. Average, however...awww, yeah. *grin* Then again, he knew how to use it.


    So in conclusion, a big dick doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna feel really, really good. Yeah, you might get that "full" sensation, but unless he knows how to work it, all it is a "full" sensation and nothing more. And the converse of that is, even with an average sized dick, you may not get the "full" sensation, but you're more apt to get that really awesome tickling the G spot sensation (well, pending proper use, of course).


    stardust--defender of average sized penises everywhere! *grin*

    Great observation. I probably should simply withold all comments regarding sex (intercourse, oral, foreplay, etc) until I've had more sexual experiences. I simply did not feel satisfied with my ex's penis. I think it was a combination of technique and size.


    Oh well.


    BTW, I think "cock thread princess" is a great nickname for you, Stardust. :)

  2. The penises featured in this thread didn't appear to be very big. A large penis to me is 9+ inches.


    Outa curiosity, do you watch a lot of porn? I only ask because I use to date a girl who felt the same way and complained about her disappointment that she never had a man that size. Right before she would go on to say that she expects that guys be hung like porn stars.


    It just brought up a damn near creepy memory heh.

    Yes, I watch/view porn on a semi-regular basis.


    How do you go from 5.5 to 9? That's like saying weed doesn't get me high enough, so I need to inject roach poison directly into my brain.


    Ha, I guess you do have a point. I just don't think 5.5 is enough for me. I'd rather have a large, thick penis than a smallish, puny one.

  3. So you are saying that the guys that showed their cocks are small? So you think Laz's cock is small?

    The penises featured in this thread didn't appear to be very big. A large penis to me is 9+ inches.


    If you need bigger, then your privates aren't as tight as you think.


    Maybe I don't need a bigger one as much as I need one that pleases me. Mr. 5.5 did NOTHING for me.

  4. None of the featured cocks are big enough for me.

    I'm very impressed. A night with you would be like parking a bicycle in an airplane hangar, or throwing a toothpick into the grand canyon. I'd be all over you just for the echo.

    Puh-leeze. Like I said, I've only ever had sex with one man and he was only 5.5 inches. My privates are VERY tight.


    Then how the hell do you know the ones in this thread are too small?


    Because my last boyfriend's penis was only 5.5 inches and it did nothing for me. I suspect I need bigger.

  5. I refused to believe it was coach at first but god damn has he always been ripped like that?

    Nope, he got locked in HHH's "supplement" closet and came out looking like that ;)



    Coach was always in shape but he looks like he's been hitting the gym quite a bit lately.


    I thought his heel turn last night was simply hilarious. It came totally out of the blue and is so against his normal character.

  6. HHH and Stephanie McMahon have both spent time in Hollywood mid week trying to get HHH roles in movies.


    I don't get this. HHH is supposed the love the business and has said that he never wants to be away from it. If this is true, why is his non-acting ass attempting to get work in Hollywood?


    Whatever keeps him away from the ring, I guess I'm all for it.

  7. The real controversy should be why in the pissy hell is her name Shaniqua when:


    A: Every one knows that her name is Linda Miles (unless they didn't want people to confuse her with Linda McMahon...they do resemble on another)


    B: They picked a stereotypical ghetto black girl name, but her character is a Dominatrix...far from being the stereotypical black woman.



    Maybe they just figured it would not be cool to have a minority worker without attaching some type of stereotype to them.

    I thought the same thing when she first debuted, sir. I know Linda isn't a particularly tough-sounding name. But Shaniqua is just a stereotypical ghetto name that sounds awful.


    Back to the topic - Linda has a really nice face. Jackie Gayda, on the other hand, has a mannish and harsh looking face. Linda's body is just ultra hard.
