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Everything posted by jwpeer

  1. jwpeer

    NBA Playoffs 2008 - Round 1

    East: Celtics in 4 Pistons in 7 (People underestimating Andre Miller...) Raptors in 6 Cavs in 5 (Lebron has another level during the playoffs, people forget last year too quickly) West: Lakers in 4 (Denver has no chance) Mavs in 6 (Poor New Orleans...they only have two bad matchups, and they drew one of them) Suns in 5 (Worst matchup for San Antonio by far) Jazz in 5 I do know that the Western Conference playoffs will be awesome to watch.
  2. jwpeer

    WWE Raw (4/7/2008)

  3. jwpeer

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Yep, this was an absolutely perfect moment, but Sting coming out last would have just been a cherry on top. May have been the biggest pop ever. If only because he's NEVER been on raw. Flair would have probably had a heart attack.
  4. jwpeer

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Never mind...
  5. jwpeer

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    So punk is moving to Raw?
  6. jwpeer

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    That was a sick ass bump.
  7. jwpeer

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Shelton blow that spot? Looks like it to me. EDIT: Yea, looked like the ladder just collapsed on him, he was pissed when he hit the mat.
  8. jwpeer

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    That was an awesome stunt.
  9. jwpeer

    NCAA Tournament Pick'Em.

    I'm in both. I'm totally being a homer and picking Pitt to go way further than they actually will, because they always suffer a letdown. In one I have them winning. But if it happens, I'll win the bracket, woo! Other than that, there's a lot of chalk type picks, though I have a good feeling about Xavier.
  10. jwpeer

    NFL Offseason Thread

    When I first read this I thought it was referring to Andre Johnson and was like "# 3 receiver". Than i realized it was the old browns receiver, and am trying to figure out how he got 8 million guarenteed. I want his agent!
  11. jwpeer

    This week in the NBA

    Yao Ming's out for the season, stress fracture in the foot. Sucks, one less contending team in what were and still are looking like some of the best NBA playoffs ever.
  12. jwpeer

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    Wow. I can't help but like HHH more right now. I think Orton shouldn't even have been involved in this, really.
  13. jwpeer

    The OaO Raw Thread for 2/25/2008.

    I like Cena's t-shirt That's awesome, wish I could get a closeup, anyone have a link?
  14. jwpeer

    This week in the NBA

    There's a sentence I never thought I'd see. Ha. It does seem unlikely, but it proves that if you're a good shooter AND actually have decent defensive skills (Which Barry is a far better defender than a guy like Wally or Kapono and on par with Korver) you're going to have a 20 year career bouncing around from contender to contender. Not only do you make a living, only really good teams want you, so you'll always be in a good spot! I agree with him going to Phoenix. I think they need him the most, and he'll get the most playing time and the most open shots.
  15. jwpeer

    This week in the NBA

    True...but this is the exact guy multiple teams need. Maybe he'll hold a grudge because they traded him off? Not likely, but you never can tell. Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, Cleveland, San Antonio, maybe even New Orleans could definitely find a place for him. I bet it's nice for him to be getting all these phone calls, right?
  16. jwpeer

    This week in the NBA

    The real question this week: Who's going to win the Brent Barry seepstakes. Clearly Phoenix could use him, but so could almost every team in the west. Does it come down to who has the biggest exception to offer him? Or will he just wait and go back to SA?
  17. jwpeer

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Love Santino acting like he's happy for her. He's such a good sneaky dirty heel.
  18. jwpeer

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    That outfit is awesome for Beth
  19. jwpeer

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    Monster bump for hornswoggle!
  20. jwpeer

    OAO Raw Thread - February 18, 2008

    I agree with this. Entourages are such a heelish thing. Him crawling into the ring with 5-6 people behind him was so cowardly, he doesn't look anything like a face at this point. And I'm very glad with the switch to just the curb stomp as burchill's finisher...too bad his gimmick is going to suck soon.
  21. jwpeer

    The OaO Raw Is Taped thread - 11/2/2008

    Curb Stomp type move should definitely just be his finisher, if he's not allowed to do the C4 ...Masterlock challenge is back?!?
  22. jwpeer

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    Holy crap, someone other than Flair won with a submission in the WWE. hell hath frozen over
  23. jwpeer

    2/4/08 Raw Thread

    Jeff Hardy is really, really over. I know it's a college town...but he's really really over.
  24. jwpeer

    Superbowl XLII

    Seriously, this game just reinforces the reason why high-profile D-Ends get those enormous contracts.
  25. jwpeer

    Superbowl XLII

    I would buy whatever product that commercial is for. Probably two, actually. Agreed. Peyton is goofy enough to do it...not sure about Eli though.