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Everything posted by jwpeer

  1. Snitsky has a great wedding attire.\\ Is he stealing Heidenreichs gimmick?
  2. This might be the best promo ever. It's so ridiculously stupid, it's funny.
  3. I marked the hell out for THAT though. omg
  4. I'm still a mark for him...if he had won it after a feud of some sort with some build-up and they had exchanged the title a few times, I'd be totally into it. But unless they're setting Shelton up for a world title run (EXTREMELY UNLIKELY) than this makes little sense.
  5. The real question is how hurt is Shelton?
  6. Does this set up a re-win at vengeance for Shelton?
  7. He's either really hurt, or selling hardcore.
  8. Yeah on the replay he definitely clipped it. Hope he's ok.
  9. Did Shelton blow that spot, was Carlito out of place, or was that intentional?
  10. This could be an awesome feud. Carlito could get Shelton over just by being an ass to him., and shelton can make carlito look better in the ring. ...the only downside is....why would anyone watch sd now?
  11. They've been updating the openings each week for the shows, chris benoit was on last weeks sd, and cena was on last weeks raw.
  12. jwpeer

    OAO Smackdown Thread: 6/16/05

    Carlito is my favorite part of the WWE right now. He entertains me so much
  13. jwpeer

    WWE DVD's

    Think if you requested it they'd add some RoH dvd's. i'm interested in seeing them but don't want to buy them outright, but like the id of getting them via netflix
  14. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Now THATS how to get Jericho major Heel heat, just have him brutalize the most over guy on raw.
  15. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread for June 13th, 2005

    Tomko shouldn't be in the ring in this match at all. He seems to be blowing like every spot and always out of place. It looks horrible.
  16. jwpeer

    WWE Season four fantasy

    Just Joined MarkforSubmission Antonio Carlito Benoit Jericho Christian Johnny Nitro Kurt Angle Shelton Benjamin - Wishing I'd put kane in for some reason
  17. jwpeer

    The OAO Smackdown Thread - 6/9/05

    I love JBL calling for timeout during the third german suplex.
  18. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    Holy crap, and we finally get Hassan v. Shelton for the IC ... This raw is nuts if this match ends up as good as it could be.
  19. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    That would be hardcore funny. I so hope that happens.
  20. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    It would be hilarious if he started explaining away his absence to Bischoff by telling him to look at how terrible the matches are, especially with a snappy liner like "Who wants to come here just to watch Triple H miraculously get yet another title shot" ...Here's to dreamin.
  21. jwpeer

    The OAO RAW Thread - 6/6/05

    Maybe they'll start the show with the Highlight Reel, where he's supposed to introduce the newest member of Raw, and he simply doesn't show up because he scheduled the concert to overlap with the show. I think that would do great work on his new semi-heel too-good-for wrestling character.