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Everything posted by BX

  1. Holy God, they actually nominated him?
  2. BX


    I believe it may be rated R because Cruise kills some 15 odd people.
  3. BX

    Jobs report

    I challenge Mike to reply to that post without flaming snuff. Flame me if you want Mike.
  4. BX


    It wasn't the best movie of the year, but it was pretty solid. I noticed in the club scene that even after the first three or so shots, the people still didn't leave. It took about two dead people before they finally got a clue
  5. BX

    Oh yeah, he went there

    Care to guess the name of the person who is writing the forward for the official campaign book for the Edwards/Kerry campaign? From this little nugget of shit, I can assume that you're implying that because the reporter is a visible supporter of John Kerry, that his report is somewhat biased. Let me ask you Mike, what does this matter? What makes you think that this story would have been any different had it been written by anyone else at the Globe? Did Kranish choke the veteran until he recanted his words against Kerry? Did he lock him in a hole in the ground until he got the story he wanted to hear? What's your point?
  6. BX

    Kerry did do something (apparently)

  7. BX

    Oh yeah, he went there

    jig, when an fucking moron thinks you don't know what you're talking about, you're doing something right. Thanks. Your ignorance can only inspire the rest of us. -=Mike how appropriate, you fight like a cow HA. That was hilarious.
  8. Walk up to him and say, "Hi, you're Scott Keith, right? Could I have my picture taken with you?" At this point, his ego will be lifted momentarily. Send it back to the depths of hell with the following line.. "Okay, if you'll just slip on this armband and put on this fake mustache..." Then slap him across the face and say, "WDI for LIEF, BITCH."
  9. BX


    A great library of live Radiohead concerts. http://www.cuttooth.com/concerts/live.htm Also note; http://ftso.org/radiohead/ Download and enjoy. They're legal, too.
  10. Here is how this should work. Someone announces that he will send burned CD's of his choice to anyone who will send him two blanks. One of the blanks contains music that the recipiant thinks the sender would enjoy. The other is a blank for the sender to send to the recipiant. I think thats how it works.
  11. I have almost every Zeppelin album, post-Zeppelin, and even some of those shitty String tributes. Also Kyuss/Desert Sessions/Queens of the Stone Age. I have a lot fucking more, but thats what I can think of for now. I'm interested in Zappa, good god-damned jazz, and any King Crimson shit you can dig up.
  12. BX

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    Once and for all, will roster updates be available for PS2 using the Network Adapter?
  13. BX

    Cowboys release Quincy Carter

  14. BX

    Cowboys release Quincy Carter

    I was replying to Tyler. Go back to the puro folder, NOW.
  15. BX

    Cowboys release Quincy Carter

    Bullshit. The guys on ESPN are insinuating that this is a drug problem. They keep referring to "off-field issues", and although they aren't coming out and saying it this early, I think Bored was right. FUCKSHITGODAMNITPISSFUCKYFUCKFUCKDOUCHE
  16. BX

    The Hurricanes are Coming!!!

    My family was traveling around the country in a converted schoolbus at the time, and we were camped out in Charleston. Well, Hugo comes along, and we fucking bolted with the bus. We had started building a house, but when we came back, the fucking site was completely flooded, and no sign of the house.
  17. BX


    I tried searching google for "fucking cunt", but this is all I came up with. I've been told by someone on AIM that you were talking shit about me right before I came in. Well, listen up you racist whore. If you have anything to say to me, then own up and post it here. I'm waiting.
  18. BX

    The Hurricanes are Coming!!!

    Point a gun at the sun at sunset. YEAH@!
  19. BX

    Chappelle Gets Paid

    My question is this: FOX is running a series called "Trading Spouses." Now, either I'm a crackhead, or Chapelle did a skit like that last year, same name and everything. Why have I heard nothing about possible retribution against FOX?
  20. BX

    Marcus Vick has been a bad boy

    Uh, Michael & Marcus are the same generation.
  21. BX


  22. BX


    This threads fun factor destroyed by MrRant Aug 1 2004, 04:22 AM
  23. BX


    WHAT THE FUCK I posted an AIM convo I had with FrigidSuck here about two months ago, because he was confused about "what I was talking about" Now this Sandra fucktard deletes it? Who the FUCK is Sandra? Where is Ill when you need him?
  24. BX


    This post deleted by Sandra Aug 1 2004, 12:28 AM