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Everything posted by BX

  1. BX

    Bad Pink Floyd Songs

    Welcome To The Machine used to freak me out when I was a kid. But now, I'd have to say I'm tired of Bring The Boys Back Home.
  2. BX

    Indian style sitting

    < That one show about kids raiding a Mayan Temple. There were bogeys in the walls.
  3. I say he deserves whatever he gets. Don't be so shocked Mike.
  4. BX

    New England Metal And Hardcore festival 04

    I want to see the Everly Brothers there.
  5. BX

    Indian style sitting

    Naked, in the fetal position. On a magic carpet ride, WELL..
  6. BX

    The Omega Poster

    That could be a very funny sentencex. Come on people, let's brainstorm.
  7. BX

    Indian style sitting

    no. They were magic, dumbass.
  8. BX

    Indian style sitting

    Actually, they did fly the carpets, it's true. But they didn't know about Indian Style, and it's optimal effects on flying said carpets. The Arabs sat with the left leg in the air, as a rudder. While this was good for steering, it was not good for staying on the carpet.
  9. BX

    Indian style sitting

    Now that I think about it, the term probably originated for a style of sitting popular among the people of the Indus valley. You know, in India. Not Indiana. I actually took time off from work to think about this.
  10. BX

    Indian style sitting

    And don't for one second try to convince me that the pilgrims landed on the shores of Massachutsets, walked into the woods, saw an Indian giving an Indian burn to another Indian, and said, "By God, I never thoughteth of that before, verily."
  11. BX

    Pat Buchanan sticks it to the neocons

  12. BX

    To DrTom:

    The Chappelle Show thread aside, "nigger" has been dropped a lot in the forums, and no discernable punishment has been applied. This is in the "State of the Union" thread in CE, first page. No reprimand from anyone, in fact, Tom enters the thread only to belittle some bizarre joke about Millard Fillmore.
  13. BX

    Malcolm X......

    How can you spice up a movie about a man's life? A drama, at that? I can accept him not liking the movie (Hell, I expect that from Mike), but to say it was dull just seems stupid to me.
  14. BX

    Malcolm X......

    Aww, it was dull, Mike? Not enough explosions and car chases through a subway tube for you?
  15. BX


    That's a shitty board. We should merge with them immediately.
  16. According to Nader, he isn't running as a Green this time.
  17. BX


    I don't know, tides are nice.
  18. Are you implying John Edwards and his ilk are behind the wheel of the healthcare crisis? That's laughable. If you want to point fingers, point them at the HMOs and the AMA, which keeps prices so fucking high in the first place. If the poor can't afford medical help, why does it matter whether the doctors are there or not? If that article (from the Agitator, no less) is the basis of your qualms against Edwards, well you'd better start waving his banner. Here is the link to an online store: http://www.demstore.com/cgi-local/SoftCart...s/products.html
  19. BX

    Dean ends Campaign

    I guess I'll support Edwards now, seeing as live less then 10 minutes from his hometown. But I'll always be a Deaniac.
  20. BX


    If blind, irrational hatred of a political figure is akin to trolling, we were all banned yesterday.
  21. He's stated that he prefers Edwards over Kerry, so I imagine he may endorse Edwards.
  22. It's funny because it's true.
  23. BX

    Undertaker Video

    Great idea.
  24. BX

    Dudley Boyz

  25. BX

    Dudley Boyz

    Give them a haircut,