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Everything posted by BX

  1. BX


    No cut hair? Think about it. He could get it shorter, and jet black. Then they could spike his hair like Zach from Final Fantasy Seven. Give Edge a big ass sword, and let him stab the hosses. You Smarks would eat that shit up.
  2. BX

    The NFL Playoff Graveyard

    Seeing as I am from NC, I should be the first to bury New England tonight. It's only right. EDIT: And Sledgehammer still hasn't come back to the Sports folder.
  3. BX


    Damn, I forgot about Edge. Bring him back with short black hair. Instant heel turn.
  4. BX

    Here I Go Again

  5. BX

    Here I Go Again

    Coverdale tried so hard to copy Robert Plant it isn't funny. Just listen to all the moans and "oh yeahs" in a Whitesnake song.
  6. BX

    Problem installing a CD Burner...

    You dont need a burner, despite what anyone tells you. Making CDs and DVDs are quite easy.
  7. BX

    WMD....maybe never!?!

    Sorry guy. More then likely, they'll pay you a visit soon.
  8. BX

    Time to Mercy-kill NHB

    Appreciate the sentiment, but the folder will only be revived in another format. Don't bother. WDI.
  9. BX

    WMD....maybe never!?!

    I love this. No matter what happens, you guys are going to shit all over the U.N. Before the war, you said, "Stupid inept fucking U.N, MOVE ASIDE, AND WE'LL FIND THE WEAPONS!". After the war, you're saying, "Stupid fucking inept U.N, you have seven years to find nothing. You're totally stupid."
  10. Fuck all that. I want this to happen just so I could hear Limbaugh lose his shit on-air.
  11. BX

    The Smark Double Standard

    Oh, shit. You're right. ::shoots self in the head::
  12. You know, this might mean trouble for the Democrats in November. So much in fact, that they may have to respond in kind in November. The man for the job, you ask?
  13. Thats about what I figured. Utah family trees are more like familt shruberies
  14. BX

    The raw thread

    Agreed. The last two nights have been awful. Sunday night, the collective cum-fest by the IWC killed 411, Torch and TSM. Probably others I don't care to visit too. The same thing happened after Foley's promo on Monday night. As long as were are going to drown something out, why not an AOL chatroom? They suck anyway. Don't fuck Dames with large bandwidth bills yall.
  15. BX

    Back from Smackdown in DC!

    This one. It has more info, and considering the other originated with those DVDR pricks, this one lives.
  16. BX

    Recent Purchases

    Kyuss "Welcome to Sky Valley", and "...The Circus Leaves Town" Screaming Trees "Uncle Anesthesia", and another one I can't remember at the moment.
  17. BX

    The raw thread

    A TSM chat room would be a good idea. I ran the chat room while we were still The Smarks, and it was decent. WDI does a chat every Monday, and it's a lot better then the RAW threads.
  18. Seriously, I need to see a family tree for this one.
  19. BX


    I'm I am in the position to bury one of my employees on PPV TV, legally (and with the help of his brother, at that), do you really think I am going to continue to send him checks?
  20. BX

    The raw thread

    Maybe he's angry because HHH upstaged him. HHH fucked the owners daughter, while Benoit only managed to fuck another wrestlers wife. He's been upstaged.
  21. BX

    The raw thread

    He's in a decent story, with a major win on Sunday. And people are bitching that the magic is gone ALREADY, just because of his promo last night. Which reminds me, after Benoit puts Nova into a coma, he stands on the top of the cage, and delivers a masterful promo in three languages which would make Sir Laurence Olivier shit his already well-shat pants in wonder & awe.
  22. BX

    The raw thread

    I'm bitching because I want ice cream.
  23. BX

    The raw thread

    You're bitching, even now.