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Bruce Blank

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Everything posted by Bruce Blank

  1. Bruce Blank

    WWE news and notes

    So 13-14 years after his probation ends Booker is still not allowed to work in Japan yeah "harsh" is the word
  2. Bruce Blank

    Writer Heights

    I'm in the 6'4'' - 6'5'' area if the european to US coverter thingie is right
  3. Bruce Blank

    Storm Comments

    X-Factor, X-Force X-F*beep* one of those - Pete's been assaulted by his son he can't be expected to have full memory recall (And I went with the better comic book when I couldn't remember if it was Factor or Force) I figured friendship over being in the same stable I mean Bryan Addams was in the same stable as Hulk Hogan but that's not really something that makes that much of a difference and yes I worked on a few stats pages in JL and here and the title pages so it was what it was - pretty good considering he retired like 3 years before I joined
  4. Bruce Blank

    Guest bookers? Yes or no?

    Too Zany? well in a federation that's booked An Octopus what exactly is TOO zany? and I agree, this show looks like fun - we may even get a crazy-ass Toth show one day
  5. Bruce Blank

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 3.08.06

    Opening promo called I got some 'Gade & IL issues to deal with so we may as well get them out of the way up front - pent up aggressions are bad for you MMMKay? hmmm is Bruce a face in jail? it's almost like going home for him after all? *ponders*
  6. Bruce Blank

    Storm Comments

    You know I could see the fans rise up in a full blown riot and lynch Peters after that shame it didn't happen
  7. Bruce Blank

    SWF LOCKDOWN CARD - 3.08.06

    Cyclone commentating on a Crimson SKull match? That sound be rather interesting and love the special location show *thumbs up*
  8. Bruce Blank

    Storm Comments

    So... Landon has been losing under a mask for a while? I bet he just wanted the double pay check Great show - at least the parts that were there and naturally excluding the standard Spike match but the rest rocked mystery booker huh? well as long as you pass my booking request on to him I'm cool with it. From the Fire is shaping up to be very interesting, lots of potential matches that have an actual background to it *thumbs up* I shall return with more detailed comments later
  9. Bruce Blank

    TNA news

    And Silver King was Black Tiger III to feud with Tiger Mask... erm some number Eddy couldn't have faced IV cause I that's the current one isn't it? or at least it's not the one back from the mid 90ties
  10. Bruce Blank

    Scott Steiner to Tna ??

    If he jobs to Christopher Daniels then I'm cool with it, as a payback for running in during his "WCW Try out match" back in the day
  11. Bruce Blank

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Except Darsow didn't HAVE any hair from his Krusher "Bald like the Koloff's" Kruschev wish I could see the WWE stuff but I live in Europe and is blocked out
  12. Bruce Blank

    WWE news and notes

    I think it's just Japan that are that strict on their rules - I'm sure he can work in Europe with a criminal record, he's been on UK shows I do believe. And how harsh are they? I mean when did he serve time for this? it's been over 15 years hasn't it?
  13. Bruce Blank

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    When did WCCW break ties with the NWA? (before this I assume) and who did Steamboat wrestle? I've never heard of it
  14. Bruce Blank

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    what's better than boring the crap out of people by saying the same thing over and over again? people boo because A) They're tired of hearing it and B) Know he'll go on for at least 20 minutes and it pisses them off. And how does him telling everyone over and over again that he's the best make for "great mic work"? it makes for repetitive mic work, he's very practiced at that one routine that he knows but really to be "great" you got to have range. Anyone can be booed mercilessly if they drone on and on about the same damn thing each and every show, Cena does it (except he's not allowed to be all "shooty-shot" in his comments like HHH) and they boo Cena. Does HHH think we all have attention deficit disorder or something? Is that why he reminds us that he's the top dog and no one else is even near him every chance he gets? Yes, yes we get it - you're the King of Kings, the wrestling god with no equal blah-blah-blah like a broken record.
  15. Bruce Blank

    Storm predictions

    Alright it’s the day of the show, let’s rub some people the wrong way by saying that they’ll lose The Main Event (non-title) El Luchadore Magnifico © vs. Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix © - Mags lose? And right before a BIG PPV defense? I guess it depends – is the sex with Amy so great that it propels Landon higher than he’s been in a while? The Maskless Magnifico takes it but if Maddix was on top of his best A game I’d picked him Lethal Lottery Match (Pool A) Stryke and Wildchild (1-1) vs. The Asian Underground (Akira Kaibatsu © and Michael Cross) (2-0) Talk about bouncing back from a PPV defeat, no more “let’s thrown these guys in a 4 way” PPV matches for Akira *thumbs up* WC is awesome but then again the AU combo seems to gel really well. I think that the WOTM & the runner up make it 3 - 0 Lethal Lottery Match (Pool C) Insane Luchadore and Kevin Coyote (2-0) vs. Ced and Laberinto (0-2) Oh boo, hissss to those that bet against Laberinto So boo to me Lethal Lottery Match (Crosspool) Rush Hadrian and Todd Cortez (1-1) vs. "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins and Zyon (2-0) After two close, heartbreaking losses I hope Zyon can get back on track and make this team another “3 – 0” team to come out of the Lottery. Lethal Lottery Match (Crosspool) Drunk and Disorderly (Amy and Bruce ©) (1-1) vs. Jay Hawke © and Arch Griffon (1-1) Battle of the “One alls”!! In a match that won’t affect the outcome of the tournament (Doomosity is 3 - 0 and Insane Dawgs will be 3-0 after Storm) Which makes it harder to really call – ANYONE can win this, except for Jason Von Dierch of course. Opening Bout Christian Fury vs. Ghost Machine 2.0 I think I screwed up GM’s Wrestling AI software the other week cause he’s just not been himself since then – I guess the power surge short circuited him Mr. C. Fury If my predictions come out right then there’ll be 4 teams that are 3 – 0, pretty impressive going into the next round
  16. Bruce Blank

    Does Triple H even want to be a heel?

    Alright first of all Funaki was obviously a joke, if not taken as such it's your own fault and she needs a sock in her mouth more than a bag over her head. But what does her LOOKS have to do with anything discussed here? HHH is ANNOYING on the mic, usually boring and droing on and on about the same damn thing week in and week out. Hell you can just replace the names and he's been running the same spiel for years now - that's "good"?? Sorry not in my book.
  17. Bruce Blank

    WWE news and notes

    Hey it's not my fault I blame Vince for totally rotting my brain
  18. Bruce Blank

    Most forgettable stint in a promotion

    Teddy managing DOOM was forgettable? DOOM was THE team for a while in 90/91 I meant his stint in 96 when he managed losers like Joey Maggs, Jimmy Powers, Craig Pittman, and Ice Train... Ah yeah that's SO forgettable that I forgot all about it - I guess I proved your point
  19. Bruce Blank

    Scott Steiner to Tna ??

    Give me your definitly of "working well" Steiner? his WWE run hurt him alot, he still had some "bad ass'ness" and all from his WCW run but it was just blown away in the WWE. TNA could make good use of him if he's in better health and willing to work with them I just hope they didn't shell out too much cash for him
  20. Bruce Blank

    Saturday Night War?

    Sounding like one is better than being one so hey I'm one up on ya And second time around didn't I say that THAT POST was a blind TNA dorkosaurs post? - I ain't interested enough in anything you could say to read through all your 4000+ posts before I form an opinion on the post in question. I mean honestly do I expect you to read through my posts before you comment on something I've said in this thread? So deal with it and wipe your eyes.
  21. Bruce Blank

    The OAO What's this move thread

    Woops mixed my 2 P's up didn't I
  22. Bruce Blank

    Lance Storm retirement over

    Yeah so far the number is "1" not quite Terry Funk territory now is it?
  23. Bruce Blank

    WWE news and notes

    Read closely - it's already published and all, they're just re-releasing it with a few more chapters (WWE friendly chapters perhaps?) so someone outside the WWE thought it was a great idea to give him a book deal, and hey at least he can't write as mush-mouthed as he talks - it'll actually be understandable *thumbs up*
  24. Bruce Blank

    SWF Storm Card 3-03-2006

    Well I can only hope Mike has sent it in already or is close to it *crosses fingers* and hey with the wonky show schedule the question isn't that stupid you know now go do your homework then when you're done do mine too
  25. Well that'll show me to trust the "word search" function in IE won't it? woops