Bruce Blank
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Everything posted by Bruce Blank
LOL I made more apperances than I even knew about - sticking it to Japanse Hammers since... well today And driving small Bahamians into steel chairs is a long time hobby that Blank finally got to share with the rest of the world A gigantic shame with all the no-shows for this one, Jason I'd be happy to give you a re-match down the road when you can focus on the match. the old Muzz magic keeps him undefeated and JJJ pulls out one HELL of a match, 3 thumbs up on that one (You're making me a JJ fan with every awesome match you write ... a Johnson-a-maniac??)
Oh you know I would - and yes after our last match I'm pretty sure we'd be too violent for Lockdown but that'd go against my point I am going to write a Bruce Blank match WITHIN the "Family Friendly Delux" rules - it's not that hard with a little imagination Bruce Blank Vs "A Cruiserweight" - just to go with the Open Cruiserweight Challenge and all Name a guy and I'll write a match and post it here before the Wednsday deadline, call it a "super-duper dark match" that's actually done on the house show before Lockdow
Oh bu and hu about the rules it takes a bit of creativity but it's not like it can't be done and still be entertaining And yes easy for me to say right? so how about a Family Friendly Rules preview match Bruce Blank Vs ... erm someone - pick a guy someone and and I'll whip up a match before Wednsday, it's not THAT hard - although from the wailing and gnashing of teeth you'd think it was the end of the world as we know it weiners
Well not everyone *smirks* no need to thank me for the stricter rules guys - it was my pleasure
Irony... it's so Ironic
I just noticed - The Toronto Air Canada center sold out? to who? United Airlines? (You sold out!! You sold out!! )
LOL this is awesome stuff - and with the added rules I'm almost glad I'm barred from the show *thumbs up* this should be funny stuff
Yep it would have then again if Spike had pointed out which of my statements he getting all "moody blues" about it would have been nice too - but hey we don't live in a perfect world, I'm the first guy to admit that and I can't believe I'm arguing over fucking Strong Style unreal - resume the Landon love, he deserves it after all Cause Landon Rocks Ohio-io-io-io /Drew Carey
Okay before this spins off in some ugly "Bruce hates Strong Style" type of direction let me remind you what I originally said that got Holla-wood all misty eyed now you can argue if the RoH fans of IWA:MSNBC fans or whatever like the Strong Style or if it draws more than RoH shows without strong style But don't tell me the average WWE or TNA fan (who make up the MAJORITY of the wrestling fans out there) has any kind of appriciation for submission style wrestling. The same fans that chanted "Boring" at Lance Storm The same fans who pop for any move the Rock bungles and so on so it doesn't matter if you drag out how Super Munjecho Jr Vs James Blunt drew good crowds for the XPY fed - because we're talking minorities here that would fall within the 10% of the US fan base that actually appriciates the Strong Style matches. Thank you and good day
Alright then show me how cards that have Strong Style competitors in key matches tend to always outdraw shows that do NOT have Strong Style competitors instead of who draws 5-6000 people. (shows put on by the same federation otherwise it's hard to compare) if it's such a "draw" then matches with these practitioners must outdraw cards without them right? IWA: MS... who has how many fans out of the total number of fans in America? I'd be less than 10% (which would make my estimate of about 90% of the US fans not really even "getting" the style - cause they're not even exposed to it and wouldn't be drawn in by that alone) "any" - and you just mention 3 where granted RoH is one probably the top of them all, but that's far from representative of all indy feds (hell RoH was founded on being DIFFERENT than most indy feds with their approach to in ring action) most Indy feds that I have seen (either live or downloaded videos from) rely more on CW spot action than anything, and then sprinkle in the occational "strong style" performer but "mostly"? that's an exagaration and a half so what's to admit?
Landon am the Strong Stylez killa!! and in addition to that he rocks should have called that one :landon: instead
So Bryan Danielson uses the style .... you know you're right about that, but so what? is he a "ratings grabber?" does he draw 5-6000 people houses? That style appeals to a limited section of the fans, hell a limited section of the fans even SEE Danielson wrestle at all Strong Style as a ratings grabber is an oppinion at most since it's not backed up by any facts, there is no evidence that it's true I don't want to argue with you, I honestly just don't care enough - so here is the deal, show me where it's been proven that the Submission/Strikes style is a ratings grabber anywhere in the United States if you do that then I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong. Anything else will be ignored
I’ll presume you’re talking to me Holla-wood So what do I mean when I never considered Hawke or JJJ to be “Sadistic”?? …. Hmmm yes what could I have meant by that?? Or maybe it was my cryptic message about how 90% of the American fans don’t appreciate submission wrestling or strikes – a more Japanese way of working a match compared to say the WWE or TNA or even 90% of the indies out there… yes that’s a moooostery what I meant by that Or was it the part where I made a joke about how the same scenario would go down with Bruce as the teacher? It’s already been established that you don’t get my sense of humor so I ain’t even going to try. Now if you’re confused about my “great promo” comment – then well I thought that this promo (look it’s up at the top of this thread) was… well Great If you don’t know what the “Split Ethnicity” gimmick is check this out http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=74602 All clear now Spike-a-rooni? or do I get out the alphabetti-spagetti and spell it out in big, sloppy pasta letters?
Submission & Strikes = Lost on 90% of the american audience, which is a sad fact. You know I never really saw the Hawkester as "Sadistic" and Joey Joe Johnson Shabadoo Jr well Sadistic isn't the term I would have ascribed to him either but maybe that's just me Shame I don't have a protoge or a stable mate I can teach how to "wrestle" using only a steel chair and a beer - none of that fansy-schmansy headlockery but well Blank doesn't bathe so he tends to spend most of his time alone and in closing: Great promo, if we face again it'll have to be a totally different match write up in closing part two: No "Cucaracha" mask and split ethnicitity gimmick? for shame
it says Friday the 25th in big bold letters at the top
Easy solution all round - TORU Vs Max King as there were two guys who needs to be unbooked and all Just a suggestion - not that you've got to take it naturally
Agent Smith: "Mr. Anderson...." maybe that's a new role Wes Davenport is playing?
Yep it was on Lockdown - to buil to the Smarkdown challenge and now also one for Storm I guess we'll have to see if it works better for me than for "Crappy" Chris Masters and no worries about the promos - they're up now so it's no biggie.
Oh you got it but it was accidentally left out?? well I posted it as a promo instead then no worries - and there will be another one for Storm for sure. Just curious - the tag-team title shot, is that for the XMas PPV?
Great show from top to bottom - Muzz is working the "Muzz Magic" and picking up quite a win as well and damn now I got to face TKO... again... that's gonna call for a beer (and a stip) And the promo to match ration was perfect too - the return, the mystery, the suspence... another winner by the SWF.
There will be another Cruiserweight Challenge with Bruce Blank what you thought it was a one off? If the WWE can ride the Masterlock Challenge or the White Boy challenge to death I can sure as heck at least maim it
Woops - due to a bit of miscommunication between myself and the other person in this angle we didn't get this promo in for Smarkdown (which would have made FOUR Bruce Blank related promos - may have been too much but well I promised you a Cruiserweight challenge - and we're building a story as well so here goes - the two segments "Smarkdown - Director's cut" ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Backstage Early in the evening ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ We’re backstage and Akira is WALKING~! with his manager Mr. Kobe by his side, talking back and forth in Japanese. Fortunately, due to the vast resources of the SWF, Smarkdown has an instant Japanese to English subtitling machine on standby for each show and we are able to understand what they are talking about Mr. Kobe: “You should be focusing on your tag-team match later Akira” Akira: “I will Kobe-San but Liger-san is one of my idols, he inspired me to become a wrestler. How can I not meet him when I have the chance” Mr. Kobe: “Okay, okay just don’t lose your focus.” Akira: “So what locker room is his? ” Mr. Kobe: “The guy I talked to didn’t have him listed for the locker room assignments” Akira: “What? A big star like Liger-san?” Mr. Kobe: “Maybe he changes with the others” Akira: “Yeah maybe” Akira stops for a second as a thought enters his mind Akira: “Hold up – I change with the others, there was no Liger-san in there” Mr. Kobe: “That’s odd” Akira: “Maybe Bruce was lying when he announced it” Mr. Kobe: “From what I’ve seen about Bruce that’s very possible” Akira: “I guess we’ll see” Fade out ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Cruiserweight Challenge later that night ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The last few notes from Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Don’t ask me no questions” are heard as Smarkdown returns from yet another informative and intellige… no wait they went to a commercial break. The Ultraviolent Champion is in the ring, title around his waist, a “Cheat 2 Win” T-shirt tugged into it and his customary blood splattered jeans and cowboy boots that he always seems to wear whenever he’s near an SWF event. “Tonight” Bruce starts as the crowd finally stops booing him. “Tonight I prove once and for all that size does matter! That there is no way in hell that some little Cruiserweight kid will take the title away from me” Bruce taps the Ultraviolent title around his waist as the crowd boos that statement, especially considering that 2 of his four losses happened at the hands of someone who’d be considered a cruiserweight, which is a fact Bruce is quite willing to ignore tonight. “I’ve put a challenge out the to anyone under the cruiserweight limit to step into the ring with me and I’ll put MY title on the line” Bruce says with a smirk “They compete with the Ultraviolent champion and they get a prize just for showing up, either the belt around my waist… or this” Bruce continues as he holds up a black T-shirt with white print on the front ”I took Bruce’s open Cruiserweight Challenge and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt” Then Bruce turns it around to show the back to the camera, it has a picture of a pool of blood with white lettering scrawled across it that says ”And an asskicking” “King…” Pete begins “SHHHHHHHHHH!! I’m trying to hear what Bruce has to say” the Suicide King quickly fires back at him to shut him up. “I know that a lot of people seem to love these little guys and this federation is overrun by runts, but frankly I’m sick and tired of it! Wrestling is a big man’s sport where you don’t flip three times unless you get with a clothesline!” Bruce says as he paces back and forth in the ring like a caged tiger. “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” “The crowd seems to disagree King” Pete says “Of course they do, they’re all stupid hosers” King so rightly points out “So tonight I’ve invited one of the guys who’s responsible for these skinny little kids bouncing around my ring – a man who is a pioneer in the Cruiserweight division. All the way from Japan, come on out Liger!” Bruce does a quick “come on” hand motion as an upbeat Oriental song kicks in, bringing the fans to their feet in excitement. After all Jushin “Thunder” Liger is here!! Mark out city! The crowd goes ballistic as the man clad in red and gold steps through the curtains and walks down the aisle, excitedly pumping his fists in the air. “LIGER!! LIGER!! LIGER!! LIGER!!” The man in the flashy outfit leaps over the top rope and then adjusts his red horny mask before approaching Bruce head on. “Hold on, hold on now!” Bruce says as he puts a hand out to stop the Japanese legend “I need to be sure you’re within the Cruiserweight limit” “WHAT?” Pete says with outrage “it’s Jushin Liger, he’s like 5’6’’ tall how can he NOT be a cruiserweight” “5’6’’ tall? Hmmm maybe he’s using lifts then” King says as he estimates Liger’s height to be more like 5’9’’ or so. In the ring Bruce points to the electronic scale he’s brought with him to get Jushin to step up on it. Liger just stares at Bruce, then he looks out at the crowd as if to ask them their opinion. After a few moments of thought Linger quickly takes off his cape and steps up on the scale. Bruce bends over to read it, squinting his eyes as he tries to focus on the numbers on the dial – the camera shot reveals that the scale reads 209 pounds even although Bruce isn’t announcing it out loud for some reason. “You know my eyes ain’t that good no more, bend over and tell me what that says” Bruce says as he points at the scale. The second Jushin Linger bends over to read the scale he’s driven into the canvas with a big elbow as Bruce sneak attacks the masked legend. A split second later Bruce has Liger by the mask and then tosses him across the ring into the turnbuckle without “the Thundere” even making contact with the canvas. “You teach him Bruce!!” King yells out in support of the beat down in the ring “Teach him what?” Pete asks all perplexed “That we’ve not forgotten Pearl Harbour!!” King fires back. Pete only has a groan as a response. In the ring Bruce has Liger over his shoulder, facing upwards as the big man wraps his massive arms around Liger’s chest and then runs at the turnbuckles, driving Liger chest and stomach first into the turnbuckles while upside down. The crowd is booing Bruce and throwing crumpled up cups and other garbage at the Trailerpark Superstar as he manhandles the man in red and gold. WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! WHITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TRASH!! Bruce whips Liger across the ring, sending him into the turnbuckles with such impact that his head snaps back and… his long black hair falls off?? “What the hell?” Pete says as Liger’s hair is revealed to be a wig covering black hair with brown highlights in it. “So Liger wears a hairpiece, so what? Maybe he’s balding on top” King says trying to dismiss any and all notions that it may not actually be Jushin Liger in the ring. In the ring Bruce quickly grabs the wig off the canvas and attempts to put it back on Liger as the crowd starts to catch on. Then in a fit of anger Bruce lariats Liger over the top rope the floor and starts to yell and argue with the fans. “Who’s that coming down the aisle?” Pete says as two men run towards the ring “What am I? The Amazing Kreskin??” The Suicide King replies. Once the get near the ring the cameras can finally reveal that it’s “The Divine Wind” Akira Kaibatus and his manager Mr. Kobe who’s rushed to Liger’s aid. Bruce turns around and notices the duo on the floor and immediately tries to leave the ring only to be stopped by referee Izzy Slappowitch. Akira helps Liger to his feet, then he notices something isn’t right and pulls Liger’s horned mask off to reveal CED ORDONEZ!! “It was all a hoax on Bruce’s part! That bastard!!” Pete says with his trademark outrage. In the ring Bruce is livid that his hoax has been exposed, he throws Izzy Slappowitch to the side and then yells at Akira “You stay the hell out of my business or I’ll teach you that you’re not the only one around here who can injure a guy” “WHOA that lit a fire under Akira’s BUTT” Pete says as they watch Akira furiously try to enter the ring and get to Bruce. But neither Bruce nor Akira get the physical confrontation that they both obviously want because most of the SWF referees, road agents and other staff rush to the ring to keep the Redneck and the Divine Wind separated. Bruce smirks as he watches Akira struggle to get free, he knows he hit a sore spot with the masked Japanese superstar. “I think we need a commercial break while we calm both parties down” Pete says “Calm for now, but these guys are on opposite sides in a tag-team match later tonight! I can’t wait” The Suicide King interjects just seconds before Smarkdown goes to another commercial break.
Don't resist give in.... you can fuck up a move and permanently cripple a referee or something great fun *thumbs up*
Did Hashimoto ever appear on a ROH show? and I guess any and all comments about how Eddy the PERSON touched so many wrestlers and fans in his short time there is just ignored in favor of the "internet negative" slant of "this is just to sell tickets"?? man there are some bitter, bitter people on these boards - lighten up!