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Bruce Blank

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Everything posted by Bruce Blank

  1. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    The USWA goes PRIME TIME!!! Kerry Von Erich presented his case to ESPN and now the USWA are on Prime time, Friday nights!! USWA Legends of Pro Wrestling (Friday January 20th 1989 – Prime Time ESPN) 1) Davey Boy Smith is out and he’s pissed off, rambling on and on – then he tells us that he needs someone to think clearly here as he’s getting too emotional. And he needs someone to counter Sheik Adnan. He introduces Freddie Blassie as his manager and calls out Dynamite 78% 2) Al Snow makes his USWA debut answering the challenge of the Thrillseekers. When he gets Jericho in trouble Lance jumps in and causes a DQ but the two of them beat Snow down in the corner!! 61% 3) After kicking Al Snow out of the ring the Thrillseekers run down the opposition they’ve faced in the USWA so far bad mouthing both King Cobra and Al Snow saying that they might as well be thrown together so the Thrillseekers can kick their collective asses 57% 4) Doomsday is out, loved by the kid as he makes his way to the ring to face Cactus Jack. The deranged man from Truth or Consequences is about to lose when the Soultaker comes running to the ring and tires to interfere, which backfires and Doomsday pins Cactus then runs off the Soultaker and Cactus 68% 5) Jesse James is out in the ring, calling for Cactus to come back out again – face him like a man, no back up, no back jumping just mano a mano But no Cactus appears. 73% 6) Instead Sheik Braddock is out to clear the ring but instead it’s a match that Armstrong quickly wins to the delight of the crowd. 62% 7) Embry is backstage warming up for later when he’s jumped from behind by Dr. Tom Pritchard and Al Perez who beat him down and then run off. 79% 8) Lawler is interviewed, claiming that the USWA only got a prime time slot because HE is the champion and HE carries the federation. Then he promises victory over Kevin later tonight, Kerry when he feels like it and if the opportunity arises he’ll piledrive the pope and beat him too. 91% 9) Dynamite Kid is not a very popular man in his debut match against fellow country man Chris Addams. After a long, hard fought match Dynamite takes the victory as Steve Austin runs out and slaps Addams’ leg off the rope to give Dynamite the win. 76% 10) Freak Show gain a measure of revenge as they jump Steve Simpson in the parking lot. When Shaun tries to save his brother he’s thrown against a car and beaten down as well. 66% 11) Main event time – Jerry Lawler puts the title on the line against Kevin Von Erich. Lawler runs away, is beaten down and generally tries his best to not lose the title against a fired up Kevin Von Erich. In the end he throws a fireball at Kevin and blinds him to steal the victory. But the celebration is short lived as Kerry is out to chase the champ from the ring. 76% Total – 71%, 0.94 Rating, 409 People in attendance, made $8180 on tickets. Notes: Mostly just pushing along with the feuds. No real debuts or signings instead focusing on building what’s already set. Some of the segments are giving me some low ratings – but that’ll improve as the people involved rise in the ranks (I hope) Next show – “Sportatorium Showdown” From the Dallas Sportatorium, the Large Monthly event held in the Von Erich’s back yard Will Lawler escape with the title as Kerry challenges for the gold?
  2. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Rod Price!! how could I forget him? he's not in the USWA right now... hmmmm ponders and Austin would have risen fast in the USWA if he had not been signed the WCW when he was
  3. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Well it’s time for the second show as the USWA tries to rebuild Legends of Pro Wrestling (Friday January 13th, Early Evening, ESPN) 1) Jesse James is interviewed about why he saved Jamie Dundee last week – JJ Armstrong says it’s not about Jamie, it’s about Cactus Jack taking advantage of his opponents, being a bully and a coward who attacks people from behind. Well there is a new sheriff in town and he doesn’t like bullies. 74% 2) The Thrillseekers come to the ring and repeat their open challenge. Out comes mid carder King Cobra. He doesn’t have a partner but he he’s tired of listening to the Thrillseekers Lance Storm Vs King Cobra. Lance wins by putting his foot on the rope and then both of them beat the tar out of King Cobra. 58% 3) Doomsday comes to the ring, wondering what Soultaker was trying to do? Can’t we all just be friends? He never did anything to Soultaker Soultaker is out, saying he’s sick of the kids running around admiring Doomsday, he hears their laughter and cheers and it drives him nuts. Goes really creepy and psychotic before jumping Doomsday and the two brawl to the back 69% 4) The USWA tradition of taking two guys in a feud, add a friend/cronie to each side and have them do a run of tag teams continues a Eric Embry enlists the help of freshly turned Jeff Jarrett to teach Dr. Tom Pritchard and Al Perez some respect. Which backfires as Pritchard cheats to pin Jarrett and then proceed to beat the hell out of them with various weapons they hid under the ring. 75% 5) Stunning Steve is interviewed – “Why Austin? Why?” he’s asked. Austin goes into full arrogant ass mode and explains that in just under a year the student has eclipsed the teacher and was tired of Chris Addams bossing him around. He had learned what he wanted and now it’s time to move on. Chris Addams was simply in the way of his path to super stardom 85% 6) Steve Simpson took on the Boogey Man in order to extract some revenge for last weeks attack on his brother Shaun. They have a heated back and forth with Steve in charge. This brings out the Punisher who tries to help his team mate out but ends up costing him the match. Afterwards the Freak Show beat the snot out of a Simpson for the second show in a row. 67% 7) Kerry Von Erich responds to last weeks comments from Jerry Lawler about the Von Erich selfishness hurting the USWA and says he is going to the networks and try to convince them to get a better time slot. Then he runs down Jerry Lawler and says the only reason he’s staying with the USWA is because the AWA knows what kind of rat he is. Kerry showed a lot of fire and emotion as he verbally tore into the King 87% 8) Main event time: Last week Jerry Lawler ran out on a title defence, this week he gets to put the title on the line instead. Against the man that ran him off – Davey Boy Smith. After a long and heated battle Davey Boy has the match more or less won when he’s pulled from the ring and attacked by DYNAMITE KID!! Lawler distracts the referee as Dynamite cracks Davey’s head on the ringpost and throws him in the ring for an easy win for Lawler. After the match the Dynamite Kid leaves ringside with Sheik. Adnan 80% Overall – 74%. I got a 0.94 Rating, 409 people in attendance and I made $8180 Notes: on show. I decided to use a mid carder called King Cobra and then add another mid card name to give the Thrillseeker’s first feud against a makeshift team since they’re so low on the roster (in the game I refer to the team of Cobra & Al Snow as “Thrown Together”) #4 is a USWA/WCCW tradition – where you take two feuding guys and give them a series of tag-team matches to warm up for their 1 on 1 encounters. I’m keeping that tradition alive, I want to try to make it as much like the USWA/WCCW of old that I actually watched in 89/90/91 the main event saw the debut of Dynamite Kid – who will have the last major feud slot against Davey Boy Smith. This plays off their feud in Stampeed where Davey Boy feuded with Dynamite & Johnny Smith (The British Bruisers) but the feud was never settled – They’ll settle it in the USWA. Dynamite is a contract worker as he’s AWESOME and I don’t want him stolen. - I plan on asking for a better time slot, hopefully I’ll go Prime Time!! Second show down, loads of action and fun – what do you guys think?
  4. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Lawler changed from heel to face so many times you couldn't go wrong by picking one of the two but I mainly remember him from back then as the top heel, the dirty rotten cowardly guy who'd do anything to keep or regain the title. Of course when they started to work with the WWF he was ALWAYS a face in Memphis and ALWAYS a heel in the WWF but before that he jumped back and forth so much your head would spin
  5. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    And on the subject of the Maskless Luchadors of SWF - I’m so surprised that the whole mask thing has never really been used in SWF – it’s a wrestling tradition! You got your old school gimmicks like The Masked Superstar, the Executioners (I & II only, III was just a jobber) Mr. Wrestling, Spoiler, you even got Kato of the Orient Express or smaller fed gimmicks such as the intimidating Lord Humongous (Sid) or the Punisher (Undertaker) Even ones where the masks were a big part of their initial gimmick like Doom Then you’ve got your storyline influenced masks. Your Machines, your Yellow Dogs, Midnight Riders, Mr. America – you even got the mask Johnny B. Badd wore in his feud with Maxx Payne or Demolition all wearing a mask (when there were 3 of them) to confuse opponents about who they were in the ring with. Or your Luchadors who really do and look better with masks I mean look at Rey Jr. – his maskless day were a joke compared to him with the mask on. And Psychosis was down hill the moment he lost the afro & horn combo. Mill Mascaras wouldn’t have been as huge a star if he competed as “No Mascaras” now would he? And La Parka wouldn’t be our lord and saviour if not for the whole look Only Juvi has really does something worthwhile after losing his mask. And Shocker really needs to put his mask back on, cover up that ugly mug. The lack of masks in ELM matches for instance removes some of the psychology of the best and most heated Luchador matches. Only Crimson Skull & Ghost Machine carry on the traditions of the masked wrestler – now I kind a wish I had come in as a masked Luchador (I saw the roster figured it could use a power man so that’s why I went with that gimmick)
  6. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    I'm not sure - but it started out at 100 I guess EWR is a sucker for history and Kerry/Lawler are a perfect match stats wise and super over in the USWA. Kinda lucked into it but I ain't gonna question it
  7. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    Why not just give it a shot for a match or two? see if you still like it? What we think isn't really as important compared to whether or not you still enjoy it (and I have no clue one way or the other who you are or whatever so I can't vote ya or nay dude)
  8. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    I'm sorry but NO MASKS? what the hell? *shakes head* I'm... no way, no masks? you're not kidding me? All of Mexico weeps for SWF No even ELM? how can he be Magnifico without a mask? - that's like wiping before you poop, that don't make no sense at all
  9. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Additional note: With only 8 slots and 6 feuds set up already it didn't give me a chance to showcase many of the other workers - see how the crowd takes to them. Once I get to be prime time I'll do stuff that's not related to any of the feuds (I figure 2-3 good shows, then ask for a better slot) And if you're wondering then the following feuds are started this week Major Feuds Kerry Von Erich Vs Jerry Lawler (100!) Steve Austin Vs Chris Addams (59) Minor Feuds the Simpson Brothers Vs Freak Show (62) Doomsday Vs Soultaker (70) Cactus Jack Vs Jesse James Armstrong (30) Eric Embry Vs Dr. Tom Pritchard I've got the last Major feud set up - it'll kick off next show and the Thrillseekers Vs "Unknown" will be my last feud to get the boys out of the "Opener" level - but I'm not sure who yet it'd have to be someone low enough to feud with them, but good enough to put on a good show. I'll have to think that one through first.
  10. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Here we go – first USWA 1989 report. Background – the AWA and the USWA had a nasty split at the end of 1988, the fall out of Super Clash and all sorts of sheeeeeeeeeeenanigans that followed. USWA is hurting from the split, looking for their identity as they recently turned from WCCW to the USWA operating mainly in Texas & Tennessee On top – Jerry “the King” Lawler, the king of Memphis and all round arrogant, cheating bastard. Has the Unified World title that consists of the former WCCW and CWA titles – now just the “Unified World Title” (used to also include the AWA World title but that blew up and that's why the AWA title is vacant at the beginning of the EWR scenario) Tag-Team titles and the Texas Title are both vacant and inactive at the moment, a situation that will have to be addressed as the USWA rebuilds First thing I did was sign a few key wrestlers to written contracts, they’ll be my “go to” guys and appear on every show, usually more than once – so in the long run it’s more cost effective to have a monthly fee instead of an appearance fee. And no one can steal them My written contract core group consists off: Jerry Lawler, Kerry Von Erich, Eric Embry, Jeff Jarrett, The Punisher, Cactus Jack, Steve Austin And I’ll add a few new guys who either have “name recognition” at the time or potential to go far – these will be contract workers as well I’ll invest time and effort into pushing. I’ll also bring in the occasional verbal contract guy for a show or two – true USWA style, mix in the vets with the up and comers. If you guys are interested I can post my entire roster with gimmicks and stuff, but only if anyone cares about that sort of thing. Now onto the show – Jerry Jarrett and Bruce Blank presents USWA – Legends of Pro Wrestling Air date: Friday January 6th 1989 (Early Evening slot) 1) Chris Jericho & Lance Storm interrupt the opening and push the announcers out of the way to inform everyone that the Thrillseekers are here – throwing out an open challenge saying they’re the young and hungry. 62% 2) Cactus Jack Vs Jamie Dundee – Hardcore Rules. Cactus totally KILLS Jamie Dundee in a Hardcore match and doesn’t stop beating on him after the pinfall, not until Jesse James Armstrong makes the save and chases Cactus from the ring 67% 3) Backstage Eric Embry runs into old partner Dr. Tom Pritchard, when Eric was a heel they ran together. They exchange words and soon have to be pulled apart % 4) Doomsday Vs Mill Mascaras Doomsday has the Big Friendly Giant gimmick and is loved more than Power Rangers or Pokemon in the USWA. Mascaras is the evil veteran cheater from Mexico that made his way through the USWA. Doomsday dominates and is about to win when the Soultaker runs in and attacks him, causing the DQ. Mascaras just leaves the ring as Soultaker knocks the shit out of Doomsday – he’s the first guy to really man handle the big monster in the USWA 73% 5) Backstage Shaun Simpson is on the pay phone with his brother Steve talking about how he’s going ask for an opportunity to fight for the USWA tag-team titles. Before he can finish the Punisher and the newly signed and repackaged Boogey Man attack him, throw him face first into the pay phone and then Punisher tells Steve that Shaun will have to call him back later cause he’s busy bleeding 70% 6) Jeff Gaylord is in the ring, ready for a match with Al Perez. But Perez comes ready for a fight as he throws salt into Gaylord’s eyes and then starts to beat him down with a lead pipe Until Jeff Jarrett races to the ring to save his former partner from a vicious attack. The crowd pops as Jarrett turns face by saving and re-establishing the team with Jeff Gaylord 72% 7) Lance Russel brings out Jerry Lawler with the Unified title and he starts to bad mouth Kerry Von Erich and his family for causing the problems with the AWA (storyline – Lawler loved the AWA and it’s money but the Von Erich’s felt they were being taken advantage off) Kerry is out to rebut but King smacks him with the title belt and is about to do a beat down when the crowd pops so that the roof hops in Dallas DAVEY BOY SMITH IS IN THE USWA!! The big man breaks up the attack and runs Lawler off without even having to touch him. 88% (Wow) 8) Lawler was originally scheduled to defend his title in the main event but it seems that he got in his car and drove off. So instead we get Steve Austin & his mentor Chris Addams out, calling out anyone in the back that wants to go to school. As Punisher & Boogey Man come out Addams is fired up while Austin looks a little worried. But the match is on. Good back and forth with Addams in the ring but when it comes to tagging Austin in against the massive Punisher he replies by punching Chris Addams in the jaw Seconds later Addams is pinned as Austin just walks out on the man that took him in and trained him. 82% Overall: 73% Show notes: I signed Jericho & Storm as an opening act, but they got a written contract as I want to build a future on these guys – just a call out as I’m trying to figure out who’ll be a good feud for them. Dr. Tom is a verbal contract addition – he’s so seeped in USWA history he was the perfect first feud for Eric Embry, but not a guy I’m planning on giving an extended push right now. Doomsday = Glen Jacobs = Kane The Boogey Man is a real gimmick from the USWA around the time – I imported a little known guy called Black Tiger and hope he will develop (you may know him today as Latino Heat) Boogey Man is hooked up with The Punisher to form “The Freak Show” – Punisher of course later on would die THEN enter the WWF and start to no sell everything (Undertaker) Jeff Jarrett was set as a heel in the scenario – in my view Jarrett is THE baby face in the USWA, young, foolish & trusting. Maybe later he’ll turn heel again. But this ain’t the show for it. Lawler / Von Erich will be the first marquee feud of the new USWA. The showdown that HAS to happen, it’ll be the headliner of “Sportatorium Showdown” my large card at the end of the month. It’ll also be a bit of a mini “AWA Vs USWA” feud as it plays off the split – I could see a few open contracts for AWA talent to come in to help Lawler Davey Boy Smith is brought in fresh off a Stampeed run Vs the British Bruisers to be a friend of the Von Erich family and help Kerry & Kevin fight the odds. AUSTIN TURNS!! AUSTIN TURNS!! I loved the original Teacher Vs Student feud – I wanna use it again to propel Austin up the ranks. That’s my first show & thoughts that went into it. What do you guys think?
  11. Bruce Blank


    Skull Von Krush makes it to the WWE!! Awesome Vito had a run with the Hardcore title in WCW - saw him live in a Hardcore title match that was part hardcore, part played for comedy - loved it. and Nunzio/Vito would be a credible tag team... so that's not gonna happen in the WWE
  12. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    No masks?? Okay that's just sacrilicious! Next you'll tell me they don't sell the Tombstone as if it was a gun shot to the head nor have matches where their mask or their hair is on the line?? that ain't right
  13. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    I can see it now - during a Devon Walters match the big guy suddenly dons an Insane Luchardor mask and leaps off the top rope in a 450 splash! a ghost angle
  14. Bruce Blank

    101 Reasons the SWF Kicks Ass: The Thread

    36 - Crimson Skull & Heff 37 - Heff & Crimson Skull
  15. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    like Tupac.... you mean alive, living in Tupelo as a white guy? *confused*
  16. Bruce Blank

    SWF End-Of-Year Awards

    The FCC loves the Family Friendly Lockdown though
  17. Bruce Blank

    Promo: Choices II

    Go with paper this time, more ecologically friendly *thumbs up*
  18. Bruce Blank

    Whatta Storm

    I gotta say that the WWE could take a lesson or 10 in how to build to a PPV cause this show was awesome in that regard, really pushed Genesis and delivered some damn strong action too - I gotta say you guys rock Just hope I can keep up with you guys and since I got no comments on my debut match as such it'd be awesome if someone would tell me what they thought of this weeks Bruce Vs Ward "pain in the rain" match.
  19. Bruce Blank

    SWF Lockdown Card 9-7-05

    *smirks* that is certainly a good option of course your title couldn't be on the line (Or I'd be able to rename it the "Super Heavyweight Title" a reverse CW title where you'd have to be over 250 to compete for it) that match would make a lot of sense wouldn't it?
  20. Bruce Blank

    SWF Lockdown Card 9-7-05

    *ponders what a Hardcore Gamers champ might do at the PPV* hmmmmmm
  21. Bruce Blank

    Whatta Storm

    ah Now I get what you're talking about with the 3 count and all, yeah I'll make sure not to do that again Thanks and yes I bust his chops as Danish Dynamite in another e-fed, hence "DD" (it's not cause of my magnificent rack)
  22. Bruce Blank

    Whatta Storm

    I'm not usually one for swearing - but an electrocuted Pete picking up the "Goldust syndrome" struck me as funny and if I make the false finishes too different than the real one... won't people spot that quickly? I'm not sure I follow what you mean and yes I am a strange human being it's one of my most endearing qualities - oh and did ya appriciate the Va'aiga shout out
  23. Bruce Blank

    SWF Lockdown Card 9-7-05

    Awesome card leading into Genesis but then again Storm was Awesome.... will Genesis be awesome? like there is any doubt
  24. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    I mainly asked cause I'm a curious kinda guy you know - I'll try and track some of it down and see if I like it or not doesn't hurt that Stan is the Man!
  25. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    And if Greg Gagne is your second highest face ... you in trouble! cause he's atrocious but he's Verne's son Oh and I've taken your advice - my 1989 blast from the past will be based on the USWA instead of AWA - it's a competition now!