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Bruce Blank

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Everything posted by Bruce Blank

  1. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    And if Greg Gagne is your second highest face ... you in trouble! cause he's atrocious but he's Verne's son
  2. Bruce Blank

    All-Star Batman and Robin

    I read it and I was totally not into it - just bleh! the cheesecake, the "new take" on Robin's Origin the fact that this is divorced from regular continuity just so that Miller doesn't have to worry about such details (damn it I like Continuity!) Nah I'll stop here and not get the next ASB&RTBW (has to be the longest most annoying title)
  3. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Hansen is an excellent addition to the AWA, since as KKC pointed out he has history with the company and all and well kicks copious amounts of ass, especially in 89 I'm liking where you're taking it - trying not to look too closely at it just yet, I want to get my 89 AWA Scenario going for a few shows before I do a detailed read through of your bookings
  4. Bruce Blank

    DC's "52"

    man I see Carpal Tunnel in J.G. Jones' future It's a solid team that can rotate to keep from being burnt out I assume that the artists will rotate as well
  5. Bruce Blank

    Ultimate C**** S***?

    Villains in the Ultimates? shady guys maybe, not so squeaky clean as their 616 counterparts but villains?? I don't see that Stormwatch I can buy, the Squad I can't
  6. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    ah yes - may I be allowed a "D'oh" on that one I'll PM it to ya so it's not spammed to bugger okay
  7. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Being mostly limited to the US and all - maybe a Southern Title to compliment it? I doubt you've got the risk level for a "Brass Knucks" title, which is kinda like a Hardcore title of the time And while I appriciate your offer I do not have MSN - I do have a mail add if you could mail it to me? hmmm maybe I could do my own AWA and we can compare notes?
  8. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    Interesting - I'm gonna have to snoop around for those. thank ya
  9. Bruce Blank

    My AWA

    Where did you get the AWA data file from? I'm a big EWR fan but I want a change from the usual stuff and was looking for something like this share, share
  10. Bruce Blank


    Noooo, no,no, no I ain't going there I don't wanna be hit by the EVIL, VICIOUS, NASTY, GIVES YOU A BRUISE, SPLITS YOUR WIG, MAKES YOU STU, STU, STUTTER LAAAAAAAAAAAAARIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!! No wait - Va'aiga is from New Zealand... damn you reality for fucking up a good joke!! DAMN YOU!
  11. Bruce Blank

    Who is the greatest Tag Team

    The Road Warriors Demolition The Hartfoundation The Midnight Express Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard The Freebirds baby!! (not the one with Garvin) The Steiner Brothers The British Bulldogs
  12. Bruce Blank

    PROMO: Hurricane Watch

    This next song goes out to Ghost Machine – who seems to be turning a very important corner in life. Where have all the good men gone And where are all the gods? Where’s the street-wise Hercules To fight the rising odds? Isn’t there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need I need a hero I'm holding out for at hero 'till the end of the night He's gotta be strong And he's gotta kill the chopper pilot and a terrorist And he’s gotta sodomize his former manager to a bloody pulp!! I need a hero!! Nice beat, you can dance to it
  13. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    All Japan style? that'll teach me for only downloading the lightweight stuff, watching NJPW in the past and buying every FMW tape I can get my hands on cause erm... well nope got no clue what sets the AJPW style apart from others Being Danish and living in Denmark I've not been exposed only to the WWE/WCW stuff though, Lucha Libre is my favorite style but I've also seen quite a bit of European style wrestling (CWA in germany and British stuff) and a lot of US indies - going back to the Von Eric glory days of WCCW, USWA, GWF, ECW. (Sattelite TV used to be awesome!) So I'd personally hate to see squashes and spine busters unless the spinebuster is done by Double A or Ron Simmons And Danny trust me I’m in no way trying to take away from your win – 4 times World champ says a hell of a lot about your writing skills, especially in an awesome fed like SWF it is an amazing accomplishment. And if I ever face you… can I write you as having a skullet like Hogan? No?? dang!
  14. Bruce Blank

    PROMO: Effects of the REAL Storm

    On reflection I should have named the Aligator Khan instead Bruce Blank: KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANN!!!!!!!!!!11!1!111!!!
  15. Bruce Blank

    PROMO: Effects of the REAL Storm

    “Oh jesh” Bruce Blank surveys the damage. He is on the grounds of what was once a thriving, albeit dirty trailer park in Mobile Alabama, but thanks to the impact of Hurricane Katrina it is now mostly mud, turned over trailers and debris. And Bruce is still hung over from Lockdown – stupid, stupid, stupid idea to drink the whole bottle. He liked to take a trophy from a beaten opponent, but he really should think before he does it sometimes So his head is hurting like there was a Frenchman living in it and his home had been shattered. He had just stepped out of his beat up Ford P.O.S. van and looked at the trailer park, he just stood there and tried to take it all in – then a thought hits him “Fang” He is worried, he throws down the cigarette he was working on and runs towards the spot his trailer used to be, right next to the rusty wreck of an old car… no the wreck of the RED rusty car, not the blue or the black or the white one. “FANG!! Where are you baby??” He starts to rummage around the debris, pushing over a broken fold out couch – the couch was actually quite dirty even before it got stuck in the mud. He looked around and kept yelling for Fang “FANG!! Come to daddy!!” Finally he hears a sound, rushes towards it and finds the tub from his bathroom overturned. He quickly lifts it off whatever was underneath and then smiles “FANG!! Daddy’s boy okay?? Bruce bends down and kisses the big alligator straight on the nose, then proceeds to check it for broken bones. “You’re alright boy, you’re alright” He pads it on the back, his pet alligator had survived. Then he looks at his stuff, there was his TV from the living room / kitchen / Dining room section. Clothes everywhere – as dirty as he left it. He almost sheds a tear when he sees his Elvis collector’s plates all smashed up. “Fang, Daddy’s gonna let you go… run free boy, run free” Fang the Gator lookesat him for a moment as if to say “are you sure” – Bruce looks the other way and tells the gator to leave “Go on now, go on” Bruce hide a tear as his gator scamperes off into the woods in search of a lake, a river or a bit of gator poontang. Then Bruce gets up, wipes his eyes with a dirty handkerchief and starts to pick up whatever he can salvage and put in the back of his pick up. “Thank god my Skynyrd CD’s are okay in their custom box” He picks up a box of CDs, he finds a tool box and several tools, roll after roll of duct tape – even a roll of toilet paper. Anything and everything he can salvage from what used to be his home. As he ties a tarp over the top of the sad remains his cell phone goes off. “Trixie I don’t have time for this” Bruce looks pissed, he was not in the mood to talk to any of his ex-wives right now. Then his expression changes. “Sorry I thought you were my ex.” --- “No you don’t sound like a woman, that’s not what I meant” --- “So where are we at this time?” --- “Indianapolis? Yeah I’ll be there” --- “I said I’ll be there, I’ll drive there I can make it by the 2nd.” --- “I know it’s over 750 miles, I got my trusty truck I’ll be there” --- “I said I’ll be there – I won’t bail on you guys” Bruce hangs up. Then he takes one last long look at the trailer park “We had some good times here… like the time we hid a dead body in Bobby-Joe’s bed, man was she pissed off… glad I divorced that bitch” Before the big lug can get too emotional he gets into the car and on the 4th try actually manages to start it. Then he pulls out of the parking lot, he would now be on the road with SWF, quite literally as he has no place else to go.
  16. disturbing visuals at the end I think the problem people have is that it's hard to take a gimmick like "He's a robot" serious - so you should either play it as a comedy gimmick or "tweak it" Maybe play off the fact that he's been forced to submit a few times - so he feels pain.. so he's not really a robot Just some loon that thinks he's a robot - instead of making everyone do the "is he or isn't he a robot" besides isn't he much scarrier if he's revealed as completly divorced from reality and he THINKS he's a robot - I mean PSYCHO!! Give him a psycho vibe instead of a "comedy gimmick" vibe just a suggestion
  17. Bruce Blank

    SWF Storm Card, 9-2-05!

    "Here comes the rain la, la, la, la" Hardcore Title + Falls count anywhere + Parking lot + a Thunder storm = 70 different ideas to work into a 5000 word match this is going to be fun!
  18. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    Well I said ”a bit more back and forth” Not to make the whole match a back and forth 3 moves here, 2 moves there – that’s not what I was advocating I was talking about a mix of both – yeah have extended periods of a guy dominating of course, but I’d personally throw in sequences where it is back and forth in a more equal way with someone ending up with the upper hand. Or throw in a point during the dominant period where the face gets in a few shots to wake the crowd up and hope “oh this is it” only to have their hopes squashed by the bad guy for a bit longer. You can have both, it’s the balance that makes the match really exciting IMO. I hope that cleared up what I was trying to say? Oh and the Skull / Manson match? *Stands in even greater awe * Thank you for explaining the extent of the awesomeness of that match – just made it even funnier.
  19. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    LOL well I was just making an observation - no harm, no foul on my end
  20. Bruce Blank

    Ultimate C**** S***?

    Say what?? the Suicide Squad and the Ultimates have one thing in common - the government connection, and even that's two different takes on it the rest? in no way, shade or for are they the same I'm curious to what aspects you think are the same in the Suicide Squad and the Ultimates books cause I don't see it
  21. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    Detailed feedback it is - helps that I did a thorough read through earlier It’s Lockdown and we’re in Cleveland But Cleveland sucks so they don’t get a national anthem, serves them right Up first – well hey I open the show - Backstage Landon is up to all sorts of mischief – odds are good that it’ll involve a certain enemy that’s been chasing him At least that’s what it looks like at the moment – Landon Mystery Theatre is sufficiently intriguing for me to want to read more At least 2 more segments on it (what luck ) But kidding aside it does set the stage very well for what happens at the end. Top notch angle work - Then I’m drunk backstage and insult anyone under 250… what was I thinking? Oh yeah I was drunk *blushes* - Interview time – the unfortunate Ben Hardy gets to interview Chris Card about TKO Which in essence boils down to – TKO have been a team longer than anyone so they’ll whoop ass. It’ll definitely set them apart that they seem to be a tag-team first and foremost and not so much individuals – everyone else seems to be the other way around. Just be glad we don’t apply TKO logic and book them against the Bushwackers – 20 years plus babeee!!! it also points out that we have ONE other regular team – which is true… but sad - TKO!! .. sorry it’s T!! K!! O!! now Taking on the Cruiserweight champion JJ Johnson and the Hardcore Gamers champion Marcus Ward Hello?? Yes Hardcore title.. that’s right they’re in there with 2 champs, not 1 – a slight oversight. Now I’m not up on how heelish of a heel JJ Johnson or Marcus Ward is – but they must be über-moster-bad ass heels if they can get the fans to cheer for TKO… And not a single “USA” Chant to be heard? Where did you guys find smark fans like that in Cleveland of all places?? I’ve been there, I’ve looked!! JJ Johnson gets in some offence, in two separate sequences and holds his own in a non-sexual way – but poor Marcus Ward, he was Duane Gill’ed big time in this match. Last time I saw squash that big it was at a fair and it won a ribbon of some sort. I can’t deny that TKO has the style down, the high impact, in your face style that their profiles suggest and the match in general is pretty good. Just the squashing of Marcus Ward made it less enjoyable for me (not trying to start shit – I’m just personally a big fan of making the losing side look good in defeat whenever possible) - Skully fights Manson And it seems they know each other from “way back when” – an interesting backstory that could be told one day, but may not. The back and forth between Manson & Skull – talking as much as fighting made for a very different match, but it suited the story that was told. The ending where Pete tells King that the match was won with a leg drop instead of the actual move confuses me… even now (but I am easily confused) Enjoyable on the comedy match side – and the Skull is still undefeated! - Landon Mystery Theatre Part II Another phone call – not for food, not for a hooker, so who is it for?? Stay tuned as the cliffhanger hands on the cliff!! - Up Next: Hawke is cheered?? Zyon is screwed?? Cleveland fans bathe?? Well 2 out of three happens And it makes sense in many ways. Jay returns home and gets quite a surprising home town pop, but hey they need champions and Jay has the gold. It actually made sense on reflection – damn you for making me have to think! Zyon Vs Hawke – if Zyon loses he’ll lose the Genesis spot!! Will Hawke cheat? Will the plucky youngster win? Yes and yes – but the cheating backfires as the Cleveland Athletic committee overreacts really badly to a pre-bell attack (I hate Cleveland!) and Hawke is disqualified! YAY for Zyon he gets the match Buh for the fans – they’re stuck with Zyon taking down Martin Hunt in quick fashion. And yes Zyon you’re welcome, I softened him up for ya Leading to a good, emotional promo from Hawke – making me wish that Genesis was NOW and these two could just go at it no holds barred! But they can’t… yet. But I’m hooked. - Up next – the giant and the Luchador. Does size matter? Will ELM be the little Lunchamadoor that could?? Sadly we will not know, not tonight as the match isn’t on. ELM jumps the big guy before the match but takes a powder when the big man fights back and breaks the flag Did he not KNOW that Devon was this huge when he signed the contract? - Main event time – its crunch time as Johnny D has to prove all his detractors wrong and face the vet Danny Williams Man is Danny from Cleveland? Well tonight he is while Johnny D is hated more than a French guy, and that’s saying something! Danny is complete and utter dominant control early on, sending the now cowardly cheater Johnny scurrying more than once to get a break – he even tries running away but Dan-e! grabs him and drags his ass back to the ring for a continued beat down. Proving that he’s not the designated Steve Lombardi of the match Johnny does take the advantage and tears into Danny. Great explanations of what’s going on, I mean I felt like I was in the ring looking at Danny getting torn apart by Dangerous for a very extended period. Dangerous even tries to get himself disqualified – channelling the Honky Tonk Man’s best features, but the dickish move is ignored by the referee. Johnny D is really being written as a man driven to the edge of desperation by Danny Williams. Shaking off the brutal beating – and landing nuts first on the top turnbuckle as well Danny springs to life!! And all it takes to finish off the man that’s been on office since then is a top rope power bomb – then what seems to be minutes later, the Axe Bomber Not bad for a guy that’d been beaten like that side of beef in Rocky. Danny NUMBA ONE!! – which is a new record, 4 eh? A suitable celebration & mention of ELM (they also claimed was booked for Storm – I didn’t see it on the card??) A good match, the crowd reaction in the beginning was excellent. If it had a bit more back and forth and not 3 distinct segments (1) Danny kicks ass 2) Dangerous kicks ass 3) Danny overcomes in the end) then it would have made it a superb way to finish the show. - Which isn’t finished – what’s this? new champ upstaged? From Landon’s Hotel room – it’s Part Troi!! Ben actually does get a scoop this time, holy crap and the mystery is unveiled Landon Maddix, J.J. Johnson and Jay Hawke – “the Future” (that is their name right?) the latest 3 man stable sensation to hit SWF. I guess it’s cause I’m not that familiar with JJ but it gave me a chuckle to see them call the CRUISERWEIGHT champion their enforcer, but I’m sure that’s just me not having a grip on JJJ Great set up – good team combo Name – well it’s to the point I just wish it had been more of a “in the arena” promo or something, maybe even tie in to Landon’s long running feud. -- Over all a good show thought, a really enjoyable read – Raw or Smackdown ain’t nothing compared to this
  22. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    Yeah I'd love some detailed feedback on my first shot at SWF glorah!! and I'll give it another read and make some notes.
  23. Bruce Blank

    Smarkdown comments

    I gotta give the Hawke / Zyon segment a big thumbs up - way to build a good feud, loving it. I'm curious what people thought of my match - it's the first match I've written with this purpose - In the past all my match writing has been as results for promo-feds oh and Dan-e?? I thought his last name was Williams or is it Dan E. Williams erm - last time I did a more detailed view of it, but no one seemed to care and I was the only one, so is there a point to doing that?
  24. Bruce Blank

    SWF Title Histories

    Just a quick comment here since some people seem to play the "We ain't got no Hardcore Gamer's champ" game we do - Marcus Ward, I noticed it not being mentioned in the tag match he got pwned in nor anywhere else in the last two shows, poor Ward - the man keepin' ya down!
  25. Bruce Blank

    SWF Storm Card, 9-2-05!

    I know Janus - I've got a lot of ideas in me noggin' for the parking lot. An inspired location for some asphalt splattery but no match yet and in that case - thank god for Janus