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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty

    Ask Milky.

    Tell us innocent stories from your early childhood.
  2. Smartly Pretty


    Like a breakfast cereal.
  3. Smartly Pretty

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    Does anyone in the entire world have more embarrassing facial hair than Crosby? At least Scott Spezio had the testosterone to HAVE facial hair to make his absurd. Crosby just looks like the kid who sits next to me in math class.
  4. Smartly Pretty


    I like granola now. I used to only eat it in the form of a bar, but now I enjoy granola in all incarnations.
  5. Smartly Pretty

    Top 10 Favorite Musicians of All Time

    I love Pete Dohrety too, man. Me too.
  6. Smartly Pretty

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    How the FUCK is that not a double fucking minor. EDIT: and then they send Jagr to the box. Fuck this.
  7. Smartly Pretty

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    Looks like I've got this shirt on til at least Sunday.
  8. Smartly Pretty

    The Master of Side Dishes Tournament

    Corn on the cob. Good corn on the cob is fucking fantastic. Garlic bread. How the fuck did cheddar biscuits beat cornbread? I'm not even sure what the fuck cheddar biscuits are. Shit, shit, shit, uh, baked potato. I guess. Tough one there. White rice. Too good to lose to something that sounds like a 3 year old imitating a train.
  9. Smartly Pretty

    2008 Stanley Cup playoffs - round deux

    I have a Lundqvist t-shirt jersey on right now. If the Rangers win tonight, I'm considering not removing it until the Rangers season is finished.
  10. Smartly Pretty

    My 10 All-Time Favorite Songs

    Climbing, What Katie Did, Debaser and Is This It are all still top 10 favorites. Everything else probably drops, except for MAYBE Trigger Cut, but I think I like Filmore Jive better. History Lesson Part II by Minutemen belongs on that list for sure, and Pop Songs Your New Boyfriend's Too Stupid To Know About by Tullycraft probably lands in the top 10 as well. Interesting how no one is ever really satisfied with lists like these.
  11. Smartly Pretty

    The Master of Side Dishes Tournament

    Picnic Basket Free for All 1. Cole slaw vs 4. Corn on the Cob I can't get past the smell of cole slaw. 2. Baked Beans vs 3. Mac and Cheese M&C is a classic Bread Bracket 1. Cheddar Biscuits vs 4. Cornbread Giving reasons is hard in a competition about food. I like the way cornbread tastes? 2. Garlic Bread vs 3. Hush Puppies Especially if there is marinara sauce handy. Taters! 1. Fuckin' Baked Potato vs. 4. Hash Browns May very well win the whole thing 2. French Fries vs. 3. Onion Rings (battle for fryer supremacy) Tough bracket in that if you've ever been to a Burrger King you've undoubtedly gotten both at the same time on accident. Greens and Grains 1. Asparagus vs. 4. Couscous Couscous is one of the four or five things included in every episode of 30 minute meals (couscous, chicken stock, grill seasoning, extraa virgin olive oil, and there's probably something else I'm missing she always uses) so I pick asparagus. 2. White Rice vs 3. Fried Okra The Tim Duncan of side dishes.
  12. Smartly Pretty

    The Damaramu Gym-o-Rama

    I've been going to the gym. Working on my altoids, they're curiously strong. I've never participated in a discussion about gyms without busting that quote out.
  13. Smartly Pretty

    The 2008 NFL Draft Thread.

    I found it pretty funny that Flacco was praised by Mortensen and Kiper because he had an "accurate arm that could throw 15-20 yards on a rope" , and "still shined as a quarterback with a weak season schedule and strong receivers". What? That was the same things people knocked him [brennan] for! Colt has tested better at accuracy than Flacco at every measure, and Flacco's arm is weak at the deep ball. What makes these guys different at all? Colt Brennan's throwing motion. EDIT: Shit, can you tell from that picture chad bradford throws side arm? he throws side arm. colt brennan's throwing motion is awful. That's what i mean. Like, you know how Ron jaworski will say "So and so has a bad throwing motion" but only he notices it because he played quarterback? brennan's throwing motion is so god awful everyone notices.
  14. Smartly Pretty

    The 2008 NFL Draft Thread.

    I like the Erik Ainge pick for the Jets.
  15. Smartly Pretty

    The 2008 NFL Draft Thread.

    Jets need to trade an actual player for some picks. a 4-12 team can't only have 5 picks, that's retarded. Maybe chris baker, or fuck, maybe Pennington.
  16. Smartly Pretty


  17. Smartly Pretty

    Ask Milky.

    Why'd you change your name? Milky Korova was great.
  18. Smartly Pretty

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Only Danica Patrick isn't good looking.
  19. Smartly Pretty

    Pawning decisions off on other people #29399

    I still remember the chat that the whole straight bread thing was invented. I think Toxx was there too. Cap'n Amp was probably in there too. We missed you Drea
  20. Smartly Pretty

    This Week In Baseball: 4/14-4/20

    I think if Luis Castillo puts that bunt down the Mets win the game. Oh well.
  21. Smartly Pretty

    The 2008 NFL Draft Thread.

    We already had this thread
  22. Smartly Pretty


    I still love this movie. Nothing has happened to change that. I don't know what fazzle is talking about though.
  23. Yes, well. My right hand is fried, so I suppose I'm a little uglier than I was before. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about that one girl, you know, the one at Yale. Who pretended to be pregnant many times and have several abortions? there's a thread about her?
  24. Milky, care to explain why? Or which part is brilliant? Because when I read shit like this I see a girl who's just starving for some attention. I bet she's really ugly.
  25. Smartly Pretty

    Talk About Power-Pop

    That was a really great show. It was the first time I heard the Little Ones, but after the show I bought both of their EPs, they're really good. And Ra Ra Riot are just unbelievable live. If Littles Ones and Ra Ra Riot stop by your area, you have to check it out.