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Smartly Pretty

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Everything posted by Smartly Pretty

  1. Smartly Pretty

    The Most Hyperbolic Three Paragraphs Ever

    Isn't this topic title kind of a hyperbole?
  2. Smartly Pretty

    Pictures I Like

  3. Smartly Pretty

    The College Football Thread 11/20 - 11/24

    Explain to me why Ray Rice isn't even in the top 10. You're not the only one dismissing him, so there must be some reason that I'm missing.
  4. Smartly Pretty

    Googling yourself

    I get some articles I wrote for the local newspaper that were later posted on the paper's website, and then some girl at school's ridiculous web page. Then some Harry Potter crap written by a guy with the same last name as me (my first name is Harry).
  5. Smartly Pretty

    MLB Off-season Thread

  6. Smartly Pretty

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Pablo Honey? Isn't that kind of like a fan of The Clash naming his dog Cut the Crap? No, because Pablo is actually a name.
  7. Smartly Pretty

    MLB Off-season Thread

    So if we want a starter, we're not going to package anything around Carlos Gomez. Is Fernando Martinez a higher end prospect?
  8. Smartly Pretty

    MLB Off-season Thread

    What's Carlos Gomez's value? Is he worth, like anything?
  9. Smartly Pretty

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I came home from school today and my mom had a dog. We've named him Pablo Honey. Do I win the contest for best dog name of all time?
  10. Smartly Pretty

    Mundane Sports Achievements

    How old were your kids? That sounds way more mature than anything I've seen.
  11. Smartly Pretty

    MLB Off-season Thread

    So with Glavine gone, what does the Mets rotation look like? Pedro Maine Perez...Pelfrey and Sosa? Uh-oh.
  12. Smartly Pretty

    MLB Off-season Thread

    I'm with devo. 4 years might be a bit much, but how often did we see a double steal with Reyes and Castillo this year? Plus, he played pretty well defensively. I'm totally ok with it.
  13. Smartly Pretty

    Do you have a close relationship with your family?

    My cousins are my best friends. We're all really spread out in age, but that never really mattered I guess, we used to hang out regularly. Now we're sort of spread out all over the map, so we see less of each other, but at every opportunity we hang out. We used to all live in New Jersey, now it's Jersey, New York, Florida, Colorado, and my brother is moving to California after the holiday's. Then I have a younger brother, who I don't think I would like at all if he wasn't my little brother, but he is, so I do. And then my sister is the most awesome 6 year old girl just about ever. I'm closer to my mom than my dad, but I love them both. So yeah, I've got a pretty close relationship with my family.
  14. Smartly Pretty

    NFL WEEK ELEVEN- Proving grounds.

    You'd think someone on the wrong end of Jeffrey Maier would be ok with officials reviewing things that alter games.
  15. Smartly Pretty

    NFL WEEK ELEVEN- Proving grounds.

    If it was your team youd be just as pissed off as I am when the refs ignore the rules and just give the win to the Browns. I'd be pissed, but I don't think my battle cry would be "IT'S THE REF'S FAULT".
  16. Smartly Pretty

    NFL WEEK ELEVEN- Proving grounds.

    Because he's a whiny Ravens fan, c'mon, stop asking questions you know the answer to.
  17. Smartly Pretty

    NFL WEEK ELEVEN- Proving grounds.

    Wow. Wow.
  18. Smartly Pretty

    The College Football Thread 11/13 - 11/17

    So who wants to explain to me why Ray Rice isn't even being MENTIONED in Heisman discussions?
  19. Smartly Pretty

    Mundane Sports Achievements

    I think our memories of playing little league baseball are a little distorted, now that I've been on both sides of it. Like, today, with runners on second and third, the guy on second tried to steal third. The catcher farted around with the ball for a minute or two, as the runner from second asked the coach what to do. the catcher ran to at least the pitchers mound before throwing a bouncing ball to second base and getting the runner out. The catcher was ecstatic (and good for him) but 10 years from now, when he someday posts in a Mundane Sports Achievements thread, that's going to be a bullet, picking a guy off at second base from the backstop. I remember these games being way more fluid than this. Also, no, we don't tell the parents the strike zone is big. I probably should, I'd get less assholes running onto the field.
  20. Smartly Pretty

    Christmas music

    Also, does "New York City" by They Might Be Giants remind anyone else of Christmas? yeah yeah yeah, I listen to They Might Be Giants.
  21. Smartly Pretty

    Mundane Sports Achievements

    I almost ejected a parent from a little league game today. He ran onto the field to complain about balls and strikes. I would have ejected him, but if you eject a parent then the kid has to come with him, and I don't want to take away a baseball game from a little kid. What parents don't realize is that the commissioner tells the umpires to make the strike zone huge because 8 year olds can't actually throw strikes.
  22. Smartly Pretty

    Don't Stop Believin'

    Someone recently spray painted a stop sign on my street so that it says "DON'T STOP BELIEVIN".
  23. Smartly Pretty

    Christmas music

    Didn't Sufjan Stevens do a christmas cd? Did anyone hear that? This thread reminds me of the day before Christmas break in elementary school when we would have a big sing-along in the gymnasatourium (audinasium?).
  24. Smartly Pretty

    NHL Thread - November 2007

    http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story/?ID=222992&hubname= Phoenix picked him up.
  25. Smartly Pretty

    Home Brewing

    I know Ace309 is quite the home brewer.